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Anglesey Mining #AYM – Alan Green talks to CEO Rob Marsden at Parys Mountain

Alan Green talks to recently appointed Anglesey Mining #AYM CEO Rob Marsden direct from the Company’s flagship Parys Mountain mine. Rob discusses his career, in particular the years he spent working at Rio Tinto and also the 3 years he spent heading up the Rio investment committee, charged with seeking new investment opportunities for the mining giant. Rob then covers his work as a consultant, working around the world and then the time he spent with former CEO Jo Battershill at Parys Mountain a few years ago, which led up to his joining the board. Rob provides his overview of the latest assay results from hole NCZ003, and explains how he believes the previous drilling in the 1960’s and 1970’s can give the team ‘incredible confidence’ going forward. We then look at how the team plan to approach the pre feasibility study, via both divergent and convergent phases leading to a robust PFS ahead of the move to feasibility study. Rob then maps out what investors can expect in the coming weeks and months, and how this week he has assembled a team of colleagues including a longstanding veteran Rio Tinto geologist who will bring ‘fresh eyes’ to the project.

Anglesey Mining #AYM – Developing the Parys Mountain Project in 2024

In this exclusive, full length interview, Anglesey Mining #AYM director Jo Battershill discusses the illustrious history of the Parys Mountain project in Anglesey and looks at the plans to develop the project in 2024. The interview covers:

  • Current drilling campaign and pre assay core assessment at the Northern copper Zone
  • ‘Unusually Conservative’ PEA numbers
  • The project’s clean tech metal profile
  • Future Opportunities and Peer Group comparisons
  • Stakes held in Grangesberg Iron Ore Project and Labrador Iron Mines
  • Near term milestones and next steps


Alpha Prospects – MSAART Plasmoid Technology investment opportunity


Alan Green talks to Alpha Prospects CEO Christopher Foster and Strike Energy President Gavin Houghton.

Alpha Prospects Ltd is an energy investment holding company with a flagship 15% shareholding in Strike Energy along with a 10% shareholding in Strike Foundation. Both are US companies which hold the license for the revolutionary Molten Sea Ark Atomic Reconstruction Technology (MSAART) invented by Malcolm Bendall. Christopher provides a brief overview of Alpha Prospects and MSAART technology principals and applications and how it harnesses the power of Plasmoids, a coherent structure of plasma and magnetic fields, found naturally in thunder storms and ball lightening. We then look at a brief video clip of Malcolm and his team successfully testing the technology, after which Gavin summarises the nebulous range of potential applications for MSAART plasmoid technology. An independent investment note was recently prepared and release by Equity Research Associates, and this is summarised by Christopher.

ECR Minerals #ECR – Alan Green talks to Chief Operating Officer Mike Whitlow

Following a major Board shake up at AIM listed ECR Minerals #ECR, Alan Green talks to newly appointed Chief Operating Officer Mike Whitlow. We discuss the board changes, the conditional fund raise of £580,000 and the near term plans to take ECR forward.

Poolbeg Pharma #POLB August 2023 – CEO Jeremy Skillington talks to Alan Green

Poolbeg CEO Jeremy Skillington talks to Alan Green in this August 2023 interview, and explains the company’s ‘capital light’ model that is giving the group a real market advantage. Jeremy then covers the developments this year with Poolbeg’s flagship POLB001 asset towards a blockbuster treatment for severe influenza, and the expansion of application into oncology and obesity. We then discuss joint ventures with AnaBio Technologies in the EncOVac consortium and the Cytoreason AI collaboration, before looking at Jeremy’s own aspirations and thoughts for Poolbeg’s future.

Blencowe Resources #BRES – CEO Video Interview

Blencowe Resources (BRES:LON), is pleased to share a recent interview with CEO Mike Ralston on the Proactive Investors platform.

Within this video interview, Blencowe CEO Mike Ralston provides further detail relating to the recently announced positive metallurgical test work results from Orom-Cross by the leading Chinese graphite technical specialist laboratory (based at Wuhan University) where open cycle floatation tests produced recoveries between 92-94% (previously 90%) and concentrate grades consistently ranging  between 95-98% for all graphite mesh sizes.

In the interview, Mr. Ralston also updates on progress with securing a $5 million grant from the US International Development Finance Corporation (“DFC”).


Click on the link below to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgdVG1lvlZM&ab_channel=ProactiveInvestors

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Tel: +44 (0)20 7100 5100 jonathan.evans@tavira.group

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Tel: +44 (0)20 7330 1883




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Cadence Minerals #KDNC June 2023 – CEO Kiran Morzaria talks to Alan Green

Cadence CEO Kiran Morzaria talks to Alan Green and discusses the $2m funding package announced last week, which has raised a few questions from investors. Kiran explains the finance structure, the progress the money is expected to deliver for Amapa and also discusses markets and the current share price. We then discuss the shipping of the stockpiles at Santana port, and the prospects for a fully recommissioned Amapa mine, railway and port. Kiran then looks at the Lithium and Rare Earths investments held by Cadence in Australia (Evergreen Lithium #EG1 & Hastings Technology Metals #HAS), plus the Sonora Lithium concessions in Mexico and the Cadence stake in European Metals #EMH and the Cinovec Lithium and Tin mine. We finish by looking at potential future investments.

ECR Minerals playing the big game – Andrew Scott talks to Andrew Haythorpe and Adam Jones

In a new June 2023 ‘on the ground’ interview, Andrew Scott talks to Andrew Haythorpe and Adam Jones about the exploration programme. Adam covers his schedule, boots on the ground at Hurricane (5-7 days) meeting the previous owner, and he will then be at Lolworth for the rest of June taking rock chips and sampling where the tantalum & niobium and rare earths were discovered last year. Andrew Haythorpe talks about the bigger picture for Lolworth in the back yard of Charters Towers, Pajingo etc, looks at the 1980s results, how the area is so unexplored and why the results, size and scale of the area offers so much potential. Both believe that very little would be needed to put the Lolworth discoveries on the scale of Charters Towers, given the 10km ridgeline, the specific area of interest 3.5 x 4km (12-20sq km), but there is also an overlap in the SE of the tenement with the same geology, which is totally untested, which could be 3x the size of the current ridgeline. Adam and Andrew then discuss the planning for Hurricane, putting in access tracks to the breccia veins with bulldozers and an initial RC drilling plan. Andrew explains how the current private landowners have been unable to exploit the asset, and how ECR are the first company with significant resources to get on the ground there.

Moving to Creswick, Adam touches on the underwhelming initial results, but points to the fact there is a 10k trend that remains to be tested, and the reasons why ECR has to work smarter. Adam looks at the geology of nearby Ballarat compared to Creswick – similar structure, narrow vein, anticlines etc, with some 30 veins already identified along the 10k strike. In summary, Andrew highlights the work Adam and the team have done with soil geochemistry and sampling and how they are ‘ranking’ the prospects to get the biggest bang for the ECR buck. In summary, the ECR team are are here to find good grades. Lolworth has some ‘smoking’ mineralisation and Andrew believes at Hurricane will deliver at 20-40-60m below surface, in other words a classicAustralian open cut mining start up which gives ECR a chance to play the big game.

ECR Minerals #ECR – CEO Andrew Haythorpe discusses exploration progress at Queensland & Victoria

ECR CEO Andrew Haythorpe discusses the latest exploration progress at Victoria and the transition to Queensland. Andrew discusses the potential he sees at Lolworth, with 30 different gold occurrences plus niobium and tantalum already at such an early phase. He then looks at the Hurricane project, and how the gold in veins at surface are consistently 1-5m thick (one was 60m thick), which leads to a consistent 1-5 g/t at surface, and the most recent project acquisition, the Blue Mountain project where there is a lot of alluvial gold. Andrew then covers how low cost work programmes including geophysics and geochemistry, RC drilling keep the costs down and will identify the biggest and best anomalies. On funding, there are plans for further asset sales, and he confirms ECR are fully funded for all QLD and Victoria exploration this year. In summary, Andrew believes the chances of pinning down a major find in Queensland is much better. ECR has the right people and right geology, plus there could be some major players keen on partnering in Queensland.

First Class Metals #FCM – Alan Green talks to CEO Marc Sale at Deutsche Goldmesse in Frankfurt

Alan Green talks to First Class Metals #FCM CEO Marc Sale at Deutsche Goldmesse in Frankfurt. Marc looks at the latest developments and soil sampling results from the Company’s Esa prospect, which is situated near to the famous Hemlo Gold Mine. We then look at progress at the Company’s flagship South Hemlo project and progress with the Palladium One JV at West Pickle Lake nickel copper sulphide project, plus Marc updates on progress at Dead Otter Lake before we discuss the new ZIgZag Lithium project agreement with Nuinsco Resources. Marc then touches on some of the other projects before summarising the upcoming value inflection points that investors can look forward to in the coming months.

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