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Steel rebound spurs optimism in met-grade fluorspar market – IndMin

First published Wednesday 18 May 2016

Growing steel production insulates metallurgical grade fluorspar market; customers turn to Afghanistan, Iran for low-cost supplies. A rebound in China and US’ steel output in the first four months of 2016 has insulated the metallurgical-grade fluorspar (metspar) market with increased enquiries signalling a recovery in demand. Registering 0.5% year-on-year (y-o-y) growth in crude steel production in the month of April this year, China’s consumption of lower…

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Fluorspar enquiries surge entering seasonal buying period – IndMin.

First published Friday 22 April 2016

Increased trade enquiries for the fluorine material signal recovery as the buying season kicks off, with potential price increase despite excess supply in China; industry remains optimistic for H2 2016. IndMin sources reported an upturn in enquiries for acid grade fluorspar (acidspar) as the seasonal buying period begins, which could fuel potential price recovery entering H2 2016. Although significant demand uptick is yet to return, producers are seeing greater interest from….

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Is China turning to become a fluorspar importer? – IndMin

Published: Friday, 29 April 2016


Trade statistics from China for the first quarter of 2016 have revealed a significant drop in the country’s upstream fluorspar exports, with acid grade fluorspar (acidspar) figures falling by 10% year-over-year (y-o-y), while metallurgical grade fluorspar (metspar) dropping by 24% y-o-y….Exports for both acid and met grade fluorspar dropped significantly in Q1 2016, while HF acid trades remained steady against AlF3. China’s acidspar imports have increased by as much as 220% y-o-y, mainly from Vietnam, following four-digit growth in 2015 imports.

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