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Ian Pollard – easyJet benefits from collapse of competition & Ryanair disruption

easyJet plc EZJ produced a strong first quarter performance thanks in part at least to the collapse of a number its competitors such as Al Italia, Monarch and Air Berlin, which it has now bought and the disruption suffered by its main competitor Ryanair. On time performance rose by 2 percentage points to 81% despite increased disruption. Total revenue for the quarter rose by 14% and passenger numbers by 8%. Constant currency revenue is expected to rise by mid to high single digits in the first half of 2018. Passenger numbers are expected to rise from 80 million to 90 million, again helped by the lack of competition.

IG Group Holdings IGG produced new records in revenue and profit before tax in the half year to the 30th November. Profit before tax rose by 29%, diluted earnings per share by 30% and operating expenses fell by 7%. Own funds generated by operations rose by 38%.The interim dividend is being increased a tad to 9.69p per share compared to 9.42 pence in 2017

Pets at Home Group PETS The third quarter to the 4th January produced group revenue growth of 9.6% or 7.2% on a like for like basis after a strong customer response following the launch of a low price initiative.

Marstons MARS suffered disruption from ice and snow  both at the beginning of December and between Christmas and the New Year which cost it nearly £1m in lost profits. Despite that  Santa looked kindly  on the brewer on Xmas day itself which produced record retail sales  of nearly £4m., 5.4% up on last year. Market conditions are tough but 2018 will still see the opening of 15 new restaurants and pubs and 6 lodges.

Elecosoft ELCO Profit before tax and revenue for the year to 31st December are expected to be significantly higher than in 2016. Following strong conversion of operating profits into cash, net borowings were eliminated at the 30th June. Staff are praised for the development of a number of significant award winning technical innovations which have pleased customers.

Ideagen IDEA saw revenue rise by 43% and adjusted profit before tax by 56% after a strong performance during the half year to the 31st October. Sales momentum was strong in the USA, Europe and in the Asia Pacific region. Current trading is described as robust and the interim dividend is to be increased by 15%.

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Corporate news review Thursday 21st September 2017

APC Technology APC says unaudited FY results to 31 Aug 2017 are expected to show revenue of £15.6m (2016: £17.9m), gross profit of £5.5m (2016: £6.4m), an operating profit before interest, amortisation, depreciation and exceptional costs of £0.8m (2016: £0.3m) and a PBT in the region of £0.2m, the first PBT since Aug 2014.

Compass Group CPG says CEO Richard Cousins has decided to step down on 30 Sept 2018. He will be succeeded by Dominic Blakemore, currently COO Europe.

IG Group IGG reports a record Q1 in relatively quiet financial markets, with revenues 21% of the last quarter at £135.2m.

Mitchells & Butlers MAB says the weather in August and September has adversely affected the market, but it remains encouraged that its like-for-like sales performance continues to outperform the market. As such MAB expects to deliver a full year performance in line with the Board’s expectations.

NCC Group NCC said it continues to trade in line with expectations for the full year.

SCISYS SSY reports half year results to 30 June 2017. Half year adjusted operating profit rose 18% to £1.3m, on revenues up 23% to £27.2m. Order book stands at a record £64m, and the interim dividend is up 11% at 0.59p. Chairman Mike Love said the company currently expects to deliver FY results at the upper end of current guidance.

Brand CEO Alan Green discusses IG Group (IGG), Premier Oil (PMO) & Angus Energy (ANGS) on Vox Markets podcast

Brand CEO Alan Green discusses IG Group (IGG), Premier Oil (PMO) & Angus Energy (ANGS) with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets podcast. The interview is 13 minutes 55 seconds in.

Brand CEO Alan Green with Zak Mir on TipTV – Prospects for 2017 – Reasons to be Cheerful


Brand CEO Alan Green with Zak Mir on TipTV – Prospects for 2017 – Reasons to be Cheerful, plus stocks including Marks & Spencer (MKS) and IG Group (IGG). Link here

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