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Evening Standard – It’s Time To Switch Your Hand Sanitiser – Spectriskin

Evening Standard – Since the onset of the pandemic, the UK has seen a surge in the use of hand sanitisers as a method of protection.

Spectriskin’s all in one HOCL (Hypochlorous Acid) sanitising mist Spectrimist is an alcohol-free, fine mist sanitising spray for hands and surfaces.

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SpectrumX Pre-IPO Raise

This Pre-IPO offering outlines the opportunities for the commercialisation of novel formulations of HOCL in the healthcare and pharmaceutical markets. Specifically how the SpectrumX Group can positively impact these sectors, through a diversified portfolio of offerings, by exploiting licenses from Spectrum Antimicrobials Inc., of the world’s first and only patent-protectable formulations of HOCL (Hypochlorous Acid).

The company is focused on bringing to market a groundbreaking respiratory therapy (SPC-069) and the roll out of the most powerful hand sanitiser in the world (Spectricept™). Both products utilise unique patent pending HOCL formulations.

HOCL is naturally occurring in human’s white blood cells and is a key contributor to mankind’s evolution and protection over millions of years. It is human safe whilst also being the most effective disinfectant known to mankind.


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