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Vodafone Revenue Tumbles in UK

Vodafone VOD seems to have got its wires in a twist which will not be a surprise to many of its customers, as it describes a fall in revenue of 6.2% in Africa, Middle East and Asia Pacific for the quarter to 30th June, as “strong growth”. A revenue fall of 3.2% for Europe is honoured with the title of “stable”, despite what that nasty regulator has done in stopping the roaming fees rip off.

Reported UK revenue seems to have left the chief executive speechless as it tumbled by 11.2%, or 3.2%, if you prefer your tumbles on a like for like basis. There was even an adverse impact of 5.3% from foreign exchange impacts, which in some companies would be taken as a reflection on managements ability to manage.

Heathrow SP Ltd is another one describing a 1% rise in revenue and a 0.6% rise in passengers, for the half year to the end of June, as a strong performance. The company is also pleased with a 1.7% rise in cargo.True,  adjusted EBITDA was up by 4% and retail revenue per passenger also rose by 8.7%. ( I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that the rise in passengers was so tiny.)  Pre tax profit is expected to be up by 7.1%

Big Yellow Group BYG Revenue for the quarter to the end of June has risen by 10%, or 8% on a like for like basis, following a rise of 2.4% in occupancy rates.


CRH plc CRH First half group EBITDA should now exceed previous expectations of close to 1 billion Euro and reach 1.1 billion.

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