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Ian Pollard: NMC Health Comfortable Contradictions – And Jargon A Plenty

NMC Health plc updates that management remains comfortable with and reiterates guidance for 2018 and 2019 whilst at the same time contradicting itself with statements that it is delivering further positive operational progress, enjoying strong growth and improving second half cash flow. The update then repeats the updated figures for full years 2018 and 2019 given at the last update. There is one change however in that O&M vertical continues to expand and KPIs for management LTIP have been revised. At this late stage of the year NMC must now be well in the running for first prize in the jargon stakes.

Big Sofa Technologies Group BST revenues for the year ending 31 December 2018 are expected to show growth growth of approximately 31 per cent over 2017. The Board believes that the programme of material cost savings for 2018 and 2019 places the Company on an accelerated path to breakeven.

Access Intelligence ACC announces that strong growth for the year to the end of November has led to the company enjoying the busiest year in its history with a growing market position. The Group’s total annual contract value at 30 November 2018 was approximately £12.4 million, compared to £8.6 million as at the end of November 2017. Recent contract wins including Porsche, Fiat Chrysler ,Mercedes, Médecins Sans Frontières, Investec, Philips, Air France KLM, Emirates Group, and DFDS Seaways, to name but a few.

Van Elle Holdings plc VANL experienced a quiet start to the current year after a challenging period for  UK construction markets in early 2018. Market conditions have improved in the second quarter. Expected underlying PBT of £2.8m (H1 2017: £5.4m) for the first half to the 31st October reflects the impact of those earlier subdued activity levels. At the end of October the Group’s order book was 16% ahead of last year. Momentum is now  building into the third quarter.

Hardide plc HDD reports record revenues for the year to the 30th September with a rise of 42%.  Sales to customers in North America rose by 84% year on year and now account for 61% of total group sales. Oil and gas revenue grew significantly, with strong sales to new and existing customer. Further progress towards profitability will be made in the coming year

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