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GreenX Metals #GRX – Trading Halt
2nd March 2023 / Leave a comment
GreenX Metals Limited (ASX:GRX; LSE:GRX; WSE:GRX) (GreenX or the Company) advises, that today the Company requested an immediate voluntary trading halt in its shares on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), pending an announcement regarding a capital raising.
The Company has requested that the trading halt remain until the earlier of an announcement to the market regarding the above or the opening of trade on ASX on 7 March 2023.
Trading in the Company’s ordinary securities will continue to trade as normal on the London and Warsaw Stock Exchanges during this period.
For further information please contact:
Dylan Browne
Company Secretary
+61 8 9322 6322
GreenX Metals #GRX – Arbitration Hearing Regarding Claims Against Poland Now Completed
29th November 2022 / Leave a comment
GreenX Metals Limited (GreenX or the Company) is pleased to report the conclusion of the hearing for the international arbitration claims (Claim) against the Republic of Poland under both the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) and the Australia-Poland Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) (together the Treaties). The hearing took place in London and lasted two weeks.
- Combined BIT and ECT arbitration hearing has now been completed in front of the Arbitral Tribunal under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules for GreenX’s claims against Poland
- Damages of up to £737 million (A$1.3 billion/PLN 4.0 billion) have been claimed including the assessed value of GreenX’s lost profits and damages related to both the Jan Karski and Debiensko projects, and accrued interest related to any damages
- The Company has funded the Claim proceedings under its US$12.3 million Litigation Funding Agreement
Following completion of the hearing, the Arbitral Tribunal will render an Award (i.e., the legal term used for a decision by the tribunal) in due course. There is no specified date for an Award to be rendered. As previously advised, the arbitration and hearing proceedings are required to be kept confidential.
Mr Stoikovich, Chief Executive Officer of GreenX commented: “We are pleased to have completed the arbitration hearing for both the BIT and ECT Claims. There has been an enormous amount of time and effort put into the Claim by our legal and management teams. We now look forward to the Arbitral Tribunal rendering the Award in due course. GreenX has claimed up to £737 million in damages following Poland’s acts against the Company which prevented it from being able to develop the Jan Karski and Debiensko projects.”
The Company’s Claim against the Republic of Poland is being prosecuted through an established and enforceable legal framework, with GreenX and Poland agreeing to apply the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Rules (UNCITRAL) rules to the proceedings. The arbitration claims are being administered through the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague.
The evidentiary hearing phase of the arbitration proceedings has now been completed in front of the Arbitral Tribunal.With completion of the hearing, the Arbitral Tribunal will render an Award in due course. There is no specified date for an Award to be rendered. The Company’s claims for damages against Poland are in the amount of up to £737 million (A$1.3 billion/PLN4.0 billion), which includes a revised assessment of the value of GreenX’s lost profits and damages related to both the Jan Karski and Debiensko projects, and accrued interest related to any damages. The Claim for damages has been assessed by independent external quantum experts appointed by GreenX specifically for the purposes of the Claim.
In July 2020, the Company announced it had executed the Litigation Funding Agreement (LFA) for US$12.3 million with Litigation Capital Management (LCM). The facility is currently being drawn down to cover legal, tribunal and external expert costs as well as defined operating expenses associated with the Claim. The LFA is a limited recourse loan with LCM that is on a “no win – no fee” basis.
In September 2020, GreenX announced that it had formally commenced with the Claim by serving the Notices of Arbitration against the Republic of Poland. In June 2021, GreenX announced that it had formally lodged its Statement of Claim in the BIT arbitration, including the first assessed claim for compensation. The Company’s Statement of Reply, the last material filing to be made by the Company for the BIT arbitration proceedings, was submitted in July 2021. The Statement of Reply addresses various points raised by the Republic of Poland in their Statement of Defence. The Statement of Reply also contains a re-evaluation of the claim for damages based on responses to Poland’s Statement of Defence.
GreenX’s dispute alleges that the Republic of Poland has breached its obligations under the applicable Treaties through its actions to block the development of the Company’s Jan Karski and Debiensko projects in Poland which effectively deprived GreenX of the entire value of its investments in Poland.
In February 2019, GreenX formally notified the Polish Government that there exists an investment dispute between GreenX and the Polish Government. GreenX’s notification called for prompt negotiations with the Government to amicably resolve the dispute and indicated GreenX’s right to submit the dispute to international arbitration in the event of the dispute not being resolved amicably.
GreenX’s investment dispute with the Republic of Poland is not unique, with international media widely reporting that the political environment and investment climate in Poland has deteriorated since the change in Government in 2015. As a result, there are a significant number of International Arbitration claims being bought against Poland.
Alan Green covers Premier African Minerals #PREM & GreenX Metals #GRX on this week’s Stockbox Research Talks
13th November 2022 / Leave a comment
Alan Green covers Premier African Minerals #PREM & GreenX Metals #GRX on this week’s Stockbox Research Talks
GreenX Metals #GRX – Highly Encouraging Results from Initial ARC Site Visit
9th November 2022 / Leave a comment
GreenX Metals Ltd #GRX (GreenX or the Company) and its joint-venture (JV) partner Greenfields Exploration Ltd (Greenfields) are pleased to announce the results from the first site visit to the Arctic Rift Copper Project (ARC) in Greenland. The results of this work program have demonstrated the high-grade nature of the known copper sulphide mineralization, and wider copper mineralization in fault hosted Black Earth zones and adjacent sandstone units. The exact position of a native copper fissure at the Neergaard Dal prospect was also identified. This new information is key to future targeting of stratabound copper of both types.
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High-grade copper sulphides verified at the ARC Discovery Zone prospect hosted within a Black Earth fault zone |
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An insitu peak sample grading 53.8% copper and 1,074 g/t silver, located along strike from historically reported float sample also grading 53.8% Cu with 2,480 g/t Ag |
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Further along strike to the west, a well exposed zone is visually estimated to be around 5m wide, from which a pXRF analysis yielded a median of 4.47% Cu and 91 g/t Ag, verifying a historical report of 4.42% Cu and 187.5 g/t Ag from a 3m long trench |
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Mineralisation was also identified in sandstones flanking the Black Earth zone, with pervasive veins and veinlets of chalcocite being observed |
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High grade ‘fissure’ containing visible native copper located at Neergaard Dal |
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Site visit provided confirmation of the opportunity to establish a logistical base in Greenland which will expedite future exploration programs |
The field team completed a site visit to the Discovery Zone and Neergaard Dal prospects in the northern half of ARC.
A sample at the Discovery Zone prospect yielded a peak reading of 53.8% Cu with 1,074 g/t Ag; and an average reading of 39.3% Cu and 1,065 g/t Ag (refer to Appendix 1). Other samples at the Discovery Zone yielded 12.09% Cu and 373 g/t Ag; with a median result of some being 5.82% Cu and 448 g/t Ag.
One of the objectives of the site visit was to verify the Discovery Zone, given the extremely high grades reported historically. The location of the high-grade material was apparent from over 150m altitude and on the ground. Finding the native copper mineralisation at Neergaard Dal was similarly easy. Historically, a copper fissure was noted but this was recorded prior to GPS and so the exact location was unknown. A well-mineralised fissure was quickly identified, which bodes well for finding additional fissures in this area and further afield. Portable XRF (pXRF) readings were taken of the collected samples. These results are summarized below and presented in Appendix 1.
Dr Bell, Project Leader said: “The historically reported high grade copper sulphides and fissure copper were located with relative ease during the site visit. Both were immediately apparent on the first pass flying over the sites. The ease with which the historically reported mineralisation was identified in the field bodes well for in terms of forward work programs to locate and map stratabound mineralisation that may have bulk tonnage potential.”
Samples were collected from the Discovery Zone fault-hosted ‘Black Earth’ and sandstone-hosted mineralisation. Historical sampling from this area demonstrates 4.5m true width of 2.15% Cu, 35.5 g/t Ag (see the Company’s news release dated 6 October, 2021). The dominant copper mineral is chalcocite, which occurs as pervasive thin veins that sometimes produce visually obvious green oxides like malachite. The primary trend of the mineralisation appears to be bounded by a sub-vertical sandstone fault that produces a prominent ~2m ledge (5). As the mineralised fault is softer than the sandstone, it has a negative relief and is superficially obscured in places.
The Black Earth material comprises a variety of different rock types hosted by fine-grained material. There appear to be at least four subtly different sandstones and mudstones, as well as fragments of very dense, almost complete chalcocite. This dense material is almost the same as that is historically reported to grade 53.8% copper (‘Cu’) and 2,480 silver (‘Ag’). A handheld XRF unit was used to conduct multiple scans of sample A1199a, which also yielded a peak reading of 53.8% Cu with 1,074 g/t Ag; and average reading of 39.3% Cu and 1,065 g/t Ag (6). This high-grade sample was recovered from 35m along strike to the west of where a similar grading float sample was historically collected. The Company cautions that pXRF readings are indicative and not absolute. It is possible that surface oxidation and contamination produced lower readings than may be recorded from the central mass of A1199a. The shape of sample A1199a is suggestive of something tabular, like that of the historical sample with extreme grades. This tabular shape could result from a vein, like the fine-grained chalcocite veinlets seen throughout the area or a layer within the sedimentary horizon. Notably, the other Black Earth material hosting this high-grade material is also mineralised, as is the surrounding sandstone. The median XRF reading of the six fragments (A1199a to A1199f) is 12.09% Cu and 373 g/t Ag; and the median of all the 49 Black Earth readings (including A1197a-d, A1198a-d) is 5.48% Cu and 89 g/t Ag. The samples 1197 and 1198 are of interest as they are from an area where the Black Earth is well exposed, and has an apparent width around 5 m.
In addition to an analysis of the largest clasts above from the Black Earth samples that were washed cleaned, XRF readings were taken directly of the material inside the sample bag. Visually, this material is dominated by loose, individual quartz grains, and grey clay (7) and was expected to give very low copper and silver readings. However, seven XRF readings of sample A1199a indicate that the fine-grained material has a median grade of 5.82% Cu and 448 g/t Ag. As this fine-grained material coats all the larger grains, the Company interprets that there is chalcocite within the clays. Similarly, the median XRF readings of all the fines (not just clay-rich material) is 4.86% Cu, 124.5 g/t Ag. This is important as it means that significant mineralisation is present in all the apparent size fractions, which may reduce any ‘nugget effect’ of the clasts in the Black Earth. The Company will undertake further analysis to assess the distribution of copper and silver throughout the various size fractions of the Black Earth material.
The sandstone flanking the fault that hosts the Black Earth is also mineralised. Samples from this material show veins and veinlets of chalcocite that lead to prominent malachite stains. In some instances, the veins are millimetres thick (8), but often they are thinner and more pervasive throughout zones in the rock mass (9). This extends the search space for copper mineralisation to the outside of the immediate area of the fault zone.
The fissure investigated by the Company at Neergaard Dal is one of several fissures reported in the area. The fissure is estimated to be around 20m thick and strikes in a north-south orientation. The fissure is well mineralised in the western half, with native copper and cuprite. The investigated area also exposes a portion of what may be the ‘Red Marker’ (historically called the Red Flow). A sketch from the year 1979 shows that a fissure extends vertically from a stratigraphic position above the Red Marker, topographically higher than that observed by the Company. At surface, this gives the fissure more than 200m vertical extent and a strike of more than 600m. By comparing the position of the Red Marker, the Company also identifies the stratabound “copper-containing gas cavities” is exposed in the southern slope of the same valley. Such stratabound ‘amygdaloidal’ mineralisation contained significant tonnages of copper in other regions such as Keweenaw, USA. This will be verified as a priority in future field programs.
Samples collected from the newly located fissure at Neergaard Dal weighed up to ~ 10kg. The samples were collected from scree that derived from the fissure. The western margin of the scree contains extensive, largely disseminated copper mineralisation. The visually dominant copper mineral is cuprite which coats the native copper. The samples collected by the Company contain pervasive fine-grained, sub-millimetre cuprite, and more occasional millimetre-scale grains with unaltered native copper at their core. In turn, the cuprite is associated with haloes of malachite, making the mineralisation visually distinctive in the field. The pXRF analysis of the most westerly, and mineralised samples (A1196b, c) resulted in median readings of 4.78% Cu and 5.0 g/t Ag; and 1.44% Cu and 7.0 g/t Ag.
The main thrust of the 2022 site visit was to establish a logistical base in Greenland. The Company successfully established depots, and field trialed the Sherp vehicles and advanced satellite communications systems. However, the expansion of war in Ukraine directly impacted and exacerbated the worst global logistical framework in 75 years and this was further compounded by the densest sea-ice conditions in thirty years. Accordingly, much of this field season’s planned geological work has been deferred until the next field season. However, having the explorations assets already in Greenland will benefit and expedite the next field program at ARC.
ARC is an exploration joint venture between GreenX and Greenfields. GreenX can earn up to 80% by spending a total of A$10 M by October 2026. The ARC Project is targeting large-scale copper in multiple settings across a 5,774 km2 Special Exploration Licence in eastern North Greenland. It sits within the newly identified, and underexplored Kiffaanngissuseq metallogenic province. This province is considered analogous to the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan, USA, which contained a pre-mining endowment of +7 Mt of copper in sulphides and 8.9 Mt of native copper. Like Keweenaw, ARC contains, high-grade copper sulphides, ‘fissure’ native copper, and native copper contained in what were formerly gas bubbles and layers between lava flows.
Competent Persons Statement
Information in this announcement that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Dr Jonathan Bell, a Competent Person who is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG). Dr Bell is the Managing Director of Greenfields Exploration Limited and holds an indirect interest in performance rights in GreenX. Dr Bell has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken, to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’. Dr Bell consents to the inclusion in this announcement of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.
To view this announcement in full, including all illustrations, figures and notes, please refer to www.greenxmetals.com.
Vox Markets Podcast – Covering Vela Technologies #VELA, Deltic Energy #DELT, GreenX Metals #GRX and Tekcapital #TEK
3rd October 2022 / Leave a comment
Alan Green CEO of Brand Communications talks about the endless bearish sentiment and covers news from the following companies:
Vela Technologies #VELA
Deltic Energy #DELT
GreenX Metals #GRX
Tekcapital #TEK
GreenX Metals #GRX – 2022 Annual Report
30th September 2022 / Leave a comment
GreenX Metals Limited (GreenX or the Company) advises that its 2022 Annual Report, has been published, is available at https://greenxmetals.com/investors/reports-presentations/ and will be uploaded to the National Storage Mechanism which will shortly be available at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism.
The Company also advises that an Appendix 4G (Key to Disclosures: Corporate Governance Council Principles and Recommendations) and 2022 Corporate Governance Statement have been released today and are also available on the Company’s website.
For further information please contact:
Dylan Browne
Company Secretary
+61 8 9322 6322
GreenX Metals #GRX – Date of AGM
20th September 2022 / Leave a comment
GreenX Metals Limited (GreenX or the Company) advises, in accordance with ASX Listing Rule 3.13.1, that the Company’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Wednesday, 16 November 2022.
An item of business at the AGM will be the re-election of Directors. In accordance with clause 6.2(f) of the Company’s Constitution, the closing date for receipt of nominations from persons wishing to be considered for election as a Director is Wednesday, 28 September 2022.
Any nominations must be received at the Company’s registered office no later than 5.00 pm (Perth time) on 28 September 2022.
Further information about the AGM, including the Notice of AGM, will be provided to shareholders in October 2022.
For further information please contact:
Dylan Browne
Company Secretary
+61 8 9322 6322
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