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Ian Pollard – Severn Trent #SVT now looking after its customers.

Severn Trent plc SVT is pleased with the recognition it has received for its continued strong performance in the eyes if its customers.in the period from the 1st October to the 6th February. Performance incentives will be more aligned to the things the  customers care about most. and from the companiy’s point of view will provide the opportunity for it to receive further out performance payments in 2019/20

Barratt Developments plc BDEV is increasing its interim dividend by 11.65% after delivering a strong operational and financial performance for the half year to the 31st December. Revenue rose by 7.2%, profit  before tax by 19.1% and basic earnings per share by 20.7%. Total forward sales as at the third February are up by 7.3%

Grainger plc GRI updates that its resilient growth strategy has delivered a strong performance during the first four months of the year to the end of January  3.7% Overall like-for-like rental growth of 3.7% has been achieved in the year to date. Residential sales for the period performed in line with the previous year and  prices were robust. 

Redrow plc RDW produced another record first half in the six months to the 31st December, with another 111m cash return promised to shareholders.   Group revenue rose 9% to a first half record as did pre-tax profits up by 5%. Legal completions increased by 12%. During the run up to Christmas the market was subdued but sales over the last three weeks have bounced-back. Steve Morgan who founded Redrow nearl45 years ago is to step down as Chairman next month and will be replaced by John Tutte

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