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#FCM First Class Metals PLC – Exploration Progress 2024 Season

First Class Metals PLC (“First Class Metals” “FCM” or the “Company”) the UK listed company focused on the discovery of economic metal deposits across its exploration properties in Ontario, Canada is pleased to provide an exploration update for the work conducted in 2024 field season.

Exploration Programme Highlights

·    Gold (Au) results from the stripping channel samples, combined with the completion of the soil sampling programme at North Hemlo, have increased the potential width of gold anomalism along the Dead Otter trend (DOT) to approximately 30m, reinforcing its significance along its >3km strike length. Notably, high-grade grab samples include 19.6 g/t Au and 13.6 g/t Au.

·    A review of historical drill core from the Sunbeam property, including TerraX (former claim owner) core, supports the gold anomalism in the host porphyry theory as reported in the 1 February 2024 RNS. https://firstclassmetalsplc.com/announcements/6183576 The analysis highlights a significant 10m+ alteration halo surrounding high-grade intersections, expanding the target zone. Notable historical drill results include Hole 57751, which returned 19.4 g/t Au over 0.63m from 5.33m and 15.17 g/t Au over 1.37m from 21.44m.

·    Patterson Grant Watson (PGW) has been commissioned to interpret the magnetic geophysical survey flown in late summer 2024 at the Kerrs Gold Project. The interpretation aims to develop drill targets for the potential expansion of the historical NI 43-101 resource, which currently stands at 7.04 Mt at 1.71 g/t Au for 386,467 oz Au (Inferred, using a 0.5 g/t cut-off grade).

·    Building on the success of the 2024 exploration program, a winter work program announced on 23 December 2024 has commenced, featuring lake sediment sampling at the North Hemlo and the extended Sunbeam property, along with a Very Low Frequency (VLF) survey at North Hemlo, aimed at identifying / refining exploration targets and unlocking further potential.

·    GT Resources (TSXV: GT1) has applied for exploration permits over their Tyko block, which includes the West Pickle Lake JV, a high-grade nickel sulphide discovery.

Marc J. Sale CEO First Class Metals commented:  “The 2024 field season was very much a year of consolidation for FCM in which we advanced both North Hemlo and Sunbeam as well as acquiring the Kerrs gold project. The potential of both the former is still considered significant and work conducted forms a firm basis for further work. The advance of North Hemlo and Sunbeam will be the focus of this year’s field work. With assured funding secured from the Seventy Ninth Group and an enhanced understanding of the geology at our flagship properties, FCM is poised to launch a comprehensive and targeted exploration programme on these key assets in 2025. This robust foundation also enables us to advance satellite projects like Esa and Kerrs, driving our growth and unlocking their full potential”

North Hemlo Exploration geochemistry update:

·    Soil sampling at North Hemlo has increased the potential width of the gold anomalism of the Dead Otter trend.

·    Strong support from pathfinder elements, particularly molybdenum, similar to that found at the Barrick Hemlo Gold Mine, highlighting the expanding potential of the trend.

·    Structural review of the Dead Otter trend planned.

·    Winter field work – Lake sediment sampling and Very Low Frequency (VLF) survey over targets in North Hemlo initiated

·    GT Resources (TSXV: GT1) has applied for exploration permits over their Tyko block, which includes the West Pickle Lake JV, a high-grade nickel sulphide discovery.

Exploration of the Dead Otter trend was the focus of activities in 2024 on the North Hemlo block of claims. Work included the stripping at three locations (one area subsequently extended) soil sampling in the vicinity of the three stripped areas as well a further prospecting around the 2.3ppm Au sample (a stripped locality).

Gold assay results from the channel samples, as well as the baswate metal values, including additional channels cut at the Dead Otter and 19 grammer showing, have all been received. It is encouraging that most samples are anomalous to highly anomalous in gold, though no values exceeded one ppm (1 g/t). Given the high grades in previous grab samples (see figure 1) and the fact that the Photon assay results validated those grabs it further emphasises the ‘spotty’ nature of the gold reporting and therefore the requirement to fully understand the geochemical distribution of the gold. From the stripping and other field work it is also now believed that a strong structural component exists controlling the gold emplacement, as such a firm structural understanding will greatly enhance the potential success of any drill programme targeting the Dead Otter trend.

A map of a geodesic site AI-generated content may be incorrect.

Figure 1 shows the original grab samples and the locations of the stripped areas.

Subsequent to the initial stripping and trenching a further short extension and sampling programme was completed at two locations. These results further validate the robust gold anomalous characteristics of the trend. In conjunction with this follow-up programme and prior to the soils sampling orientation survey, prospecting was undertaken in the vicinity of the 2.3ppm sample / trenches. This resulted in further anomalous but sub 1ppm Au results. However, the pathfinder element molybdenum (characteristically associated with the gold at the Hemlo mine) reported high (2290ppb) in the grab samples to the north of the Dead Otter trench, where some of the higher gold in soils were also reported. Additionally, there were anomalous gold in soil samples from the end of the line to the south of the 19 grammer.

A map of a mine Description automatically generated

Figure 2 showing historic high-grade samples, location of two soil sample orientation areas, with results, indicating a far wider anomaly that originally defined.

Furthermore, the prospecting in the vicinity of the stripped area reported a 0.5ppm (0.5g/t) in a grab sample 30 metres north of the 2.3pppm showing / stripped area and also reported up to 0.43% copper, whilst a second sample anomalous in gold reported 7g/t Ag and 0.33% Cu.

This indicates that the Dead Otter trend as originally targeted could have a greater width or be comprised of more than one sub parallel structures. Irrespective there is mounting evidence that the (gold) anomalism is far wider than originally factored and the potential greater than previously anticipated. The variable locations of the reporting of the gold, copper and molybdenum also suggests metal zonation, again a common factor in mineral deposits.

In order to better understand the structural controls FCM will now finalise discussions with a leading structural geologist to undertake a detailed study of the geological exposure at the stripped areas with the aim of increasing the structural understanding of the mineralisation. This will preface the field work and will allow a focussed exploration of the trend once ground conditions allow access.

In parallel FCM is conducting an ‘in-house’ review of the LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) covering the Dead Otter trend to identify any prominent cross structure which might be loci for the gold mineralisation. Integrating the LiDAR with the hi-res. mag. previously flown, the geochemistry and the structural study is expected to help focus the exploration push in the spring.

The work planned will give a better understanding of the geology, structure and mineralisation and will optimise any proposed drilling. This focussed approach will overall save time and costs.

Winter work programme is now underway on the North Hemlo claim block. Emerald Geological Services (EGS) are undertaking a combined lake sediment sampling programme as a follow-up and expansion of a previous programme. In conjunction a Very Low Frequency (VLF) geophysics and magnetic survey will being conducted at up to seven location where anomalous gold in lake sediments returned values up to 103 ppb Au from sampling in 2022 and 2023.

VLF and Magnetic surveying are also planned along the Dead Otter Trend.

The Company, after consultation with Bruce MacLachlan of EGS decided to conduct a Very Low-Frequency (VLF) and magnetic survey, as this would be conducive to mapping out conductors related to faults, alteration and sulphide mineralisation in the area of the anomalous gold in Lake sediments and add important information relating to the structures at the Dead Otter trend.

As VLF surveying can be carried out during the winter on the ice, costs are significantly reduced.

Bruce, CEO of EGS commented: “We look forward to over laying the geophysical results on the anomalous lake sediments and the Dead Otter trend geochemistry to guide the next steps for follow up work”.

Sunbeam Property 

·    Results from the review of the TerraX core from the Sunbeam property support the gold anomalism in the host porphyry reported in the RNS 1 February 2024 https://firstclassmetalsplc.com/announcements/6183576

·    Soil sampling orientation survey at the Roy and Pettigrew and other locations completed

·    Winter work will commence next month, including lake sediment sampling on the original Sunbeam property and its extended areas, to refine targets and unlock potential.

Sunbeam property extending over 70km contains three historic development sites: Sunbeam, the most exploited, Roy and Pettigrew. However, along the three known mineralised structures a number of other significant gold bearing sites have been identified, such as Road zone and Rubble. The historic developments as well as the widespread occurrence of gold (along the structures) emphasise the gold endowment of the property and the potential for a major discovery.

Review of Nuinsco and TerraX core

In 2023 stripping and associated grab sampling in the areas of the Roy and Pettigrew developments on the Sunbeam property identified anomalous (4.98 g/t Au over 0.5m) in the ‘host’ / wall rock porphyry. This discovery was an important development in the exploration on the Sunbeam property. Whilst it is known that the quartz veining variously hosted by sheared mafic volcanics contains significant gold (one Nuinsco drillhole sample reported 93.3g/t over 0.44m), the gold bearing potential of the porphyry was not documented.

Through dedicated efforts, a majority of the modern core drilled by TerraX at the Sunbeam property from multiple sites was successfully located. All the core has now been (re)logged, photographed and is now securely stored under FCM control. This asset will be invaluable as we advance the property’s exploration.

During the review of the Nuinsco and TerraX core samples were collected from Nuinsco holes, as the TerraX holes were more thoroughly sampled in the past. Including standards and blanks 80 samples were collected of intervals deemed to be significantly altered and mineralized, or adjacent to intervals which returned anomalous historical gold results, (>50 ppb Au generally considered to be anomalous).

A combination of new and historic results highlights the presence of relatively wide zones of low-grade gold.

Roy zone

·    From 38m 0.71g/t Au over 13.8m

·    From 41.0m 0.43g/t Au over12.3m

WN2 zone

·    From 28.8m 0.33g/t Au over 11.8m

AL198 Zone

·    From 63.3m 0.30g/t Au over 10.3m @63.3m.

Rubble Zone

·    From 20.3m 0.61g/t Au over 12.3m.


No new samples were taken from Pettigrew, (Nuinsco did not undertake any drilling there) however historic results by TerraX confirm that there are high grade intersections:

·    Hole 57751: 19.4 g/t Au over 0.63m at 5.33m and 15.17 g/t Au over 1.37m at 21.44m

The ‘new’ and historic zones when considered with the known high grade gold intersections both in drill hole and in the stripping, combined with the robust nature of the three mineralised structures makes the Sunbeam property a significant district scale target.

Sunbeam Soil Sampling

Late in the 2024 season, a soil sample orientation programme was complete over several of the historic gold developments. The rationale was, based on the gold identified in the host porphyry, to see whether assaying soil samples in lines orthogonal to the trends would highlight wider areas of increased anomalism which could then be explored by ground prospecting and stripping where permitted, see Figure 3 for the location of the soil survey areas and results. Considering this was an orientation survey the results indicated areas of Au anomalism not previously identified as well as indicating that some of the classic pathfinder elements, such as arsenic (As) copper and lead (Pb) require further modelling.

Figure 3 showing the major mineralised structural trends, historic developments, as well as the locations of the mini grid orientation soil sample lines, note the cohesive anomaly at Roy.

A property / trend wide soil sampling programme is planned, this will increase the geochemical understanding, potentially identify further zones along the trends warranting invasive exploration, possibly drilling. Certainly, it will be a far more cost effective method of exploration than premature drilling.

However, the soil results from the area around the Roy development already support further drilling between the historic drill holes of the 80’s 

Winter work programme:

FCM has commissioned EGS to undertake a lake sediment sampling programme this winter.

It is anticipated to commence next month and be completed with results returned for designing additional exploration work later this season.

The impetus of the exploration on the Sunbeam property will be the follow up of the soil survey, but the lake sediment programme will be the first sampling conducted by FCM on the extension claims on the property. To date data review has not revealed much if any historic work in this area. Figure 4 shows the proposed locations of the lake sediment samples. A number of ‘reference’ samples are also proposed around the historic developments in order to gauge the levels of anomalism from the new work.

A map of a mine Description automatically generated

Figure 4 showing the mineralised trends on the Sunbeam property and with the locations of the proposed lake sediment samples.

Advances on other properties

·    FCM has contracted PGW of Toronto to undertake the interpretation of the recently flown low level hi-resolution geophysical data over Kerrs Gold Property. This work is anticipated to take several weeks.

·    FCM is also in discussion with the owners of the Kerrs Gold drill database that would allow a review of the NI 43-101 resource.

·    FCM understands that GT Resources, the owner of the vast Tyko property and 80% Joint Venture partner on West Pickle Lake is involved in ‘negotiations between themselves, the relevant First Nations and the Ontario government’. Meanwhile FCM understands that several Exploration permit applications across the block have also been lodged.

·    The Esa soil anomaly will be further appraised with infill lines intended to identify sites for stripping. In the north around the ‘Hemlo look alike sample’ of 0.7ppm and extending further north it is proposed a ‘glacial till’ sampling programme is undertaken.

·    FCM is also investigating metallurgical (benefaction) studiers on the core from the Zigzag hard rock lithium discovery.

·    A significant development at the Quinlan Property has occurred, as four centrally located claims, previously held by a third party, have now lapsed and been successfully staked. As a result, these claims have been reintegrated into the terms of the existing option agreement. This development ensures that exploration activities can proceed without obstruction, as these claims are no longer under external ownership.

Other field work activities are currently in the planning stage and will be reported on as appropriate.

For Further Information:

Engage with us by asking questions, watching video summaries, and seeing what other shareholders have to say. Navigate to our Interactive Investor hub here:


For further information, please contact:

James Knowles, Executive Chair
Tel: 07488 362641

Marc J Sale, CEO
Tel: 07711 093532

Novum Securities Limited (Financial Adviser)
David Coffman / George Duxberry

Tel: (0)20 7399 9400

Axis Capital Markets (Broker)
Lewis Jones / Ben Tadd

Tel: (0)203 026 0449

#KDNC Cadence Minerals PLC – EverGreen: LCT Pegmatite & Gold at Bynoe Project

Cadence Minerals (AIM: KDNC) is pleased to announce the successful completion of the 2024 work program at the Bynoe Project by ASX-listed Evergreen Lithium Limited (“EverGreen”) (ASX: EG1). Cadence is an 8.74% shareholder in EverGreen. Link here to view the full Evergreen ASX announcement 


•      Multiple field programs completed in 2024 have validated the lithium potential at Bynoe, strengthening Evergreen’s confidence in the Bynoe Project’s potential.

•      RC drilling of Lithium Aircore targets has confirmed the presence of LCT pegmatites

•      Field activities also identified large areas prospective for gold mineralisation, several of which have been drill-tested-assays are due in the first quarter of 2025.

The field programs aimed to build a geological knowledge base, understand the potential for mineralisation, and test several of the priority areas for LCT pegmatites and gold mineralisation.

The work involved geological mapping, rock chip sampling, auger sampling, air-core, RAB and RC drilling. Exploration has identified spodumene-bearing pegmatites in the western part of the lease, adjacent to Core Lithium’s Finniss project. Additionally, the potential for gold mineralisation similar to other parts of the Pine Creek Gold Fields has been recognised. Evergreen awaits assays to confirm the presence of gold in targets identified after fieldwork. 

A group of men working on a construction site Description automatically generated

Figure 1: Drill rig with associated support trucks at Bynoe 

Field Exploration Programs

Geological Mapping and Rock Chip Sampling Programs

Regional and prospect scale mapping, along with rock chip sampling, was undertaken. The mapping programs identified numerous quartz veins which may be the surface expression of blind pegmatites or potential hosts to gold mineralisation. A total of 217 rock chip samples were taken in the recent program aimed at delineating potential gold hosting quartz veins.

Auger Sampling Program

Auger sampling was carried out in several key areas targeting LCT pegmatites from June to August, aiming to collect geochemical samples for lab analysis and map the host rock types beneath thin cover layers.

The auger program drilled 1,314 m and took 578 samples during 2024. The results identified lithium anomalous zones in the SW of the lease, which received follow-up air-core and RC drilling. Interpretation of the results is ongoing, with re-assaying of selected laboratory pulps for gold (results pending). 

RAB / Aircore Drilling

An initial drilling program commenced mid-year and was completed in June and July. This initial program consisted of 6,872 meters and was aimed at testing structures for blind pegmatites in areas not affected by wet field conditions (second-priority areas).

Afterwards, an air core drilling program testing for both LCT pegmatites and gold mineralisation was conducted in September and October across several of the high-priority areas for 6,456 meters.

The completed AC program included: – 

·      156 x 2m short holes to test for gold mineralisation across three soil arsenic anomalous trends near

·      Core Lithium’s Far East Prospect.

·      32 x 5m vertical short holes to obtain geochemical and lithological samples testing for LCT pegmatites (regional geochemical near surface program to test beneath cover units)

·      109 inclined holes testing for the presence of pegmatites in the west of the lease.

AC drilling identified eleven different pegmatite bodies, two of which, given their timing, received follow-up RC drill testing. The market will be updated once laboratory results are received and interpreted.

RC Drilling

RC drilling was conducted in three areas within EL31774, testing LCT pegmatite and gold targets. This drill program was undertaken late in the year and was interrupted by wet field conditions, which restricted access to many areas. The RC program’s aims were:-

•              Test pegmatite targets identified in the AC drilling program;

•              Test areas identified as priority gold targets.

Fourteen holes were completed for 1,799 meters drilled before rain interrupted the program.

Holes EBRC001 to 006 targeted pegmatites, and holes EBRC007 to 014 targeted gold.

Results targeting LCT pegmatites proved positive, with pegmatites intercepted in 4 holes. The best result came from EBRC001, which intercepted 5m of spodumene-bearing pegmatite from 91m. EverGreen is considering following up with deeper drilling in 2025 to better understand the extent of the system.

Drilling tested gold targets noted quartz veins with minor sulphides. Assay results for this program are pending and expected within Q1. 

For further information contact:


Cadence Minerals plc

+44 (0) 20 3582 6636

Andrew Suckling

Kiran Morzaria

Zeus Capital Limited (NOMAD & Broker)

+44 (0) 20 3829 5000

James Joyce

Darshan Patel

Fortified Securities – Joint Broker

+44 (0) 20 3411 7773

Guy Wheatley

Brand Communications

+44 (0) 7976 431608

Public & Investor Relations              

Alan Green


Qualified Person

Kiran Morzaria B.Eng. (ACSM), MBA, has reviewed and approved the information contained in this announcement. Kiran holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Geology) from the Camborne School of Mines and an MBA (Finance) from CASS Business School.


Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this announcement are or may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are identified by their use of terms and phrases such as “believe”, “could”, “should”, “envisage”, “estimate”, “intend”, “may”, “plan”, “will”, or the negative of those variations or comparable expressions including references to assumptions. These forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors’ current expectations and assumptions regarding the company’s future growth results of operations performance, future capital, and other expenditures (including the amount, nature, and sources of funding thereof) competitive advantages business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-looking statements reflect the Directors’ current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors.  Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements, including risks associated with vulnerability to general economic and business conditions, competition, environmental and other regulatory changes actions by governmental authorities, the availability of capital markets reliance on key personnel uninsured and underinsured losses and other factors many of which are beyond the control of the company. Although any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are based upon what the Directors believe to be reasonable assumptions. The company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with such forward-looking statements.


#AYM Anglesey Mining PLC – UK 2024 Criticality Assessment

Following a study by the UK Critical Minerals Intelligence Centre (CMIC), commissioned by the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) and hosted at the British Geological Survey (BGS), Anglesey Mining plc (AIM:AYM), is pleased to announce that Zinc (Zn) has now been added to the UK Critical Minerals List. The report can be accessed via the following link:




Anglesey considers the classification of zinc as a critical mineral to be a significant positive step for the importance of its Parys Mountain resource in Anglesey, North Wales.  The current declared resources at Parys Mountain include over 200,000 tonnes of contained zinc along with other minerals including copper, silver, gold and lead, as can be seen in the following table:


Parys Mountain Resources, Combined March 2023 and January 2021





Grades Contained Metal
Cu Zn Pb Ag Au Cu Zn Pb Ag Au
(%) (%) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (kt) (kt) (kt) (Moz) (koz)
  Measured 1.30 0.33 2.32 1.28 33 0.43 4.3 30.1 16.6 1.36 18.0
  Indicated 3.98 0.37 2.39 1.29 27 0.23 14.7 95.3 51.5 3.47 29.7
  Inferred 10.79 1.29 0.81 0.43 9 0.11 139.4 87.7 46.6 3.05 38.9
Total 16.06 0.98 1.33 0.71 15 0.17 158 213 115 7.9 86

Source: Parys Mountain Resource Update notification released by Anglesey on 3 April 2023 (link)

Copper (Cu) is currently on the critical minerals lists in China, USA, Canada, India, Japan and South Korea. Although not meeting their normal thresholds, it has been added this year to the Australian Critical Minerals list and has been listed on the EU critical minerals list as a “strategic mineral.” Copper is not at present on the UK Critical Minerals List; however, the report recognises (Section 4.2) that the latest Criticality Assessment represents the current picture of demand and supply risk based on data for 2018 to 2022. The report also suggests that new technologies are emerging which will lead to increasing demand for numerous materials which are already listed as critical, but also many that are not, such as Cu, Ag, Cr, Mo etc.


Section 4.3.1 involves a detailed analysis of the increasing demand for copper linked to emerging technologies and carbon net zero targets versus the possible supply chain risks in being able to increase mining output to meet the higher demand.  Section 4.3.1 ends with the comment “It is simply reasonable to acknowledge that, although Cu remains below the criticality threshold at present, this may change in the near future.”


Rob Marsden, CEO of Anglesey Mining, commented: “Whilst our recent focus at Parys Mountain has been to push forward with the planning and permitting for the new mining project, it is very encouraging to note that at the same time a number of the minerals making up our resource are becoming more widely recognised as being of major importance to emerging technologies and the drive for net carbon zero. We are hopeful that an increase in demand for those minerals will make the project more attractive to investors and will also provide stable commodity prices to support our business plan. The 4th annual Critical Minerals Conference, which took place on the 2nd of December in London, was very well attended and afforded me the opportunity to discuss with the MPs present the importance of the Parys Mountain deposit” 



About Anglesey Mining plc:


Anglesey Mining is traded on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange and currently has 461,593,017 ordinary shares in issue.


Anglesey is developing the 100% owned Parys Mountain Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag-Au VMS deposit in North Wales, UK with a reported resource of 5.3 million tonnes at over 4.0% combined base metals in the Measured and Indicated categories and 10.8 million tonnes at over 2.5% combined base metals in the Inferred category.

Anglesey also holds a 49.75% interest in the Grängesberg iron ore project in Sweden and 12% of Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited, which through its 52% owned subsidiaries, is engaged in the exploration and development of direct shipping iron ore deposits in Labrador and Quebec.


For further information, please contact:

Anglesey Mining plc

Rob Marsden, Chief Executive Officer – Tel: +44 (0)7531 475111

Andrew King, Interim-Chairman – Tel: +44 (0)7825 963700



Nominated Adviser & Joint Corporate Broker

Brian Garrahy / Daragh O’Reilly – Tel: +353 1 679 6363


Zeus Capital Limited

Joint Corporate Broker

Katy Mitchell / Harry Ansell – Tel: +44 (0)161 831 1512


LEI: 213800X8BO8EK2B4HQ71



#ECR ECR Minerals -Exclusivity agreement relating to non core assets

ECR Minerals plc (LON: ECR), the exploration and development company focused on gold in Australia, is pleased to announce that it has entered into an exclusivity agreement (the “Exclusivity Agreement”) with one of the companies that previously signed a non-disclosure agreement for the potential sale of ECR’s subsidiary, Mercator Gold Australia Pty Ltd (“MGA”), a non-core asset within the Company’s portfolio in Victoria.  The potential sale would include the Company’s circa A$75 million of tax losses. This follows the Company’s announcement of 2 July 2024 and subsequent announcements in relation to the potential sale of the Company’s tax losses. 

A deposit has been received as part of the terms and conditions of the Exclusivity Agreement. The value of the potential sale, as well as the structure of the sale, will be determined in forthcoming negotiations but discussions so far indicate that the potential sale, if realised, would be for a material cash consideration.

Notwithstanding this positive progress, discussions remain at an early-stage and, save for exclusivity provisions, other aspects of the Exclusivity Agreement are not binding and there can be no certainty that final binding terms will be agreed, nor as to the timings or final terms or quantum of consideration for the potential disposal of MGA.

Under the terms of the Exclusivity Agreement, the interested party has until the end of 28 November 2024 to negotiate the terms of the potential acquisition of MGA. The potential sale may therefore necessitate a restructuring of MGA such that it comprises only non-core assets.

Depending on the final terms that are agreed for any transaction to realise the tax losses, as well as the structure of the transaction, it is possible, but not guaranteed, that the potential disposal of MGA may be deemed a fundamental change of business pursuant to Rule 15 of the AIM Rules for Companies. If applicable, this would require, amongst other items, the transaction to be conditional on the consent of shareholders being given in a general meeting; a shareholders circular detailing the terms of the transaction and certain other disclosures as set out in the AIM Rules. Further updates on the way forward will be provided as matters are progressed. 

Background to the tax losses

As announced on 2 July 2024, ECR’s circa A$75 million of tax losses are held within MGA and were incurred in the period since 2006 to date.  Activities undertaken by the Company in this period were predominantly exploration for gold in originally Western Australia and thereafter Victoria over a series of projects.  Australian rules on transferring tax losses changed in 2015, the main change being that the “similar” business test replaced the “same” business test.  As over 80 per cent. of MGA’s losses predate 2015, any buyer will need to comply with the tighter historic rules.

Mike Whitlow, ECR’s Managing Director said: “This potential transaction, if concluded, represents a very significant step for ECR having the potential to deliver significant funds to the Company.  It aligns with our strategic focus on our core exploration activities and supports our objective of delivering long-term value to our shareholders. We look forward to working closely with them through the remainder of this process.”


ECR Minerals Plc

Tel: +44 (0) 1738 317 693

Nick Tulloch, Chairman

Andrew Scott, Director



Website: www.ecrminerals.com

Allenby Capital Limited


Tel: +44 (0) 3328 5656

Nominated Adviser

Nick Naylor / Alex Brearley / Vivek Bhardwaj



Axis Capital Markets Limited

Tel: +44 (0) 203 026 0320


Ben Tadd / Lewis Jones

SI Capital Ltd

Tel: +44 (0) 1483 413500


Nick Emerson

Brand Communications

Tel: +44 (0) 7976 431608

Public & Investor Relations

Alan Green



ECR Minerals is a mineral exploration and development company. ECR’s wholly owned Australian subsidiary Mercator Gold Australia Pty Ltd (“MGA”) has 100% ownership of the Bailieston and Creswick gold projects in central Victoria, Australia, has six licence applications outstanding which includes one licence application lodged in eastern Victoria (Tambo gold project).

ECR also owns 100% of an Australian subsidiary LUX Exploration Pty Ltd (“LUX”) which has three approved exploration permits covering 946 km2 over a relatively unexplored area in Lolworth Range, Queensland, Australia. The Company has also submitted a license application at Kondaparinga which is approximately 120km2 in area and located within the Hodgkinson Gold Province, 80km NW of Mareeba, North Queensland.

Following the sale of the Avoca, Moormbool and Timor gold projects in Victoria, Australia to Fosterville South Exploration Ltd (TSX-V: FSX) and the subsequent spin-out of the Avoca and Timor projects to Leviathan Gold Ltd (TSX-V: LVX), MGA has the right to receive up to A$2 million in payments subject to future resource estimation or production from projects sold to Fosterville South Exploration Limited.  ECR also holds a royalty on the SLM gold project in La Rioja Province, Argentina.

MGA also has approximately A$75 million of unutilised tax losses incurred during previous operations.

ECR Minerals #ECR 30 second summary of company assets by Chairman Nick Tulloch

ECR Minerals #ECR 30 second summary of company assets by Chairman Nick Tulloch

ECR Minerals #ECR – Chairman Nick Tulloch & MD Mike Whitlow talk to Alan Green

ECR Minerals Plc (AIM: ECR) ECR Chairman Nick Tulloch & MD Mike Whitlow talk to Alan Green

✅ Three parties immediately interested in A$75m tax losses.
Lolworth progress, and Geological Survey of Queensland collaboration
Mike Parker appointment
✅ Blue Mountain ‘off the scale’ test results from Gekko Systems and next steps
✅ Funding and assets, Tambo drill programme and near term developments
✅ Response to bulletin board comments

#AYM Anglesey Mining PLC – Annual Report 2024

Anglesey Mining plc is a UK company engaged in the development of owned and managed mining projects.


Parys Mountain: 100% ownership of the Parys Mountain underground copper-zinc-lead-silver-gold deposit in North Wales, UK where an independent Preliminary Economic Assessment dated January 2021 included a financial model for a 3,000 tpd mining operation with a pre-tax NPV10% of US$120 million, (£96 million), 26% IRR and 12-year mine life.


Grängesberg: 49.75% interest in the Grängesberg iron ore project in Sweden where Anglesey has management rights.

An independent Pre-Feasibility Study announced on 19 July 2022 demonstrated Probable Ore Reserves of 82.4 million tonnes supporting a 16-year mine life with annual production of 2.5 million tonnes of high-grade concentrate grading 70% iron ore and a post-tax NPV8% of US$688 million with an IRR of 25.9% after tax.


Labrador Iron Mines: 11.9% shareholding in Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited which holds Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) deposits of iron in Canada where an independent Preliminary Economic Assessment of its Houston project published in 2021 showed potential for production of 2 million tonnes of DSO per year, with an initial 12-year mine life, for total production of 23.4 million tonnes of product at 62.2% Fe over the life of the mine.



The AGM will be held at the Geological Society, Burlington House,
Piccadilly, London W1J 0BG on 8 November 2024 at 11 am



Chairman’s statement

To Anglesey Shareholders

The 2023-24 financial year was another challenging year for Anglesey Mining plc which saw a number of board and management changes but also the ongoing advancement of the Parys Mountain project.

Board changes

At the 2023 Annual General Meeting long-time Chairman of Anglesey Mining, John Kearney, was not re-elected to the Board and as a result I was appointed into the role of Interim Chairman of your company. John had been Chairman for nearly 29 years, having been appointed in November 1994. On behalf of the Board and the shareholders I would like to thank John for his service to Anglesey Mining over the period of his tenure.

On 14th November 2023 the Board accepted the resignation of Danesh Varma. Danesh, like John, joined the Board in November 1994. It is with sadness that I report to you the death of Danesh on 8th August 2024.

Jo Battershill stepped down as Chief executive effective 31st December 2023 to take up a new executive role in Australia but remained on the board as a non-executive director.  I would like to thank Jo for all his effort during his time as Chief executive and his ongoing support of Anglesey Mining.

We were also sorry also to accept the resignation of Namrata Verma as a non-executive director on 6th September 2024 but understand her reasons for leaving and wish her every success in the future.

Parys Mountain

Important geological work has continued throughout the year at Parys Mountain with new exploration drilling into the Northern Copper Zone. We are very encouraged by the results and further work is continuing. We would like to firm up our knowledge and increase the tonnage of the declared geological resource, thus improving the business case for developing a long term mining operation at Parys Mountain.

Grängesberg and Labrador Iron Mines Holdings

During the financial year we maintained our shareholding in Grängesberg AB in Sweden and Labrador Iron Mines Holdings in Canada and continue to explore alternatives to optimise and realise value for Anglesey Mining’s interest in these assets.


I wish to recognise the dedication and enthusiasm of our small management team, led by Jo Battershill. After the financial year end, in May 2024, we were delighted to welcome Rob Marsden as our company’s CEO. I would also like to thank our board of directors for their leadership, as well as consultants and advisors for their contribution. Finally, I should welcome our new shareholders and thank them, and all our shareholders, for their continued support.

Andrew King

Interim Chairman

27 September 2024


 Strategic report – Operations

As the newly appointed Chief executive of Anglesey Mining it is my pleasure to report to you the activities that have been undertaken in the 2023-24 financial year; in doing so I must thank my predecessor Jo Battershill for providing a strong basis from which to build. It is to his immense credit that the first drilling campaign since 2012 into the Northern Copper Zone was able to be undertaken during the back half of the financial year with the assay results reported during the first half of calendar year 2024.

Under Jo’s direction the great bulk of the EIA scoping document was completed. I was grateful for the opportunity to review it and submit it to the planning authorities in the first weeks of my tenure. It is a detailed, robust assessment of the likely impacts that underground mining and processing of minerals on Parys Mountain will have. It is an essential report to guide the strategies which will be put in place to avoid, mitigate and where required, compensate for those impacts.

The geological resources form the basis for every other subsequent aspect in the planning and evaluation phase, from the mine design through to metallurgy and management of tailings. In addition to the new drilling into the Northern Copper Zone which I have already mentioned, new resource estimates were made of the White Rock and Engine Zones at Parys Mountain allowing the first inclusion of tonnes in the measured category of mineral resource reporting.

The combined mineral resource estimate for the White Rock and Engine Zones is now reported at 5.72Mt grading 0.36% Cu, 2.30% Zn, 1.24% Pb, 28/t Ag and 0.28g/t Au or 2.0% Copper Equivalent (CuEq) / 5.6% Zinc Equivalent (ZnEq). All the resources were reported above a cut-off based on a net smelter revenue of US$45.15/t, including 1.6Mt at 2.5% CuEq in the Engine Zone. The White Rock and Engine Zones have 5.28Mt (92%) of the resource now reporting to the Measured and Indicated categories with 23% Measured and 70% Indicated.

The overall mineral resource estimate for Parys Mountain, including the Northern Copper Zone, is reported at 16.1Mt grading 1.0% Cu, 1.3% Zn, 0.7% Pb, 15g/t Ag and 0.2g/t Au. (1.9% CuEq or 5.3% ZnEq) containing 486,000t of combined Zn/Pb/Cu, 7.9Moz silver and 86koz gold.

These two programs of work highlighted the outstanding exploration potential of the project. Several zones have been identified where mineralisation could potentially extend beyond the resource boundary, indicating that once mining commences at Parys Mountain the probability of finding more ore zones is very high, as with many volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits.

In May 2023, an equity placing and subscription raised gross proceeds of £1m and following this in July 2023, a further placing raised gross proceeds of £0.5m.

In December 2023 we reported the results of metallurgical test work carried out on a 340kg sample of White Rock and Engine Zone material, which, as it is shaft adjacent, is very likely to be among the first mineralisation to be mined at Parys Mountain. The highlight of this work was the demonstration that a successful pre-concentration stage would be applicable. Tests of two pre-concentration methods were conducted – Dense Media Separation (DMS) undertaken by Pesco and X-Ray Transmission sorting (XRT) completed by TOMRA. These showed the overall base metals only head-grade increasing from 7.5% ZnEq to 11.4% ZnEq from the DMS (+52%) with 35% mass rejection and metal loss of 5.2% and 11.7% ZnEq from the XRT (+55%) with 29% mass rejection and metal loss of 3.0%.


Licence to operate

It is well understood at Anglesey Mining that it is ultimately a combination of economic, regulatory, environmental and social aspects of developing and operating a mining operation that will provide us with a licence to operate, which is the enabler of realising a return on investment.

The group has publicly committed to updating the existing planning permissions that it holds for Parys Mountain and an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been allowed for in the planning submission process. Work has been undertaken throughout the year to progress both the planning application and the EIA.

At the beginning of the financial year in April 2023 a pre-application consultation was held on the Parys Mountain site and in the town of Amlwch with a number of statutory consultees including Natural Resources Wales, Cadw, Anglesey County Council Departments (including Environmental Health, Highways & Transportation, Ecology & Environment and Heritage), Archaeological Planning Services, local councillors and members of both Westminster and Welsh governments.

Throughout the year, baseline surveys and ecological studies have continued, the results from which, taken together with the feedback from all stakeholders, enabled the EIA Scoping Report to be submitted to the North Wales Minerals and Waste Planning Service which assesses mineral planning applications on behalf of the Isle of Anglesey County Council and other county councils within the North Wales region.

The Scoping Report forms part of our first stage in the EIA process and comes after almost 2-years of extensive studies and work by the team on site. Cumulative expenditure on the EIA process in that timeframe is in excess of £300,000. The report sets out all the project’s perceived impacts, specifically identifying any crucial and significant factors which will be assessed as part of the final EIA report, the compilation of which will require further environmental and ecological work.  At this EIA Scoping stage, the project description remains indicative and will be refined following ongoing mining engineering studies, economic analysis and discussions with neighbours, the wider community and other stakeholders.

Preservation of existing heritage areas, sites of special scientific interest (SSSI’s) and scheduled historic monuments and buildings have been a major factor in determining the location of new proposed surface infrastructure and similarly other environmental and social considerations. The EIA Scoping Report considers how measures to avoid, mitigate or compensate would be identified to address the impacts of the project.


The Grängesberg project is a substantial iron ore asset with an estimate of 82.4Mtpa of Probable Ore Reserves located in a very favourable jurisdiction. During the 1980s the mine, located about 200 kilometres north-west of Stockholm, had produced around 180Mt of iron ore and current plans envisage the production of high-grade ore at or above 70% Fe.  The group holds a direct 49.75% interest in the Grängesberg project, together with management rights.


Anglesey Mining has a 11.9% holding in the OTC listed Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited (“LIMH”), which through its 52% owned subsidiaries Labrador Iron Mines Limited (“LIM”) and Schefferville Mines Inc. (“SMI”), is engaged in the exploration and development of iron ore projects in the central part of the Labrador Trough region, one of the major iron ore producing regions in the world, situated in the Menihek area in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador and in the Province of Quebec, centred near the town of Schefferville, Quebec.


Financial results and position

There are no revenues from the operation of the properties.

The loss before other comprehensive income for the year ended 31 March 2024 after tax was £1,213,279 compared to a loss of £961,288 in the 2023 fiscal year. The administrative and other costs excluding investment income and finance charges were £839,424 compared to £696,545 in the previous year. Higher salaries and corporate advisor charges accounted for a significant part of this increase. Some was due to one-off charges for Grängesberg expenses in respect of prior periods. There were also share based payments charges representing the value of warrants granted to subscribers to the group’s placings and subscriptions during the year, compared to none last year.

The value of the group’s holding in LIM is reported in other comprehensive income and effectively is based on its share price. This year there is a loss of £0.63 million as the share price declined. The outcome for the group is a total comprehensive loss for the year of £1,859,181, compared to a loss of £1,462,670 in the previous year.

During the year there were no additions to fixed assets (2023 – nil) and £679,475 (2023 – £460,118) was capitalised in respect of the Parys Mountain property, as the programme of geological and environmental work as well as drilling continued as described in this Strategic report.

At 31 March 2024 the mineral property exploration and evaluation assets had a carrying value of £16.9 (2023 – £16.2) million. These carrying values are supported by the results of the 2021 Preliminary Economic Assessment of the Parys Mountain project.

At the reporting date, as detailed in note 10, the directors considered the carrying value of the Parys Mountain exploration and evaluation assets to determine whether specific facts and circumstances suggest there is any indication of impairment. They carefully considered the positive results of the resource update completed in March 2023, the independent PEA and the plans for moving the project forward. Consequently, the directors concluded that there were no facts and circumstances which materially changed during the year which might trigger an impairment review and that there are no indicators of impairment.

In May and July 2023 £1.5 million was raised by means of investor placings. Directors participated in these placings and warrants were issued to subscribers. Further details are included in the directors’ report and note 20. Subsequent to the year-end, on 28 June 2024 and 25 September 2024, placings of equity were completed raising £415,000 and £220,000 gross. See note 29.

The cash balance at 31 March 2024 was £219,685, compared to £247,134 at 31 March 2023. At 17 September 2024 the group had cash resources of £113,602.

At 31 March 2024 there were 420,093,017 ordinary shares in issue (2023 – 295,220,548), the increase being due to the financing events referred to above. At 17 September 2024 there were 461,593,017 ordinary shares in issue.



In the current year, we are:

  • Developing strategies to enable investment in the development of Parys Mountain to be, so far as practicable, incremental, thus allowing risks to be mitigated in stages, before considering the options for the next step of development.
  • Progressing the re-permitting of Parys Mountain, the key aspect of which is the assessment of environmental and social impacts. We are developing action plans to avoid, mitigate and where necessary compensate for the adverse impacts of the future mining and processing operations, communicating and setting these out publicly and responding to comments and questions. We are collaborating closely with stakeholders, communities, industry and supply chain participants, particularly around minimising potential environmental impacts and maximising economic development opportunities for local communities.
  • Consolidating and cross-referencing the plethora of data about the geology of Parys Mountain and the mineralisation occurrences within, that has been observed, measured and collected since the 1960s. Re-sampling and re-logging, and in some cases first time sampling, of exploration drill core obtained in pervious drilling campaigns. Re-examining the important work that was done mapping and sampling of the geology exposed in the excavated 280m (below surface) level in the modern underground mine when it was open in 1990.
  • Engaging with a range of potential partners to progress the development of the Grängesberg mine in Sweden which if successful will allow our management more time to focus on Parys Mountain.


Development of a new mine at Parys Mountain, producing copper, zinc and lead with gold and silver credits, can deliver economic growth in the UK, regional jobs for the community and business opportunities for local service providers. Importantly, these critical and strategic metals, essential for the decarbonisation of the economy, are primarily imported into the UK currently. This creates a unique and timely opportunity, both for Anglesey Mining and for the UK, to develop a new, modern, mine at Parys Mountain in an environmentally sustainable manner.


This report was approved by the board of directors on 27 September 2024 and signed on its behalf by:


Rob Marsden


Chief Executive




The full annual report is avalable on the company’s website at www.angleseymining.co.uk


CONTACT: For further information, please contact:

Anglesey Mining plc

Rob Marsden, Chief Executive – Tel: +44 (0)7531 475111


Nominated Adviser & Joint Corporate Broker

Brian Garrahy / Daragh O’Reilly – Tel: +353 1 679 6363

WH Ireland

Joint Corporate Broker

Katy Mitchell / Harry Ansell – Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666

LEI: 213800X8BO8EK2B4HQ71

#FCM First Class Metals PLC – Half-year Report

First Class Metals PLC (“First Class Metals” “FCM” or the “Company”) the UK listed metals exploration company seeking economic metal discoveries across its extensive Canadian Schreiber-Hemlo, Sunbeam and Zigzag land holdings is pleased to present its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2024.


Interim Management Report


I.   Operational Highlights


In early May FCM announced that field work had been initiated on its projects in Canada, with three exploration teams deployed:


·    Review of the historical core from the Sunbeam Property

·    Reconnaissance trip to the Quinlan claims for access appraisal

·    Preparation for stripping at North Hemlo


Additionally, Prospectair has been retained to undertake a geophysical survey at the newly acquired Kerrs Gold Property.



Marc Sale, CEO commented:


“I am, as ever, enthusiastic with the speed at which FCM has started the field season, all thanks to EGS’ (Emerald Geological Services) support. The review of the Sunbeam Property core, the geophysics survey over Kerrs and the preparation for work at Dead Otter herald an exciting field season for First Class”



II.  Corporate and Financial Highlights


Since the beginning of 2024, the Company has undertaken several corporate actions aimed at leveraging its exceptional team and extensive network. FCM is now entering a phase of development that is expected to result in a significant increase in activity across its portfolio of assets.


·    On 22 February the Company successfully completed a private placement through a subscription with an existing high-net-worth shareholder, issuing 3,700,000 ordinary shares at a price of 4.5 pence per share, thereby raising £166,500. This placement was facilitated by an additional share loan from the Company’s Executive Chairman, James Knowles, consisting of 3,700,000 shares.



·    On 20 March 2024, the Company received approval for a maximum CAD$200,000 OJEP Grant for work completed on the Zigzag lithium and critical metals property, covering up to 50% of exploration expenditures from 1 April 2023, to 15 February 2024. This grant, which First Class has successfully secured in consecutive years, reflects the Ontario Government’s commitment to supporting early exploration for junior companies, and FCM is proud to be the only UK company to receive this non-dilutive funding for the second year running.


·    On 3 April 2024, the Company received a Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) credit amounting to CAD$212,780.03 for the year ending 2023. This credit reflects the Company’s eligible expenditures and represents an important financial benefit, enhancing cash flow and supporting ongoing operations.


·    On 9 April 2024, discussions commenced with Seventy Ninth Resources Limited (“SNR”), a division of the Seventy Ninth Group Limited (“SNG”), regarding several of FCM’s core and non-core assets. This negotiation underscored FCM’s business model of acquiring, enhancing, and monetizing its assets. The Company continues to explore potential synergies with SNR to expand their portfolio of natural resources assets.


·    On 13 June 2024, the McKellar and Enable properties were sold to SNG for a combined cash payment of £270,000. Additionally, the Company entered into a £230,000 drawdown facility with SNG over a 12-month period, which will be utilised for general working capital and to advance exploration activities on remaining FCM properties. The loan, drawn in a single tranche, is secured by a debenture over the assets of First Class Metals PLC, carries a 15% coupon, and is structured on an interest-only basis with repayment due on 25 May 2025. Seventy Ninth Resources continues to conduct further due diligence on additional FCM assets, as previously announced on 9 April 2024.



James Knowles, Chairman commented: 


“In the first half of the year, First Class Metals achieved a significant milestone with the successful asset sale to 79th Group, enhancing our financial position and providing resources for future growth. Our recent capital raises through share placements reflect our commitment to advancing our core portfolio and maximising shareholder value. We appreciate shareholders’ support as we continue to strengthen our position in the Canadian precious & critical metals exploration sector and work towards achieving our strategic goals. Thank you for being a part of our journey.”



III. Post period highlights


In the last three months comprising July to September 2024, FCM has been active both operationally with its exploration projects in Canada as well as on its corporate side. The highlights for this period are:


·    On 8 July 2024, the Company completed the repayment of a share loan from director James Knowles, issuing 9,695,332 new ordinary shares to settle the outstanding position related to two tranches previously loaned to the Company.


·    On 17 July 2024, the Company completed a private placing of 3,035,714 ordinary shares at a price of 2.8 pence per share, raising gross proceeds of £85,000, which represented a 5.6% premium to the mid-market closing price on July 16, 2024. To facilitate this placing, Executive Chairman James Knowles entered into a share lending agreement to loan the required shares to the Company, with the allotment of 5,912,059 new shares from him. No fees or security were associated with this share loan.


·    On 2 August 2024, the Company completed the repayment of shares loaned by Executive Chairman James Knowles, issuing 5,912,059 new ordinary shares to settle the outstanding position related to two tranches previously announced on 17 July 2024.   On the same date the Company also completed a private placing of 9,500,000 shares at a price of 2.7 pence per share, raising gross proceeds of £256,500, with Axis Capital Markets acting as the sole placing agent and subsequently appointed as the Company’s new broker.


IV. Financial Review



At the period end, the Group was funded through equity raises as well as sale of certain properties as stated above. A sum of £435,000 was raised through private placement and sale of properties.


Current Assets

At 30 June 2024, the Group had trade and other receivables of £75,428 (Dec 2023: £290,012, June 2023: £157,632).



Liquidity, cash and cash equivalents

At 30 June 2024, the Group held £83,006 (Dec 2023: £140,802, 30 June 2023: £844,131) of cash and cash equivalents, all of which are denominated in pound sterling.


Going concern

The financial information has been prepared on the basis that the Group will continue as a going concern.

As a junior exploration company, the Directors are aware that the Company must seek funds from the market to meet its investment and exploration plans and to maintain its listing status.


The Group’s reliance on a successful fund raising presents a material uncertainty that may cast doubt on the Group’s ability to continue to operate as planned and to pay its liabilities as they fall due.


The Company successfully raised £166,500 in the period ended 30 June 2024 through issuing  shares loaned by a director.  Additionally Canadian Tax Refunds of $212,780, the “OJEP” Grant receipt of $200,000 and property sales of £270,000 have been received during the period.


The Directors are aware of the reliance on fund raising within the next 12 months and the material uncertainty this presents but having reviewed the Group’s working capital forecasts they believe the Group is well placed to manage its business risks successfully providing the fund raising is successful.





Financial risk review



Principle risks & uncertainties are detailed in the most recent Annual report (page 54) which can be found on the company’s website and remain unchanged. This Annual Report can be found at: https://www.firstclassmetalsplc.com/.

This note presents information about the group’s exposure to financial risks and the group’s management of capital.

Capital risk management

The Group’s objectives when managing capital are: (a) To maintain a flexible capital structure which optimizes the cost of capital at acceptable risk; (b) To meet external capital requirements on debt and credit facilities; (c) To ensure adequate capital to support long-term growth strategy; and (d) To provide an adequate return to shareholders. The Group continuously monitors and reviews the capital structure to ensure the objectives are met. Management defines capital as the combination of its indebtedness and equity balances and manages the capital structure within the context of the business strategy, general economic conditions, market conditions in the power industry and the risk characteristics of assets. The Group’s objectives in managing capital and the definition of capital remain unchanged throughout the period. External factors, such as the economic environment, have not altered the Group’s objectives in managing capital.

Credit risk

The group’s definition of credit risk is Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Group if a customer or counterparty to a financial instrument fails to meet its contractual obligations. At present the Group does not have any customers and its risk on cash and bank is mitigated by holding of the funds in an “A” rated bank.

Liquidity risk

The group’s definition of liquidity risk is Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they become due. The Group manages liquidity risk by maintaining adequate cash balances.

Market risk

The group’s definition of market risk is Market risk is the risk that changes in market prices, such as commodity prices, will affect the Group’s earnings. The objective of market risk management is to identify both the market risk and the Group’s option to mitigate this risk.

A majority of the Group’s operating costs will be incurred in US and Canadian dollars, whilst the Group has raised capital in £ Sterling. The Group will incur exploration costs in US and Canadian Dollars, but it has raised capital in £ Sterling. Fluctuations in exchange rates of the US Dollar and Canadian Dollar against £ Sterling may materially affect the Group’s translated results of operations. In addition, given the relatively small size of the Group, it may not be able to effectively hedge against risks associated with currency exchange rates at commercially realistic rates. Accordingly, any significant adverse fluctuations in currency rates could have a material adverse effect on the Group’s business, financial condition and prospects to a much greater extent than might be expected for a larger enterprise.

Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value of the future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market rates of interest. As the Group has no significant interest bearing assets or liabilities, the group’s operating cash flows are substantially independent of changes in market interest rates. Therefore, the Group is not exposed to significant interest rate risk.



UK Listing Rules

On 29 July 2024, the Listing Rules were replaced by the UK Listing Rules (“UKLR”) under which the existing Standard Listing category was replaced by the Equity Shares (transition) category under Chapter 22 of the UKLR.  Consequently, with effect from that date the Company is admitted to Equity Shares (transition) category of the Official List under Chapter 22 of the UKLR and to trading on the London Stock Exchange’s Main Market for listed securities.



Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities

The Directors are responsible for preparing this report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law and regulations and UK adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”).


Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial period which present fairly the financial position of the Company and the financial performance and cash flows of the Company for that period. In preparing those financial statements, the Directors are required to:


• select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;

• make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;

• present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information;

• state whether applicable IFRS standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements;

• prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business; and

• provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements in IFRS standards is insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular transactions, other events and conditions on the entity’s financial position and financial performance.


The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the Company’s transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and enable them to ensure that the Company financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006 and Article 4 of the IAS Regulation. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.


Under applicable law and regulations, the Directors are also responsible for preparing a Strategic Report, Directors’ Report, Directors’ Remuneration Report and Corporate Governance Statement that comply with that law and those regulations, and for ensuring that the Annual report includes information required by the Listing Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority.


The financial statements are published on the Company’s website https://www.firstclassmetalsplc.com/. The work carried out by the Auditor does not involve consideration of the maintenance and integrity of this website and accordingly, the Auditor accepts no responsibility for any changes that have occurred to the financial statements since they were initially presented on the website. Visitors to the website need to be aware that legislation in the United Kingdom covering the preparation and dissemination of the financial statements may differ from legislation in their jurisdiction.


The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge the Company financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position of the Company.





 Half yearly accounts


Consolidated Income Statement for the Period from 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024

6 months to
 30 June

6 months to
30 June

12 months to
 31 December


Cost of sales

Gross loss

Administrative expenses




Other gains


Operating loss




Finance income




Finance costs




Net finance cost




Loss before tax




Loss for the period




Profit/(loss) attributable to:

Owners of the company





Loss for the period




Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

Foreign currency translation (losses)/gains




Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the period




Total comprehensive (loss)/income attributable to:

Owners of the company




Loss per share:






Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2024


30 June

30 June

31 December


Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment





Mineral property exploration and evaluation








Current assets

Trade and other receivables





Cash and cash equivalents








Total assets




Equity and liabilities


Share capital





Share premium




Equity reserve




Foreign currency translation reserve




Retained earnings




Equity attributable to owners of the company





Current liabilities

Trade and other payables





Loans and borrowings





 Total liabilities




Total equity and liabilities






Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the Period from 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024


Share capital

Share premium

Equity reserve

Foreign currency translation

Retained earnings

Total equity

At 1 January 2024







Loss for the period



Other comprehensive income



Total comprehensive income




At 30 June 2024









Share capital

Share premium

Equity reserve

Foreign currency translation

Retained earnings

Total equity

At 1 January 2023







Loss for the period



Other comprehensive income



Total comprehensive income







New share capital subscribed




Other equity reserve movements



At 30 June 2023









Share capital

Share premium

Equity reserve

Foreign currency translation

Retained earnings

Total equity

At 1 January 2023







Loss for the period



Other comprehensive income



Total comprehensive income




New share capital subscribed




Shares to be issued



Other equity reserve movements






At 31 December 2023












Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the Period from 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024


6 months to
 30 June

6 months to
 30 June

12 months to
 31 December 2023

Cash flows from operating activities

Loss for the period




Adjustments to cash flows from non-cash items

Depreciation and amortisation




Profit on disposal of intangible assets


Impairment losses



Foreign exchange loss/(gain)




Finance income




Finance costs







Working capital adjustments

Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables





Increase in trade and other payables





Increase in deferred consideration


Net cash flow from operating activities




Cash flows from investing activities

Interest received




Acquisitions of property plant and equipment



Proceeds from sale on intangible assets


Acquisition of mineral property exploration and revaluation





Net cash flows from investing activities




Cash flows from financing activities

Interest paid


Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares, net of issue costs



Proceeds from other borrowing draw downs




Repayment of other borrowing




Financing of shares loaned by directors



Finance cost of financial instruments


Foreign exchange loss/(gain)


Net cash flows from financing activities




Net increase in cash and cash equivalents




Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January




Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held



Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June





Notes to the Financial Statements for the Period from 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024


General information

The Company is a public company limited by share capital, incorporated and domiciled in England and Wales.

The principal activity of the Company was that of a holding company.


The principal activity of the Group was that of the exploration of gold and other semi-precious metals as well as battery metals critical to energy storage and power generation solutions.

The Company’s ordinary shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) under the ticker symbol FCM.

The address of its registered office is:

Suite 16 Freckleton Business Centre

Freckleton Street


Lancashire BB2 2AL

United Kingdom

These unaudited interim results comprise the Company and its subsidiary, First Class Metals Canada Inc. .


The Company’s interim report and accounts for the six months ended 30 June 2024 have been prepared using the recognition and measurement principles of International Accounting Standards in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.


These interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2024 should be read in conjunction with the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”) as applied in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006. The interim report and accounts do not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements. 


The interim report and accounts have been prepared in accordance with IAS34 (interim financial statements) and on the basis of the accounting policies, presentation and methods of computation as set out in the Company’s December 2023 Annual Report and Accounts, except for those that relate to new standards and interpretations effective for the first time for periods beginning on (or after) 1 January 2024 and will be adopted in the 2024 annual financial statements. 


The financial information is presented in Pounds Sterling, rounded to the nearest pound and has been prepared under the historical cost convention.


The interim report and accounts do not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. These interim financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 28 September 2024. The results for the six months to 30 June 2024 and the comparative results for the six months to 30 June 2023 are unaudited.  The figures for the year ended 31 December 2023 are extracted from the audited statutory accounts of the Company for that period.


Going Concern

The Directors have confirmed their intention to support the Company whilst it is in the process of raising funds to achieve its business plans. The Directors consider that sufficient resources are available to support the Company’s operations for the foreseeable future and therefore believe that the going concern basis of preparation is appropriate.


2  Loss per share


6 months ended

30 June 2024

6 months ended

30 June 2023

12 months ended 31 December 2023






Loss from operations





Weighted average number of shares





Basic and fully diluted loss per share






Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to equity holders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.




There are potentially issuable shares all of which relate to share warrants issued as part of placings in 2022. However, due to the losses for the year the impact of the potential additional shares is anti-dilutive and has therefore not been recognised in the calculation of the fully diluted loss per share. 


Earnings per share

The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) has been based on the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders and weighted-average number of ordinary shares outstanding.


Mineral property exploration and evaluation

Mineral property exploration and evaluation

Cost or valuation

At 1 January 2023




Foreign exchange movements


At 31 December 2023


At 1 January 2024






Foreign exchange movements


At 30 June 2024





Carrying amount

At 30 June 2024


At 30 June 2023


At 31 December 2023



Property, plant and equipment


Furniture, fittings and equipment

At 1 January 2023




At 30 June 2023



At 1 January 2023


Charge for the period


At 31 December 2023


At 1 January 2024


Charge for the period


At 30 June 2024


Carrying amount

At 30 June 2024


At 31 December 2023




Group subsidiaries


Details of the group subsidiaries as at 30 June 2024 are as follows:

Name of subsidiary


Principal activity


Registered office


Proportion of ownership interest and voting rights held


First Class Metals Canada Inc.*

Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores

55 York Street
Suite 401
ON M5J 1R7




* indicates direct investment of the company.



Trade and other receivables

30 June

30 June

31 December

Accrued income







Other receivables









Cash and cash equivalents

30 June

30 June

31 December

Cash at bank




Bank overdrafts






Share capital

Allotted, called up and fully paid shares

30 June

31 December





Ordinary shares of £0.001 each






Zigzag Option Agreement

In accordance with the Zigzag Option Agreement, payments and issuances of FCM ordinary shares are scheduled over a four-year period. The following table provides a detailed summary of the contractual obligations for cash payments, the issuance of ordinary shares, and the annual work commitments as per the agreement:


Cash (CAD$)

Ordinary FCM Shares (CAD$)

Annual Work Commitment (CAD$)

On Signing




June 01, 2023




June 01, 2024




June 01, 2025




June 01, 2026








Issuance of FCM Ordinary Shares
In line with IFRS requirements for financial reporting, it is noted that as at 30 June 2024, CAD $50,000 worth of FCM ordinary shares, originally scheduled for issuance on 1 June 2024, were pending. These shares were subsequently issued in July 2024.

The financial position as of 30 June 2024 reflects this as a share issuance obligation. Since the shares have now been issued, no further liability for these shares remains outstanding as of the date of this report.

The schedule above continues to outline the future obligations under the option scheme for the subsequent periods.

Kerrs Gold Property – IFRS Disclosure

In accordance with the Kerrs Gold Property Agreement, the following is a summary of the contractual obligations:

Due Date

Share Payments

Cash Payments (CAD$)

Upon signing the Agreement

$6,000 ($10,000 less $4,000 exclusivity deposit)

Six months after the Effective Date


Within four months of signing the Agreement upon publication of a prospectus

CAD $20,000 in share value

On the 1st anniversary of the Effective Date

CAD $30,000 in share value


On the 2nd anniversary of the Effective Date

CAD $40,000 in share value


On the 3rd anniversary of the Effective Date

CAD $60,000 in share value



CAD $150,000 in share value


Issuance of Shares
As of 30 June 2024, no pending share issuance was reported under this agreement. The contractual obligations for both share payments and cash payments are scheduled as outlined above and will be reflected in future reporting periods as they fall due.

Quinlan Property – IFRS Disclosure

In accordance with the Quinlan Property Agreement, the following is a summary of the contractual obligations:


Cash (CAD$)

Ordinary FCM Shares (CAD$)

Annual Work Commitment (CAD$)

On signing




Within one-year anniversary




Within two-year anniversary




Within three-year anniversary




Within four-year anniversary








*The issuance of CAD $15,000 in ordinary FCM shares, originally due on signing, is still pending as of 30 June 2024 and will be completed upon the next prospectus publication.

 Issuance of Shares
As of 30 June 2024, the CAD $15,000 worth of FCM ordinary shares scheduled to be issued upon signing is pending. These shares are expected to be issued at the next prospectus. All other obligations remain on schedule and will be reflected in future reporting periods.

Ongold Property – IFRS Disclosure

In accordance with the Ongold Property Agreement, the following is a summary of the share issuance obligation:


Ordinary FCM Shares


Upon publication of an FCA-approved prospectus

£100,000 in shares

Issuance of Shares
As of 30 June 2024, the issuance of £100,000 worth of FCM ordinary shares to Ongold remains pending. This issuance is conditional upon the publication of an FCA-approved prospectus and will be completed upon meeting that condition.

Future updates will reflect the status of this issuance in accordance with the terms of the agreement.



Loans and borrowings


30 June

30 June

31 December

Current loans and borrowings

Bank overdraft


Other borrowings


Convertible debt






The group’s exposure to market and liquidity risks, including maturity analysis, relating to loans and borrowings is disclosed in note 15 “Financial risk review”.

In June 2024, the company completed the drawdown facility of £230,000 from the 79th Grp Limited and this is secured by way of debenture.







Trade and other payables

30 June

30 June

31 December

Trade payables




Accrued expenses




Social security and other taxes




Outstanding defined contribution pension costs


Other payables








Post balance sheet events

As of July 8, 2024, the Company completed the repayment of a share loan from director James Knowles, issuing 9,695,332 new ordinary shares to settle the outstanding position related to two tranches previously loaned to the Company.


As of July 17, 2024, the Company completed a private placing of 3,035,714 ordinary shares at a price of 2.8 pence per share, raising gross proceeds of £85,000, which represented a 5.6% premium to the mid-market closing price on July 16, 2024. To facilitate this placing, Executive Chairman James Knowles entered into a share lending agreement to loan the required shares to the Company, with the allotment of 5,912,059 new shares from him. No fees or security were associated with this share loan.


 On August 2, 2024, the Company completed the repayment of shares loaned by Executive Chairman James Knowles, issuing 5,912,059 new ordinary shares to settle the outstanding position related to two tranches previously announced on July 17, 2024. 


The Company also completed a private placing of 9,500,000 shares at a price of 2.7 pence per share, raising gross proceeds of £256,500, with Axis Capital Markets acting as the sole placing agent and subsequently appointed as the Company’s new broker.



Related party transactions

Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability (directly or indirectly) to control the other party or exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial and operating decisions. Parties are also considered related if they are subject to common control or common significant influence. Related parties may be individuals or corporate entities.

During the period, the Group incurred consultancy and travel expenses in relation to the intangible assets from Specialist Exploration Services (Scotland) Limited, a company controlled by a common director. The services were for £83,234 (Dec 2023: £181,814) of which £Nil (Dec 2023: £7,000) was outstanding at 30 June 2024.


During the year, the Group incurred director’s fees for A Williamson through Vrynwy Limited, a company controlled by a common director. The services were for £17,188 (2023: £4,170) of which £2,750 (2023: £Nil) was outstanding at 30 June 2024.


During the year, the director, James Knowles loaned additional 3,700,000 shares with total loaned being 9,695,332 and Ayub Bodi loaned 5,995,331 in the previous year, to be returned on the publication of prospectus or when headroom allows. This has been reflected in the equity reserve. The directors received an 8.25% facility fee on the shares loaned. Ayub Bodi was resigned as director on 2 February 2024.


#GRX GreenX Metals LTD – Extension Of Option Agreement for Eleonore North

Extension Of Option Agreement for Eleonore North Gold Project

GreenX Metals Limited (GreenX or the Company) advises that it has agreed an extension of the Option Agreement (Agreement) with Greenfields Exploration Pty Ltd (GEX), to acquire up to 100% of the Eleonore North gold project (Eleonore North or the Project) in eastern Greenland, from 30 June 2024 to 15 July 2024, while GreenX and GEX negotiate to vary the commercial terms of the Agreement. 

As previously announced, Eleonore North has the potential to host a reduced intrusion-related gold system” (RIRGS), analogous to large bulk-tonnage deposit types found in Canada including Donlin Creek, Fort Knox and Dublin Gulch.

Gold mineralisation has been documented at the high-priority Noa Pluton prospect within Eleonore North including:

·  Geophysical “bullseye” anomaly 6 km wide co-incident with elevated gold mineralisation from historical geochemical sampling.

·     Anomalous gold mineralisation associated with quartz veining exposed at surface over a length of up to 15 km.

·     Historical sampling includes 4 m chip sample grading 1.93 g/t Au and 1.9% Sb (refer to Appendix 1 of the Company’s announcement on 10 July 2023).

Eleonore North has potential to host large scale, shallow, bulk tonnage gold deposits. Eleonore North remains underexplored, with the existence of a possible RIRGS being a relatively new geological interpretation based on the historical data. Initial field work consists of a seismic survey to determine the depth from surface to the Noa Pluton to aid in drill targeting.

A map of a geoglyphical area Description automatically generated with low confidence

Figure 1: Eleonore North licence area showing the 6km diameter geophysical anomaly co-incident with gold veining visible at surface over some 15km at the high priority Noa Pluton prospect


The Eleonore North license area contains other gold targets as well as copper, antimony and tungsten prospects. At Holmesø there is copper and antimony mineralisation outcropping at surface. Historical mapping and sampling in the 1970s at Holmesø show a prospective horizon between 15 m and 20 m thick, with per cent level grades for both metals.

Eleonore North provides GreenX with gold exposure in Greenland and complements GreenX’s existing exploration prospect in Greenland, the ARC. There are significant synergies with regards to personnel, logistics and equipment in having multiple exploration projects in Greenland. Field works were conducted during the 2023 field season at Eleonore North, with data collected from the seismic survey presently being analysed to inform follow-on exploration program design.

Greenland is a mining friendly jurisdiction with strong Government support for expanding its mining industry, simple laws and regulations, and a competitive fiscal regime.

The primary target in Eleonore North is the Noa Pluton, followed by the Holmesø prospect and its source intrusion.  The Noa Veins provide a near-term drill target, however, the Company’s 2023 field work was focussed on determining the depth of the causative intrusion with greater precision using a passive seismic survey. Once analysed, this information will validate the magnetic interpretation, provide more certainty for a future exploration program, and help identify the size of the intrusion within the well-defined hornfels.

A map of the north pole Description automatically generated

A map of land with black and green squares Description automatically generated

Figure 2: Map of Greenland showing GreenX’s ARC and Eleonore North license areas

Figure 3: Map showing prospects and geological features within the Eleonore North license areas



Competent Persons Statement

The information in this report that relates to exploration results were extracted from the ASX announcement dated 10 July 2023 which is available to view at www.greenxmetals.com.

GreenX confirms that (a) it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the original announcement; (b) all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the content in the relevant announcement continue to apply and have not materially changed; and (c) the form and context in which the Competent Person’s findings are presented have not been materially modified from the original announcement.

#FCM First Class Metals PLC – Operations update – Coco East and OnGold Earn-in

First Class Metals PLC (“First Class Metals” “FCM” or the “Company”) the UK listed metals exploration company seeking economic metal discoveries across its extensive land holdings, remains focused in northern Ontario, Canada, is pleased to announce that field work on the Coco East base / precious metal property is now underway.


·    Field work has commenced  on the Coco East property, base metal potential

·    The Earn-in deal with OnGold Invest Corp (“OnGold”) has been renegotiated, FCM has now acquired 100% of the property as a result  the exploration work commitment has been removed.

Marc Sale First Class Metals CEO Commented:

In true FCM fashion we are endeavouring to put as much of the available funds ‘into-the-ground’, though gold prices are soaring the Coco East property has real potential for base metals. However, the very anomalous gold in lake sediment samples on the OnGold property constitute a significant target which too demands follow-up when appropriate.’ 

Coco East

The Coco East block of 30 single cell claims covering ~6.3km² situated about 25km north of the town of Terrace Bay. Geologically the property is on the eastern sector of the Big Duck Lake Porphyry. The Big Duck Lake Porphyry contains a number of historic showings as well as the Coco Estelle gold deposit.

The one showing located within the Coco East property boundary, the Big Birch occurrence, where two pits are reported with a 5m spacing, striking east-west. The main pit exposes a 10cm-wide quartz and calcite vein and contains pyrite and possible chalcopyrite mineralisation; historic assay results have returned values of 0.56 g/t Au and 2.83 g/t Ag

A map of the north shore zone Description automatically generated

Figure 01 Showing the regional setting of the Coco East claim block with Ontario Mineral Index (OMI) showings.

During the 2022 field season, FCM collected 47 rock samples predominantly in the area of the Big Birch occurrence and historical drilling. Over the winter of 2022/23 six lake sediment samples were collected, Assays returned gold and silver grades that were generally in order of the historic samples,

Figure 02 Showing the main target areas, southern sector being gold and northern base metals.

The Coco East property not only has potential for precious metal targets but also base metals. The geophysical anomaly in the northern sector has been interpreted as a potential eastern continuation of the ‘zinc belt’ from the Winston Lake area.

The Winston Lake Mine closed at the end of the 1990s due to low zinc prices. The Winston deposit was mined between 1988 and 1998, producing approximately 3.3 million tonnes of 14 per cent zinc and one per cent copper.

Today, the critical mineral is hovering between US$2,500 and US$3,000 per tonne. Zinc is in demand for renewable energy technologies in wind, solar and battery storage, as well as for the galvanizing, construction and automotive sectors.

A mine feasibility study published in 2022 shows 2.35 million tonnes at 17.9 per cent zinc and 0.9 per cent copper. There are also some precious metals in the mix, including one million gold equivalent ounces at 13 grams per tonne. Source- Metallum Resources: NPV(8) increases to C$383M(1,2) with average EBITDA of C$102m pa(3) for Superior Lake Zinc Project – Junior Mining Network

The focus of the current field exploration programme will be the geophysical anomaly in the northern sector.


The project is located roughly 21km southeast from the town of Manitouwadge, Ontario comprising of 163 single cell mining claims covering about 34km2. Limited previous exploration has been focussed to investigate several discreet magnetic anomalies thought to be associated with Ni-Cu-PGE mineralised mafic-ultramafic intrusions. Similar rock types comprise the Tyko, RJ, Smoke Lake and the recently discovered West Pickle massive sulphide discovery, see link below to the full report:


The 103ppb Au lake sediment sample collected by Emerald Geological Services ‘EGS’ in the winter of 2022/23 also now shows the gold potential of the area.A map of a geothermal area

Figure 03 showing the extended North Hemlo claim block with the contiguous 100% owned OnGold claims. 

FCM, as part of the due diligence process, conducted an extension lake sediment sampling campaign in April to March 2023 extending from the wider North Hemlo sampling programme. The initial results from this campaign have reported gold grades of up to 103ppb.

Bruce MacLachlan, Principle of EGS was  quoted in a previous press release as saying, “To the best of our knowledge the 103ppb Au Lake sediment value is the highest lake sediment value collected in the Hemlo Belt outside of the deposit area”.

 While at a very early stage, these initial results are extremely encouraging and add to the potential for the prospectivity of the property.

A map of a gold mine Description automatically generated

Figure 04 Showing geophysical targets identified by OnGold as well as location of the lake sediment samples with the very anomalous 103ppb Au result.

The terms of the revised Agreement, which is now a Purchase Agreement, not Earn-In as the property is now 100% controlled by FCM and the annual work requirements are removed:

Structure of Deal

FCM has assumed  100% of the claim block constituting the ‘OnGold deal’, being the previous executed Agreement. 

·    The claims cells will be transferred to First Class Metals Canada Inc.

·      The existing 2% NSR on southern block with 50% buy back for $500k, remain as is but the buy back is transferred to FCM. 

·      OnGold to be granted a 2% NSR on northern block with 50% buy back of $500k.

·      OnGold to be granted £100k shares in FCM subject to the publication of an FCA approved prospectus.

The amendments made to the original deal are advantageous for FCM, as they grant the company 100% control over the property. This development, if further exploration success ensues, is expected to significantly bolster future value potential as complete ownership will be retained solely by FCM. 

The  original deal is detailed in the RNS published 14 June 2023 polaris.brighterir.com/public/first_class_metals/news/rns/story/xlkm7gw

Admission of Shares

The Company has become aware that 300 ordinary shares of 0.1p each (“Shares”) that were issued in connection of the exercise of warrants announced on 23 January 2023, were not admitted to trading.

Application is therefore being made for 300 Shares to be admitted to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange which is expected to be on or around 1 July 2024. These shares rank pari passu with the existing Shares of the Company.

Following the issue of the 300 new Shares, the Company’s issued ordinary share capital shall consist of 82,046,029 Shares. This figure of 82,046,029 represents the total voting rights in the Company and should be used by shareholders as the denominator for the calculation by which they can determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, the Company under the Financial Conduct Authority’s Disclosure Guidance & Transparency Rules. 


For further information, please contact: 

James Knowles, Executive Chairman


07488 362641

Marc J Sale, CEO


07711 093532

Novum Securities Limited

(Financial Adviser) 

David Coffman/ George Duxberry


(0)20 7399 9400

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