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IMC Exploration Group (IMCP) – AGM and Share Placement

IMC Exploration Group (IMCP) – AGM & SHARE PLACEMENT

At the recent Annual General Meeting of IMC, all the resolutions put to shareholders were passed.

The board of IMC Exploration Group plc are also pleased to announce that they have raised £150,000 by way of a Placing and Subscription of 15,000,000 new ordinary shares of €0.01 each in the Company, at a price of 1p per share.   Two directors, Liam McGrattan and Nial Ring have subscribed £50,000. Global Resource Investment Trust plc has subscribed a further £50,000.

Following this issue of new ordinary shares, the total number of ordinary shares in issue is 122,816,719.

Chairman, Liam McGrattan commented “IMC continues to make solid progress in its exploration and corporate activities. We look forward to the coming year with enthusiasm.”

Contact Details:

IMC Exploration Group PLC
Liam McGrattan
Tel. +353 872745427

Keith Bayley Rogers & Co. Limited
Hugh Oram
Tel: +44 207 464 4090

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