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#TEK Tekcapital PLC Investee Company – Microsalt Shakers – Giant Food agrees to carry MicroSalt Shakers

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Tekcapital Plc (AIM: TEK), (OTCQB: TEKCF) the UK intellectual property investment group focused on creating valuable products that can improve people’s lives, is pleased to announce that supermarket chain, Giant Food of  Maryland LLC, (“Giant”) one of the most respected food retailers in the mid-Atlantic United States, has agreed to partner with Microsalt Inc to provide low-sodium solutions for consumers and has agreed to carry MicroSalt’s new saltshakers in its stores.

“We are extremely excited that Giant has joined with us to provide low sodium solutions to its customers. This is a tremendous step in our march toward reducing excess sodium consumption. Our MicroSalt shakers empower consumers to salt their food to taste with less sodium,” said Rick Guiney, CEO of MicroSalt®.



About Giant Foods

With over 160 stores spanning across the Delaware, Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia region, Giant is a store you can count on for everything from locally sourced items, 100% sustainable seafood, healthy options, and everyday essentials.

About MicroSalt

MicroSalt, is the developer and manufacturer of a proprietary low-sodium salt called MicroSalt®. We are passionate about improving peoples’ lives with better-for-you seasonings and snacks by taking the lead in the industry by providing the best low-sodium salt solution, based on the mechanical transformation of the salt particle itself. This solution is the only one that delivers real salt flavour because it is salt. Our new patented technology produces salt crystals that are approximately one hundred times smaller than typical table salt, delivering a powerful saltiness as the micro-grains dissolve in the mouth, with approximately 50% less sodium consumption. Additionally, the ultra-small particle size enhances product adhesion, which reduces waste and provides improved flavor consistency. MicroSalt® and SaltMe® are registered trademarks of MicroSalt Inc.

To learn more about MicroSalt please visit https://www.microsaltinc.com/

To learn more about SaltMe! snacks please visit https://saltme.com/ 

Tekcapital owns 97% of the share capital of MicroSalt Ltd. and 6,034,683 shares (78%) of MicroSalt Inc., its U.S. subsidiary.

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