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LocoSoco Group #LOCO – Hand Sanitiser Supply Partnership With The Great Outdoor Gym Company.

LocoSoco Group Plc, the company that builds technology to profit from creating sustainable communities and is listed on the Direct Market segment of the Vienna MTF, is pleased to announce a new UK hand sanitiser supply partnership with The Great Outdoor Gym Company (‘TGOGC’).

LocoSoco Group Plc (LOCO) is listed on the Direct Market segment of the Vienna MTF. For quotes and trading data, link here: https://www.wienerborse.at/en/market-data/shares-others/quote-direct/?ISIN=GB00BD5BTL23&ID_NOTATION=246035708

The Great Outdoor Gym Company (TGOGC) Agreement

Great Outdoor Gym Company sponsor a further 450 NHS Forest trees ...LocoSoco have agreed a partnership with TGOGC to distribute hand sanitiser products across their network of more than 1500 gyms worldwide. TGOGC design, engineer and manufacture outdoor gym equipment for parks, schools, university campuses, hospitals, care homes, workplaces, prisons, seafronts, roof terraces, holiday camps, leisure facilities and exhibition spaces. TGOGC values for sustainability and community support are fully aligned with LocoSoco.

The key products to be supplied to TGOGC are SanitiserSafe +, a 7 day residual effect non toxic environmentally friendly powerful cleaner and HandSafe, a Covid 19 certified-in-lab hand cleaner that kills Covid and other nasties leaving a 4 hour residual effect on the hands.

TGOGC My Eco Site page link: https://myeco.site/tgo

Initial Sales

Since signing this agreement at the end of June, TGOGC have already opened up routes to market for LocoSoco, with initial sales of hand sanitiser already made to 12 UK Councils.

LocoSoco CEO James Perry commented:

“LocoSoco’s relentless efforts to build strategic partnerships and alliances are rapidly coming to fruition. Today’s agreement with TGOGC follows on from the recent Purus Air, eXpresso Plus and WeAreInverurie agreements, and demonstrates how quickly the LocoSoco network can commercialise new partnerships. As our company enters an exciting phase of growth, I look forward to providing further updates.”

The Great Outdoor Gym Company Managing Director Georgie Delaney commented:

“We need to create a more sustainable world, and fast. Our partnership with LocoSoco moves us one step further towards our goals of creating healthier, more sustainable communities, and means we can rapidly and efficiently supply our customers with innovative products that are better for the environment.”



LocoSoco Group PLC

James Perry, Chief Executive Officer

Simon Rendell, Non-Executive Chairman

+44 (0)203 538 0716



Novus Communications Ltd

Alan Green / Jacqueline Briscoe

+44 (0)7976 431608 / +44 (0)207 448 9839


Keswick Global AG – Capital Market Coach

Tim Curle, Klaus Schwerdtfeger

info@keswickglobal.com / +43 (1)740 408045


About LocoSoco Group Plc

LocoSoco builds technology to profit from creating sustainable communities. We work with community partners to turn community assets into eco-enterprises enabling them to generate additional revenues whilst going green.

Community partners have the opportunity to engage with their local community on sustainability, whilst also earning additional revenue for themselves, their businesses and causes.

LocoSoco Group Plc listed on the Austrian Wiener Borse Direkt Market in February 2019.

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