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Apollo Minerals (ASX:AON) – June 2018 Quarterly Report

Received government approval for 100% ownership of the Couflens Project whilst finalising drill programs and strengthening management team


  • Received approval from the French Ministry of Economy and Finance of the proposed acquisition of the remaining 20% interest in the Couflens Project
  • Completed the initial phase of health and safety risk assessments within the historical Salau tungsten mine, focused on geotechnical stability, air quality monitoring, ventilation tests and water quality
  • Tests confirmed excellent infrastructure servicing the historical mine and excellent ground conditions within competent granite or marble host rock
  • Submitted a proposed program of works to the French authorities for the restoration of mine services including ventilation
  • Ranked and prioritised numerous drill targets for gold and tungsten based on historical drilling data and 3D modelling completed by Company geologists
  • Submitted applications for an extensive airborne geophysics survey at the Couflens Project
  • Submitted applications for a drill program at the Aurerene Project in Spain as part of the application for an Investigation Permit
  • Strengthened management team with the appointment of Mr Hugo Schumann, an experienced European mining executive, as Executive Director
  • Co-founded the Club de Mécènes Mines du Salat to support the cultural and historical heritage of the Couserans province of France
  • Completion of A$6 million placement leading European Institutional Investors
  • Completed the listing of the Company’s former subsidiary Constellation Resources Limited, which holds Fraser Range nickel-copper and gold assets, via an Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) in July 2018
  • Tungsten prices continued to strengthen, rising 6% during the quarter and ending at US$347 per mtu, the highest level since 2014

LOOKING AHEAD                             

Salau Mine Area:

  • Finalise and submit applications for drill programs for gold and tungsten within the Salau mine area
  • Final round of health and safety risk assessments to be completed in the coming months
  • Planning geotechnical stability tests and additional sampling programs at the tailings disposal areas outside the Salau mine where gold grades of up to 8.94 g/t were recorded and tungsten grades averaged 0.49% WO3

Within the broader ground holding including the Couflens Project (France) and the adjacent Aurenere Project (Spain):

  • Extensive airborne geophysical surveys to refine regional targets and enhance understanding of regional geological structures
  • Based on the results of the airborne surveys, complete drill program applications to assess the identified tungsten and gold prospects


  • Appointment of Mr Dylan Browne as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary
  • The Company held A$5.5 million in cash and no debt at the end of the quarter

Executive Director Hugo Schumann commented:

“Our geological team has successfully digitised the assay results of more than 650 historical drill holes at the Couflens Project and constructed 3D geological models focused on the historical Salau mine. Using this 3D modelling, we have now developed multiple drill targets for gold and tungsten and will be advancing planning and applications for drilling in the coming quarter.

The historical Salau mine has been closed for more than 30 years and we have been working closely with the authorities on health and safety risk assessments to ensure safe working conditions for our exploration campaigns. These assessments have so far confirmed excellent infrastructure and ground conditions within the mine, with wide development drives and competent host rock as well as shown numerous visible areas of mineralisation prospective for gold and tungsten.

As we look ahead we plan to finalise the risk assessments, re-establish mine services, and then commence an extensive exploration program including underground drilling and channel sampling. In the wider region across our large licence holding we have planned an airborne geophysics program which will assist with drill targeting across where high-grade gold and tungsten have been identified from field campaigns.”


For further information please contact:

Hugo Schumann                                                         Robert Behets

Tel: +44 207 478 3900                                              Tel: +61 8 9322 6322  

Email: info@apollominerals.com.au

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