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Morrisons Bringing Home The Bacon

Morrison W. Supermarkets MRW reports its seventh consecutive quarter of what it calls “positive like for like”  after strong first half growth in sales, profits and dividend. Like for like sales excluding fuel and VAT grew by 3% in the 6 months to 30th July, more than double last years first half growth rate of 1.4%. Underlying profit before tax rose by 12.7% and earnings per share by 14.9% and the interim dividend is to be increased by 5.1%. The company now expects to be able to deliver consistent and substantial growth, which is a lot more than can be said for most supermarkets.

GVC Holdings GVC made strong progress during the half year to the 30th June and this is continuing in the third quarter. Clean EBITDA for the current year is expected to be comfortably ahead of analysts consensus.Adjusted profit before tax rose by 99% after a rise of 25% in net gaming revenue. The statutory loss for the half year fell to 6.6m. Euro, down from last years 86.1m Euro

Booker Group BOK performed well in the quarter to the 8th September providing good news for Tesco which is hoping to be allowed to eventually complete the merger of the two companies. Like for like non tobacco sales over the 12 week period rose by 6% whilst tobacco sales continued to decline with a 9.4% fall on a like for like basis. No forward looking statements can be made because of the proposed merger.

Ricardo plc RCDO produced revenue growth of 6% for the year to 30th June after what it described as navigating a year of uncertainty and volatility. It ended the year with a record order book and a strong order intake. Underlying profit before tax rose by 2% and the full year dividend is to be increased by 7%.

Forbidden Technology FBT saw a slow down in first half sales because of larger deals which it had in its pipeline , leading to an increase in deferred revenue. Contracted orders rose by 67% including deferred  revenue which itself rose by 74%. The net loss before tax fell slightly as did the EBITDA loss.

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Brand CEO Alan Green talks UK PMI numbers, Halfords (HFD) & Forbidden Tech (FBT) on TipTV

Brand CEO Alan Green talks UK PMI numbers, Halfords (HFD) and Forbidden Technologies (FBT) with Zak Mir on TipTV.


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