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Ian Pollard: Trakm8 Expects Second Half Profit + Updates on DX Group #DX Taptica International #TAP Versarien #VRS and Firestone Diamonds #FDI

Trakm8 Holdings plc TRAK Confirms that for the third quarter of the year ending 31st March 2019, the Group has seen orders grow in challenging markets as well as  implementing a rigorous cost saving programe. The final quarter has benefited from a strong start with a revamped sales team. The Directors anticipate that the second half will now be profitable, even though full year revenue will be 25% to 35% below last year.

DX ( Group) plc DX has continued to make encouraging progress with its turnaround in the half year to the 31st December and is in a good position to drive further improvements. Positive EBITDA is expected for the full financial year.

Taptica International Ltd TAP, announces it is to merge with RhythmOne Plc  a global leader in advertising technologies for performance-based mobile marketing and brand advertising. The combination of the two businesses is expected to create one of the leading video advertising companies in the US, delivering significant economies of scale, customer base and supply chains to compete with the industry leaders. The merger will be effected way of a recommended offer by Taptica for the entire issued and to be issued ordinary share capital of RhythmOne. Each RhythmOne Shareholder will be entitled to receive 28 New Taptica Shares for every 33 RhythmOne Shares held.

Versarien plc VRS is pleased with the impressive rate of progress which it has continued to make since entering into formal relationship towards the end of last year  with Chinese provincial government bodies. Agreement has been reached with various Chinese partners to progress the use of Versarien’s graphene powders and inks for a number of new applications.

Firestone Diamonds plc FDI had a reasonable second quarter, although  the demand for the smaller, lower value stones deteriorated further but then stabilised at the December and January sales  The demand for larger, better quality stones remains strong. A slower start to the second half was experienced due to equipment failure  during January, which is expected to impact tonnes treated and carats recovered for the third quarter.

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