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Ian Pollard: Dairy Crest Slightly Ahead At Half Time

Dairy Crest Group DCG expects profit for the half year to the 30th September to be slightly ahead of  last year, with revenue driven by strong performances from its two largest brands, Cathedral City and Clover. Cathedral City continues to go from strength to strength reports the company and several new products will be released by the brand, over the coming months.

Finsbury Food FIF claims that its performance over the year to the 30th June has  illustrated its resilience and ability to deliver against its strategic priorities.The dividend is to be increased by 10% after like for like revenue rose by 2.4% and on a statutory basis profit before tax, fell by 65.7% and basic earnings per share by 76.1%, whilst an adjusted basis they rose by 4% and 2.7%. respectively.

Christie Group CTG is raising its interim dividend by 25% for the six months to the 30th June after operating profit nearly doubled from £1.1m to £2. and basic earnings per share rose from 1.53p per share to 5.18p. Revenue for the half year rose by 10%.

Warpaint London W7L is increasing its interim dividend by 7% after sales for the half year to the 30th June shot up by 38.7%, or 7.3% on a like for like basis and gross profit rose by 30%. The order book as at the 30th June was significantly ahead compared to the same time last year

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