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#UKIM Podcast – Alan Green discusses #ANTO Antofagasta, #GGP Greatland Gold and Golden Metal Resources

The UK Investor Magazine was delighted to have Alan Green back on the podcast after a brief hiatus. We delve into key market themes and three UK equities.

UK inflation remains above 10% and presents the Bank of England with a problem. Hike rates to fight inflation and risk the negative economic consequences of higher rates. Or hold off and risk soaring prices in a cost-of-living crisis. We discuss their options.

Antofagasta has released their Q1 production report and we look at the merits of the copper miner in the current environment.

We review Greatland Gold and the Havieron gold project. Alan provides an overview of the latest updates from their JV with Newcrest.

We finish with a look at the upcoming Golden Metal Resources IPO.

Vox Market Podcast- CEO Alan Green discusses More Acquisitions, TruSpine Technologies & ECR Minerals

Alan Green, CEO of Brand Communications discusses how the fortunes of football teams are like companies on the stock market and mentions the following companies:

More Acquisitions #TMOR
TruSpine Technologies #TSP
ECR Minerals #ECR

Listen to the podcast here – https://www.voxmarkets.co.uk/articles/alan-green-talks-about-more-acquisitions-truspine-technologies-ecr-minerals-a4d9e7d/

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