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Ian Pollard – Reckitt Benckiser Returns To Growth In Fourth Quarter

Reckitt Benckiser RB delivered what it claims was a solid end to the year with like for like fourth quarter net revenue up by 2% on a constant currency basis, accompanied by volume led growth also of 2%. For the year as a whole like for like net revenue at constant exchange rates was flat thus justifying the claim that the fourth quarter saw a return to growth. Reported net income for the year rose by 88% at constant exchange rates but on an  adjusted basis this fell back to 4%, whilst adjusted earnings per share were up by 10%. The final dividend is to be 97.7p per share making a total increase for the year of 7%. For 2018 the target is total like for like revenue growth of 2-3% as RB continues on its journey to becoming a global leader in consumer health care.

Spectris SXS made good strategic progress in broadening its customer offer in 2017 with like for like sales rising by 6% and adjusted operating profit and earnings per share by 8% and 14% respectively. The final dividend is to be increased by 9%.

Fidessa Group FDSA reports a solid performance in transforming markets in the year the 31st December, with adjusted profit before tax rising by 5% on a constant currency basis. The final dividend is to be increased by 5% on top of which there will be a repeat of the previous years special dividend of 50p per share. For 2018 similar levels of constant currency growth are forecast.

Dart Group DTG expects that underlying profit before tax will be materially ahead of current market expectations for the year to the end of March, due to the end of the heavy discounting of the past year, the return of a more normal pricing environment and the continued success of its growing leisure travel business With  satisfactory forward bookings, trading for 2019 is expected to be in line with the current year.

BATM Advanced Communications BVC expects that 2017 revenue will be significantly ahead of market expectations at $106m, which represents a year on year rise of 17%. This follows the company’s success  in obtaining new customers, new contracts and new territories.

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Fidessa Shareholders Benefit from Sterling Weakness

Fidessa Group FDSA claims solid growth for the year as a whole but then admits that most of it was due to the weakness of sterling rather than the success of the company and its management. At constant exchange rates revenue rose by 3% and profit before tax by a lowly 1% compared to the actual exchange rate figures of 12% and 25% respectively. The reality however is used to give shareholders a big present with an 11% rise in both the final and special dividends.

Firestone Diamonds FDI held its first diamond sale last week in Antwerp. All carats on offer, a total of 75,936, were sold at an average price of US$107 per carat, producing a total of US$8.14m. The highest price achieved for a single stone exceeded US$1m. The company describes the total as pleasing as the diamonds were recovered from lower quality ore areas. Over 90 companies viewed the diamonds and 38 were successful. A second auction is expected before the end of March.

Plastics Capital PLA Third quarter revenues were ahead of expectations following stronger than expected demand and trading condition remain generally good.  Full year results however, are expected to be in line.

EG Solutions EGS Strong second half trading produced record revenues up by over 50% to £5.69m., compared to the first half total of £2.5m. The first half loss of £0.89m. was turned into positive EBITDA of over £2.m Several new contracts have been signed with major global companies in America, Asia and Europe.

Lok’nStore Group LOK First half trading in the self storage business remained solid with revenue up by 3.9% and self storage occupancy rose by 4.6%. Document storage revenue was up by 8%

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