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Ian Pollard – IG Group To Slide In 2018 -19

IG Group Holdings plc IG reports record revenue, operating profit and earnings for the year to the 31st May with strong growth across all regions and products. It is proposed that dividends for the year be increased by 34%, with a final payment of 33.5p per share bringing the total to 43.2p. The outlook for 2019 is not as bright as revenue  will be lower than in 2018, reflecting the impact of the regulatory changes in the UK and EU.  Operating expenses are also expected to increase. A return to growth is expected in the following year.

Unite Group plc UTG The first half of 2018 has been another active and successful period with reservations at record levels.  91% of beds already reserved for the 2018/19 academic year and like-for-like rental growth is expected to be within a range of 3.0-3.5%. Profit before tax for the six months to the 30th June rose by 70% and the interim dividend is to be increased by 30%.

Drax Group DRX Performance in the six months to the 30th June was impacted, by two unplanned outages. Despite this last years statutory operating loss of £61m. was turned into a profit of £12.m and the statutory loss before tax of £104m fell to £11m. The reported basic loss per share which stood at 21p in the first half of 2017, fell to 1p. per share. The interim dividend is to be increased to 5.6p per share, a total of  £22.4 million compared to 2017’s £20m. The full year dividend is expected to total £56m

Fevertree Drinks FEVR Enjoyed further strong UK growth in the six months to the 30th June. Revenue rose by 45%. andaAdjusted EBITDA by  35% and the interim dividend was increased by 40% to 4.22p per share. The major progress made in the first half leads the company to believe the outcome for the full year will be comfortably ahead of expectations.”

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Ian Pollard – Antofagasta #ANTO increases dividends by 177%

Antofagasta plc ANTO benefited from the rise in the copper price during 2017 and is increasing its total dividends for the year by 177%  with a recommendation for a final dividend of 40.6 cents per share, which brings the total payout for the year to 50.9 cents. EBITDA rose by 59% to $2.6 billion and the EBITDA margin rose to 54%, the highest since 2012 when the copper price was 30% higher.  Like for like earnings per share increased by 119%.

Computacenter CCC is increasing it 2017 dividends by 17.6% after breaking records on all fronts. Group revenue rose by 16.9%, adjusted profit before tax rose to record levels with a rise of 22.9% (28.2% on a statutory basis) and adjusted earnings per share broke another record with a rise of 65.1%. France again performed ahead of management expectations,with an 80% rise in adjusted operating profit whilst Germany delivered another record performance and the UK re-established positive sales momentum with a rise of 8.8% in full year revenue.

Close Bros. Grp CBG is increasing its interim dividend by 5% to 21p. per share after a good first half performance which produced a 6% increase in adjusted operating profit. The company says that it is well positioned for the full year with all sectors of its business having performed well in the six months to the 31st January.

Fevertree Drinks FEVR is recommending a final dividend of 7.64 p. per share for the year to 31st January, bringing the total for the year to 10.65p compared to last years 6.25p., an increase of some 50%. 2017produced continued strong growth  across all regions, channels, flavours and formats, with the UK delivering an exceptional performance and group revenue rising by 66% with a gross profit margin of 53.5%.

Tasty plc TAST continues to suffer the same fate as the rest of the UK restaurant industry and despite a 9.7% increase in revenue for the year to 31st December it has continued to close more restaurants since the start of the new financial year and does not have any plans to open any new ones in 2018.

H&T Group HAT 2017 was a milestone year which produced a strong trading performance. The final dividend is to be increased by 14.1% after a 45% increase in profit before tax and a 32.1% rise in EBITDA, all of which is enabling the company to look to the future with confidence.

Find beachfront villas & houses for sale in Greece;   http://www.hiddengreece.net

David Paul on Core Finance TV. VectorVest markets timing indicator could suggest a market bounce, plus #GFM, #JD, #FEVR & #KAZ

David Paul looks at key indicators, including market timing that could suggest a market bounce. Watch this Core Finance video where he discusses stocks to watch, Griffin Mining (GFM.L), JD Sports (JD.L), Fevertree (FEVR.L) and KAZ Minerals (KAZ.L). VectorVest prefers shares that are undervalued and shares that are growing in earnings. Analyse any share in 30 seconds and know when to buy and when to sell, taking the guesswork out of your stock research.

Bellway – Moderate Price Increases For 2017

Bellway Homes BWY claims another excellent financial performance for the half year to the 31st January but the effervescence and price rises, such regular features of previous years, appear to be moderating. Increases are well within single digit figures except for earnings per share which just managed to break through the 10% barrier. Revenue  rose by 5.9% and profit before tax by 9.3%. One good sign for the future is that as at the 12th March, the order book is 18% higher than a year ago and 5% more houses are expected to be sold in the current year as against 6.5% more completed. Average price increases for private sales  are expected to rise by over 4% but this is positively pedestrian compared to industry figures for previous years. Perhaps a sign of the times there.

888 Holdings 888 2016 was another year of outstanding progress, in fact “fantastic” is how the CEO describes it, with very strong organic revenue and profit growth. Revenue for the year to 31s December grew by 13%, or 18% on a constant currency basis. whilst basic earnings per share were up by 74%. Total dividends for the year are increased from 15.5 cents to 19.4 cents, after a final of 5.1 cents plus an additional dividend of 10.5%. trading for the current year so far, is already 11% ahead of a year ago.

Good Energy Group GOOD produced a robust performance in 2016 in an increasingly competitive UK energy market. Revenue rose by 41%, EBITDA by 39% and profit before tax was up from just above a break even point of £100,000 in 2015 to £1.4m. The total dividends for the year remain unchanged.

Mears Group MER produced strong organic growth in the year to the end of December, especially in the Housing Division. Like for like profit before tax rose by 13% and the dividend is being raised by 6% to 11.7p.

Fevertree Drinks FEVR enjoyed exceptional growth in the year to 31st December.  Revenue rose by 73%, adjusted EBITDA by 97% and diluted earnings per share more than doubled.  The final dividend of 4.71p per share makes a total for the year of 6.25p compared to 2015’s 3.08p.

Villas & Houses For Sale in Greece; http://www.hiddengreece

Ryanair Beats The Competition

Ryanair Holdings RYA has more than halved its planned UK growth from 12% to 5% because of weaker sterling and slower economic growth. For the half year to 30th September profits rose by 7% on fares down by 10% and unit costs also down by 10%. Basic earnings per share for the half year rose by 15%. Some competitors have been  unable to stand the competition and have closed bases and routes. The 18% fall in sterling has reduced full year guidance by 75m Euro.

Hiscox HSX In the 9 months to 30th September material foreign exchange gains helped Hiscox to increase gross written premiums by 20.9%, compared to 14.3% in local currency. All segments put in a strong performance but Hiscox London Market and Hiscox RE continued to find trading conditions difficult and margins are evaporating in some areas.

Keywords Studios KWS Revenues and adjusted profit before tax will be significantly ahead of current market expectations for the year to 31st December, with adjusted profit before tax   expected to be not less than 14m. Euro.

Fevertree Drinks FEVR   has continued to perform strongly in the second half, particularly in the UK and anticipates that results for the year to 31st December will be materially ahead of current market expectations.

EKF Diagnostics EKF  Revenue and adjusted EBITDA will exceed current market expectations for the year to the end of December. Early fourth quarter trading has been materially higher than budget and exceeds the previous revised figures.

Dignity DTY Underlying operating profit fell by 2.9% in the 39 weeks to the end of September, slightly ahead of expectations, as the number of deaths declined by 2.9% at the same time as the company lost market share.

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