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Classic Motorcycles or Classic Cars? Which Offer The Best Returns?

In a recently recorded interview, Brand Communications CEO Alan Green and The Motorcycle Broker Paul Jayson look at the investment returns from some of the great classic motorcycles and cars over recent years. Average investment returns for classic cars over 15 years from the Coutts Passion Index are discussed, before Alan and Paul look at some examples of investment returns from rarer machines, including the Ferrari 250 GTO, Alfa Romeo 8C and 6C, Aston Martin DB4, Ducati 916 Carl Fogarty race bike, Ducati 750SS Green Frame, Brough Superior, Vincent Black Lightning and Honda CBX 1000. Paul looks at some of the pitfalls for prospective classic motorcycle purchasers, and emphasises the importance of machine provenance and originality before the purchase. Ahead of the next episode covering potential dark horse classic motorcycle investments for the coming decade, Paul talks about the amazing Allen Millyard Kawasaki 1000 four cylinder two stroke.

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