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Fedr8’s Green Rain: Cloud-ready solutions from complex legacy software applications – Proactive Investors

Fedr8 Sales Director Richard Beckensall & advisor Derek Ward talk Proactive’s Andrew Scott through Green Rain, the business strategy and current fundraising via technology partners Sentient Capital and Crowdcube.

”Fedr8 came to market in 2008, initially as a consultancy firm, helping technology partners and resellers in the industry understand a bit more about cloud – how it was going to impact their revenue models”, Beckensall says.

”We’ve grown through automation of process and because of that journey we stumbled somewhat across the ability to automate the discovery process for applications”, he adds.

Discussing why Ward chose to get involved with Fedr8, he says: ”I’ve had a privileged opportunity to look at tech around the world .. and those positions lead me to being able to see what UK tech could do”.

”I got involved with UK tech particularly helping organisations I felt had brilliant ideas, really smart people and importantly people running them who’ve got the credentials of having taken businesses and scaled them”.

”In this cloud market place … the people who will win are the people who can accelerate the growth”, Ward says.

Green Rain, which launched back in September 2017, automates application discovery and helps support customers to make fast decisions, at scale and with greater efficiency.

Fedr8 – Crowdcube launch Green Rain crowdfunding campaign

Cloud software company Fedr8 has launched a crowdfunding campaign to accelerate the roll-out of its award-winning Green Rain product.

Fedr8’s Green Rain seamlessly migrates multi-vintage legacy applications to the cloud with its proprietary artificial intelligence engine. It interrogates software at a code level allowing the code in the software to be changed to suit the major cloud companies’ cloud platforms. Instead of taking several man-weeks of effort, the time required for the analysis is reduced to a few machine-hours.

Almost without exception, major international companies and institutions wish to move to the cloud in order to capitalise on the efficiencies and economies that the cloud brings. Equally, every organisation faces a unique set of challenges to make their legacy applications cloud ready.

Fedr8’s Green Rain has already been accepted by several large banks to drive Proofs of Concept, a major endorsement. This early success triggered the £400k Crowdcube Crowdfunding campaign launch, with the funds raised earmarked to accelerate the product roll-out.

“This is a world-changing piece of Great British machine learning software”, explained CEO Damion Greef. “The legacy issues of outdated infrastructures are well documented…and in many cases have impacted on our day to day lives.”

“Early endorsements of Green Rain by major banking institutions have provided ample proof that our solution is already saving money and man hours, hence our decision to launch a fundraising campaign across Crowdcube to accelerate the roll-out of Green Rain.”

Link here to view the Fedr8 Crowdfunding page


Damion Greef, CEO
Tel. 07823328816
Email. info@fedr8.com

Richard Beckensall, UK sales Director
Tel. 07555 323321
Email. info@fedr8.com

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