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Power Metal Resources #POW – July interview with CEO Paul Johnson

Alan Green talks to Paul Johnson about the ongoing challenges facing the junior resource sector in the markets at present. Paul then outlines the terms of the sale of Kanye Resources to Kavango Resources, and discussed the developments this week in Victoria, Australia with the New Ballarat Gold Corp. Paul then updates on the latest developments with the upcoming IPO’s for First Class Metals, Golden Metal Resources and First Development Resources, plus the planned IPOs for other projects. We finish with a personal message from Paul to all shareholders.

Power Metal Resources #POW – Paul Johnson talks to Alan Green

In a very frank interview, Paul Johnson discusses the challenges facing the junior resource sector in the markets at present, while reminding us that behind the scenes there is a solid and fast growing business operated by a dedicated team. Paul then updates on the latest developments at the company’s portfolio of projects around the globe, before running through the upcoming IPO’s for Golden Metal Resources, FDR and FCM, and planned IPOs for other projects. We finish with a summary of upcoming milestones for investors to watch out for, ending with a personal message from Paul to all shareholders.

Research Talks Special Live from the UK Investor Show in London

In a research talks special streamed from the The UK Investor Show Alan Green and Mark Fairbairn discuss MetalNRG Plc #MNRG Kavango Resources PLC #KAV Technology Minerals #TM1 and the sum of the parts valuation case for Power Metal Resources #POW

#research #gold #copper #nickel #investor #RareEarth #circulareconomy #batteryrecycling #BatteryMetals #mining #exploration #mineralexploration Rolf A Gerritsen Ben Turney Brett Grist Robin Brundle Alex Stanbury Emily Steward Harry Chathli John Bick Paul Johnson Tristan Pottas Oliver Friesen

Power Metal Resources #POW – CEO Interview May 2022

Alan Green talks to Power Metal Resources CEO Paul Johnson. Paul airs his thoughts on the currently very poor markets, before looking at the current M&A activity in the market, including yesterday’s announcement from Arc Minerals re the copper-cobalt joint venture with Anglo American. Paul then gives a whistle stop overview of POW’s flagship projects around the world, before flagging up some near term milestones for investors to look for. We finish with an overview of the upcoming UK Investor show, where members of the POW board will be available to speak to investors.

Power Metal Resources #POW – March 2022 Update from CEO Paul Johnson

Power Metal Resources #POW CEO Paul Johnson talks to Alan Green and updates on the latest developments, the ramifications of the Ukraine invasion, the upcoming AGM on March 30th and a further GM to seek shareholder approval to consider shareholder distributions. We also discuss the upcoming IPO’s and milestones, and what shareholders can expect in the near term.

Power Metal Resources #POW – Alan Green talks to Paul Johnson February 2022

February 2022 – Alan Green talks to Power Metal Resources #POW CEO Paul Johnson. We discuss the challenges faced by small cap listed resource companies in navigating their way through quiet markets, and how investors deal with the conditions. Paul then covers progress with the upcoming spin out IPO’s, and we look at what shareholders can expect from Power Metal in the first half of 2022.

Power Metal Resources #POW – Explore. Crystallise. Part 4 – Business Strategy

In the final part of a four part interview, Alan Green talks to Power Metal Resources #POW CEO Paul Johnson. Today we cover Business Strategy.

Power Metal Resources #POW – Explore. Crystallise. Part 3 – Financing

In the third of a four part interview, Alan Green talks to Power Metal Resources #POW CEO Paul Johnson. Today we cover Financing, and in the final part tomorrow we’ll look at Group Strategy.

Power Metal Resources #POW – Explore. Crystallise. Part 2 – Exploration Approach

In the second of a four part interview, Alan Green talks to Power Metal Resources #POW CEO Paul Johnson. Today we cover Exploration, and in the coming days we’ll look at the Financing Model and Group Strategy.

Power Metal Resources #POW – Explore Crystallise Part 1 – Project Spin-Outs

In the first of a four part interview, Alan Green talks to Power Metal Resources #POW CEO Paul Johnson. Today we cover Project Spin Outs, and in the coming days we’ll look at Exploration, Financing Model and Group Strategy.

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