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Open Orphan #ORPH – Pre-Admission Announcement for Euronext Growth Markets

Pre-Admission Announcement Euronext Growth Schedule 1

Announcement to be made by the Applicant prior to admission in accordance with the Euronext Growth Markets Rule Book

All Applicants must complete the following

Company name  

Open Orphan plc (“Open Orphan” or the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries the “Group”)


Company registered address and if different, company trading address (including postcodes)


Registered Office:


PO Box W1J 6BD, Berkley Square House, 2nd Floor, Mayfair, London, W1J 8DJ


Trading Offices:


19 Railway Road, Dalkey, Dublin, Ireland

Queen Mary BioEnterprises (QMB) Innovation Centre, 42 New Road, London, E1 2AX



Country of incorporation  


England and Wales


Company website address containing all information required by rule 26 (5.26) of the Euronext Growth Markets Rule Books



Company business (including main country of operation) or, in the case of an investing company, details of its investing strategy. If the admission is sought as a result of a reverse takeover under rule 5.19 of the Euronext Growth Markets Rule Books, this should be stated


This is a reverse takeover under Rule 5.19. of the Euronext


Open Orphan is a Clinical Research Organisation that specialises in rare and orphan drugs. The headquarters are in Dublin, Ireland and the company also has offices in the UK, France, the Netherlands and Germany.


Details of securities to be admitted including any restrictions as to transfer of securities (i.e. where known, number of shares, nominal value and issue price to which it seeks admission and the number and type to be held as treasury shares):


Number of ordinary shares of 0.1 pence each in nominal value (“Ordinary Shares”) for which Admission will be sought: TBC


There are no restrictions as to the transferability of the Ordinary Shares and no Ordinary Shares will be held in treasury.


Capital to be raised on admission (if applicable) and anticipated market capitalisation on admission:

Anticipated market capitalisation on Admission: TBC

Percentage of Euronext Growth securities not in public hands on admission


Details of any other exchange or trading platform to which the ex securities (or other securities of the company) are or will be admitted or traded:



Full names and functions of directors and proposed directors (underlining the first name by which each is known or including any other name by which each is known):


Cathal Friel, Executive Chairman

Brendan Buckley, Non-executive Director


Proposed Directors:

Dr Trevor Phillips, Chief Executive Officer

Dr Mark Warne, Non-executive Director

Michael Meade, Non-executive Director



Full names and holdings of significant shareholders, expressed as a percentage of the issued share capital, before or after admission (underlining the first name by which each is known or including any other name by which each is known):

Before Admission:



Number of Ordinary Shares

Percentage of issued share capital

Cathal Friel



Anthony (Tony) Richardson



Gresham House Asset Management



Crux Asset Management



Brendan Buckley




After Admission:



Number of Ordinary Shares

Percentage of issued share capital

Cathal Friel



Anthony (Tony) Richardson



Gresham House Asset Management



Crux Asset Management



Brendan Buckley



Invesco Ltd



Link Fund Solutions Ltd



IP Group plc



Jupiter Asset Management Ltd



Names of all persons to be disclosed in accordance with Chapter 5: Schedule Two, paragraph (h) of the Euronext Growth Markets Rule Book:


i       anticipated accounting reference date: 31 December

ii      date to which the main financial information in the admission document has been prepared:  31 December 2019


iii. dates by which it must publish its first three reports pursuant to Rules 5.14 and 5.15 in the Euronext Growth Markets Rule Book:


31 December 2019 due 30 June 2020, 30 June 2020 due September 2020, 31 December 2020 due 30 June 2021


Expected admission date: 20 January 2020 


Name and address of Euronext Growth Advisor


Davy Corporate Finance, Davy House, 49 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland


Name and address of broker


Arden Partners plc., 125 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1AR

Davy Corporate Finance, Davy House, 49 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland


Other than in the case of a Quoted Applicant, details of where (postal or internet address) the admission document will be available from, with a statement that this will contain full details about the Applicant and the admission of its securities


A copy of the admission document containing full details about the applicant and the admission of its securities is available on the Company’s website, www.openorphan.com


Date of notification 

6 January 2020




New/update: New

This announcement has been issued through the Companies Announcement Service of Euronext Dublin.

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