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First Class Metals #FCM – Leveraging the global metals supply crunch
8th August 2023 / Leave a comment
First Class Metals #FCM – Leveraging the global metals supply crunch and generating value in the metals revolution
There’s no way around it; we’re in the midst of a metal consumption crisis. Whether it’s the niche battery metals powering the electric vehicle revolution… The industrial metals supporting worldwide urbanisation and population growth… Or even the precious metals sought out as safe havens amid escalating volatility… The quantities we’re consuming are set to rise long in to the future.
Link here to read this exclusive report:
First Class Metals #FCM – Commencement of Field Operations
9th May 2023 / Leave a comment
First Class Metals PLC (“First Class Metals” “FCM” or the “Company”) the UK metals exploration company seeking large scale metal discoveries across its extensive Ontario land holding is pleased to provide an operations update on activities across the portfolio.
- Canada field work has been initiated, with three exploration teams deployed.
- Channel Sampling of the Rare Earth Element (REE) Diatreme at McKellar underway.
- Sunbeam historic review widened to encompass detailed core review from historical drill holes. Grades up to 93.3g/t Gold (AU), see table 2.
- Field base set up and exploration soon to commence on the North Hemlo and Esa properties to follow up on the successes of 2022.
First Class Metals PLC through its 100% owned Canadian subsidiary controls nine properties in northwest Ontario, see figure 1. The properties cover collectively 230km² though three properties account for over 60% of the area under licence. The properties have assessment credits through 2023, regardless, FCM intends to undertake exploration of all the properties this field season, with the intention of drilling at least one.
Figure1-Northwest Ontario showing the locations of the FCM properties with Sunbeam in the West through to Zigzag and then the Schreiber-Hemlo Properties in the East.
Marc Sale CEO commented:
“FCM is pleased to announce that exploration has now started for the 2023 Field Season, we have a vigorous programme planned to follow up on last year’s stellar performance, specifically At North Hemlo and Esa with the intention to define drill targets. FCM will also undertake exploration at Sunbeam to define drill targets as well as prospecting the wider licence. Similar work is also intended at Zigzag. Other properties will be explored, further evaluated as time and priorities allow. The priority remains to drill at least one location this season.”
Initial field work will focus on the McKellar Rare Earth Element (REE) diatreme, this work has commenced with a programme of sawn channel sampling being conducted, see figure 2.
Figure 2-the Emerald Geological Services (EGS) team cut channels being sampled at McKellar.
The McKellar diatreme occupies a topographic low and occurs within a north trending linear structure. The diatreme breccia may have been emplaced within a shear or fault zone, however, owing to vegetation cover geologic data to confirm this is vague.
Historically general prospecting, geological mapping and rock sampling of the diatreme was focused on discerning whether gold, platinum and palladium were associated with the diatreme structure and what REE the diatreme carried.
FCM has previously reported the historic assays from a prospecting programme in 2013 by R Renner, 5 bedrock grab samples were taken and assayed, results of which and other historic reported assayed samples from the diatreme area are included in the table below.
Historical assay results for selected elements (including REE), McKellar Creek Diatreme: | Value |
Gold Au | 25 ppb |
Platinum Pt | 17 ppb |
Neodymium Nd | 300 ppm |
Lanthanum La | 400 ppm |
Beryllium Be | 2.8 ppm |
Cerium Ce | 513 ppm |
Yttrium Y | 214 ppm |
Strontium Sr | 1280 ppm |
Thorium Th | 180 ppm |
U308 | 38 ppm |
Table 1-Historic McKellar REE Diatreme grab sample assays.
During a brief campaign in 2022 the team collected ten rock samples, of which nine were grab samples of outcrop in the vicinity of an identified drill hole and the other a ‘float’ / boulder sample in a creek immediately to the southwest. The results were anomalous but did not replicate the historic grades. It is intended that the current sampling will verify and hopefully even expand the potential outlined by the historic assays.
Sunbeam Historic Drill Core Review
A second team is mobilising to review the historical drill core from the Sunbeam Property. This is in collaboration with and leads on from the detailed review of the historic data which is now complete.
Figure 3-EGS Team loading core for removal to a cutting facility for review.
Historical drilling at Sunbeam by Nuinsco:
In July 2021, Nuinsco reported grading up to 93.3g/t on a drill programme conducted within the Sunbeam Mine area. The drill programme was a follow up on a surface sampling programme which produced results up to 83.5g/t from underground waste rock from the Sunbeam mine. Eight drill holes totalling 1,091 metres were collared. Significant results include:
Historic-Drill Hole | Assay-Comments/Observations |
NS-21-01 | 3.98g/t Gold (Au) over 0.6m (from 96.0m) within 3.39m of strongly gold anomalous deformation zone. |
NS-21-02 | 13.8g/t Au over 0.15m (from 80.85m) within 2.83m of strongly gold anomalous deformation zone. |
NS-21-03 | 93.3g/t Au over 0.44m (from 99.5m) within 3.19m of strongly anomalous deformation zone. |
NS-21-05 | 2.94g/t Au over 0.5m (from 118.5m) within 7.50m of strongly anomalous deformation zone. |
Table 2-Selected historic Sunbeam drill assays.
Further, three holes were drilled within 100m of the Pettigrew shafts. Hole 57751 intersected 19.4 g/t Au over 0.63m and 15.17 g/t over 1.37m in two zones separated by 15m.
In 2008, the Rubble occurrence was discovered on the property. Assays of up to 1.42 oz per ton gold have been obtained from pyritized and iron carbonate altered rocks.
A reinterpretation of the geophysics survey conducted by previous owners, Nuinsco is under way with Paterson Grant Watson (PGW).
North Hemlo & Esa
A third team is mobilising next week to continue the exploration at Esa, focusing on the anomalous soil sample results as well as the 0.7ppm boulder identified in the central eastern sector as detailed in the recent news release.
The team currently working on the McKellar diatreme will relocate to the North Hemlo project later this month. In order to bring the prospect to drill ready status, the intention is to follow up the encouraging sampling on the Dead Otter trend which has been sampled along its 3km plus length, which includes numerous gold occurrences up to 19.6 g/t Au. Over the winter months ninety-six lake sediment samples as well as a number of rock samples were collected from North Hemlo, results are pending.
Discussions are ongoing with drill companies to undertake a maiden drilling programme at Esa and or North Hemlo. To this end the Application for an Exploration permit to allow drilling is currently being reviewed by the First Nation groups with traditional lands covering Esa and North Hemlo.
Recon visits-Zigzag, Sugar Cube and Sunbeam
Reconnaissance trips have also been made to the Zigzag, Sugar Cube and Sunbeam properties to assess access. The intention at the Zigzag prospect is to undertake a field programme of sawn channel sampling to better quantify the strike length, width and tenor of the lithium and tantalum potential. The aim is to sample along the exposed outcrop of the pegmatite with sawn channels like at McKellar – equivalent to a horizontal drill hole.
Previous workers have identified Li₂O and Ta₂O5 mineralization along the entire length of the showing from sampling at surface, grading up to 1.68% Li₂O (Lithium Oxide) over 7.9m and 0.168% Ta₂O5 (Tantalum Oxide) over 2.54m in separate channels samples. Several shallow historic drill holes along the occurrence have returned significant intersections, including, (in separate drill holes) an intersection grading 1.08% Li₂O over 6.1m and a separate intersection of 399.8ppm Ta₂O5 over 2.92m. Both intersections were less than 20m down hole.
The occurrence is open along strike and depth and remains to be fully evaluated. It is anticipated that the channel sampling will allow a focused drill programme to be executed later in the season.
Field work at Sugar Cube will be to investigate – ground-truth- the potentially mineralised structures highlighted by the recently completed high resolution magnetic / electromagnetic (EM) survey.
Once the spring access is sufficiently advanced two teams will be deployed to Sunbeam; one will prospect the peripheral claims whilst the second team will focus on the mineralised trends containing the Sunbeam, Roy and Pettigrew mine shafts with the intention of determining drill targets for later in the season.
FCM is committed to exploring the properties currently under its control in order to add value and bring where warranted to a drill point.
For Further Information:
James Knowles, Executive Chairman | JamesK@Firstclassmetalsplc.com | 07488 362641 |
Marc J Sale, CEO | MarcS@Firstclassmetalsplc.com | 07711 093532 |
Ayub Bodi, Executive Director | AyubB@Firstclassmetalsplc.com | 07860 598086 |
First Equity Limited
(Financial Adviser & Broker)
Jonathan Brown | 0207 3742212 | |
Jason Robertson | 0207 3742212 |
First Class Metals PLC – Background
First Class Metals is focussed on exploration in Ontario, Canada which is considered a top global destination for explorationwith a robust and thriving junior mineral exploration sector. Specifically, the Hemlo ‘camp’ is a proven world class address for gold/VMS exploration. This geological terrane has significant production, both base / precious metals and a prolific number ofexploration projects and numerous prospector’s ‘showings’.
FCM currently holds 100% ownership of seven claim blocks covering over 180km² along a 150km strike of the Hemlo-Schreiber-Dayohessarah greenstone belt which also contains the >23M oz shear hosted Hemlo gold mine operated by Barrick Gold. Late last year FCM completed the option to purchase the historical high grade (gold) Sunbeam.past producing mine
The significant potential of the properties for precious, base and battery metals relate to: ‘nearology’ insomuch that all properties lie close to identified mineral anomalism, for example Palladium One’s RJ and Smoke Lake nickel projects are close to the FCM’s West Pickle Lake drill proven Ni-Cu project. This also demonstrates the second critical asset the properties hold: vector, anomalies, be they geological, geochemical, or geophysical that have demonstrated mineral potential extend on to FCM’s properties.
The inferred shear on the Esa property is being explored by neighbours both to the west and east where it crosses into their properties. Furthermore, the properties have not been extensively explored either historically or more contemporaneously . This is attributable to the overall lack of outcrop. However, modern exploration techniques are better able to ‘see through’ the ground cover and to identify anomalies.
Forward Looking Statements
Certain statements in this announcement may contain forward-looking statements which are based on the Company’s expectations, intentions and projections regarding its future performance, anticipated events or trends and other matters that are not historical facts. Such forward-looking statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate only to historical or current facts. Forward-looking statements sometimes use words such as ‘aim’, ‘anticipate’, ‘target’, ‘expect’, ‘estimate’, ‘intend’, ‘plan’, ‘goal’, ‘believe’, or other words of similar meaning. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Given these risks and uncertainties, prospective investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of such statements and, except as required by applicable law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise
First Class Metals #FCM – Alan Green talks to CEO Marc Sale at Deutsche Goldmesse in Frankfurt
8th May 2023 / Leave a comment
Alan Green talks to First Class Metals #FCM CEO Marc Sale at Deutsche Goldmesse in Frankfurt. Marc looks at the latest developments and soil sampling results from the Company’s Esa prospect, which is situated near to the famous Hemlo Gold Mine. We then look at progress at the Company’s flagship South Hemlo project and progress with the Palladium One JV at West Pickle Lake nickel copper sulphide project, plus Marc updates on progress at Dead Otter Lake before we discuss the new ZIgZag Lithium project agreement with Nuinsco Resources. Marc then touches on some of the other projects before summarising the upcoming value inflection points that investors can look forward to in the coming months.
#FCM First Class Metals plc- Esa Property Geophysical (VTEM) Reinterpretation
28th November 2022 / Leave a comment
First Class Metals PLC (“First Class Metals” “FCM” or the “Company”) the UK metals exploration company seeking large scale metal discoveries across its extensive Canadian Schreiber-Hemlo land holding and the Sunbeam Project, is pleased to provide an update on activities in respect to the Esa claim block.
· VTEM reinterpretation by Paterson Grant Watson Limited “PGW” now completed.
· Reinterpretation further identifies potential east-west trending shear zone dissecting the central area of the property, the “Esa shear zone”.
· Esa is located just 11km Northeast of the Barrick Hemlo 23M oz gold mine.
· Ground reconnaissance has identified outcrop of sheared metamorphic rocks
· Field campaign completing multiple soil lines across the “Esa shear zone” underway with results pending.
The Esa property covers 20km² and is situated just 11km north of the iconic Hemlo gold mine operated by Barrick Gold (>23M oz Au) which after over thirty years of continuous production remains one of Canada’s most prolific producing gold mines. Hemlo is a sheared-fractured-folded, disseminated-replacement-stockwork deposit, located at a felsic volcanic-sedimentary rock interface, with sulphides in a structural regime. Metamorphism has overprinted the system. Pluton emplacements as well as intrusions of variable age and composition may have played a role in metal deposition or reworking, see Figure 1.
Figure 1- Esa Property regional location with FCM North Hemlo to the north and the Barrick Williams 23m oz Au mine in the south
FCM recently engaged Paterson Grant and Watson Ltd. ‘PGW’ to undertake a re interpretation of the VETEM acquired over Esa. This report has now been finalised and it comments “Exploration at the Esa property focuses on shear-zone hosted, stratabound gold mineralization found within the metasedimentary unit. The genetic model is considered similar to the Hemlo gold deposit.” The report further comments: “Through the centre of the property, the proposed Hemlo-style shear zone trends roughly WNW-ESE and is associated with a magnetic anomaly of approximately 60 nT within the Esa/Soturi block magnetic data. The anomaly is approximately 350 m wide and is identifiable within the Hemlo survey data for approximately 5 km to the west and 4.5 km to the east of the Esa property as a regional arcuate structure…………and:
Mineralization within the property appears closely related to a series of N-S trending magnetic anomalies which may be related to the Marathon, Kapuskasing or Biscotasing dyke swarm. Numerous high geochemical Au assay values occur along these anomalies and at the intersection of these anomalies and WNW-ESE interpreted faults”, see Figure 2 and 2a”
Figure 2 and 2a-Reinterpretated PGW VTEM showing interpretated shear zone bisecting the Esa Property and 3D block model interpretation highlighting the deep seated N-S anomaly
PGW also indicated that whilst the magnetic component of the survey was instrumental in their (re)interpretation the VTEM added little. The strong geophysical response dissecting the property has been in part ‘ground-truthed’ and supports the interpreted presence of a shear. The inferred shear is also identified on adjacent properties: to the west, trending on to Esa, whilst its continuation east coincides with reported anomalous gold values. This inferred Esa shear crossing the property in an arcuate roughly east west orientation has formed the focus of field work to date. Rock samples of boulders were identified as sheared sulphitic mafic rocks. It is worth noting that owing to ground cover, both forestation and Quaternary gravels, there is a paucity of exposure generally across the property. However, significantly, the shear has now been identified in outcrop in the eastern sector of the property.
The following comment from Dr Tony Starling (Telluris Consulting Limited) reaffirms and supports the Esa shear interpretation being adopted by the Company. Dr Tony Starling is a world-renowned expert in structural geophysics. Previously Telluris had been contracted by FCM to carry out a structural geological review of the both the Esa & North Hemlo project areas and their wider environs.
“The PGW report interprets the arcuate near E-W linear anomaly as a shear zone (the Esa shear zone) as suggested by its slightly wider, more diffuse response in the geophysics, which makes sense.”
Telluris Consulting Ltd
Dr Tony Starling is founder and Managing Director of Telluris Consulting Ltd. Telluris Consulting is a geological consultancy established in 1993 that specialises in the application of structural and alteration studies with bespoke image processing with extensive experience in Archean settings.
More recently FCM is exploring the use of proprietary algorithms based on remote sensing (Aster imagery) to further explore the potential of the Esa (and North Hemlo) blocks.
FCM has a field team finalising a soil sampling programme along the inferred surface expressions of the shear, see Figure 3; whilst in parallel the team continued the systematic prospecting of the claim block. 8 soil lines orientated north – south and one oblique line across the property west to east over roughly 4km of strike are near completion.
Figure 3-Map of the soil sample lines.
The 5 western lines crossed the magnetic feature in the western portion of the property. The 4 eastern lines were in the vicinity of sheared pyritic boulders and the intersection with a major N-S feature; hence the last soil line being orientated oblique to both structures.
Across the Esa property in this season’s campaign over 450 soil samples and 10 rock samples will have been collected. Results will be reported when final assays for all elements are received.
Marc J. Sale CEO First Class Metals said: “I am delighted that for negligible cost to FCM to have gained and contracted a reinterpreted of the full set of geophysical including VTEM data. The PGW reinterpretation is significant due to its findings giving credence to the postulated theory an inferred ‘Hemlo style’ arcuate east west shear across the property. This reinforcement has led us to undertake very late into the season a soil sampling campaign that extended previous work and now covers the entire length of the shear. I am grateful to the field team for their efforts in indulging me during progressively worsening conditions. I look forward to receiving the assay results of the soils and interpreting the data it provides into our model”.
For further information, please contact:
First Class Metals PLC
James Knowles, Executive Chairman |
07488 362641 |
Marc J Sale, CEO |
07711 093532 |
Ayub Bodi, Executive Director |
07860 598086 |
First Equity Limited
(Financial Adviser & Broker) Jonathan Brown
Jason Robertson 02073742212
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