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Open Orphan #ORPH – hVIVO to present at 2020 ERS International Congress

Open Orphan plc (ORPH), a rapidly growing specialist CRO pharmaceutical services company which is the world leader in the testing of vaccines and antivirals using human challenge clinical trials is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, hVIVO, will be presenting at the European Respiratory Society Congress being held on 7th – 9th September, 2020.

The presentation will discuss the safety and pathogenicity results of a new RSV infection model in older adults aged 60-75-year-old. This model enables the exploration of RSV vaccine-induced immune responses and efficacy in the context of potential immune senescence. It also enables the potential Identification of correlates of protection from RSV infection and disease in one of the vaccine’s target populations.

Alex J Mann, Director, Clinical Science, commented; “We are delighted to have been accepted to present at the prestigious ERS International Congress and share our findings. The data summarised in the presentation and ePoster highlights the model’s safety, disease characteristics, and suitability for the further assessment of vaccines and drugs targeted at the 60-75-year-old population, as well as its potential to continue that progression.”

Oral presentation details:

Title : Late Breaking Abstract -Experimental Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in Adults 60-75 years

Authors :  Alex J Mann, Maria Kalinova, Andrew Catchpole, Olesya Rusyn, Veronika Horvathova, Kingsley Eze, Marco De Sa, Alan S Bell

Date & Time : 9th September 2020 at 9:30am – 10.30am

Session Category : Airway infection: the microbiome and beyond

Presenter:  Alex J Mann, Director of Clinical Sciences 

Location : Online

Conference Reference Number : Channel 4

A copy of the presentation materials and the poster can be found here: https://hvivo.com/news-media/scientific-papers/  

For further information please contact

Open Orphan plc+353 (0)1 644 0007
Cathal Friel, Executive Chairman 
Arden Partners plc (Nominated Adviser and Joint Broker)+44 (0)20 7614 5900
John Llewellyn-Lloyd / Benjamin Cryer / Dan Gee-Summons 
finnCap plc (Joint Broker)+44 (0) 20 7220 500
Geoff Nash / James Thompson/ Richard Chambers 
Davy (Euronext Growth Adviser and Joint Broker)+353 (0)1 679 6363
Anthony Farrell 
Camarco (Financial PR)+44 (0)20 3757 4980
Tom Huddart / Hugo Liddy 

Notes to Editors – Open Orphan:

Open Orphan is a rapidly growing niche CRO pharmaceutical services company which is a world leader in the testing of vaccines and antivirals through the use of human challenge clinical trials. Conducted from Europe’s only 24-bedroom quarantine clinic with onsite virology providing individually isolated rooms and connected to our specialist laboratory facility. hVIVO’s challenge studies require healthy volunteers to take part, volunteers are recruited through FluCamp, learn more at www.FluCamp.com . The hVIVO facility offers highly specialised virology and immunology laboratory services to support pre-clinical and clinical respiratory drug, antiviral, and vaccine discovery and development.  Reliable laboratory analysis underpinned by scientific expertise is essential when processing and analysing clinical samples. Robust quality processes support our team of scientists in the delivery of submission ready data.

The Company has a leading portfolio of 8 viral challenge study models which are: 2 FLU, 2 RSV, 1 HRV, 1 Asthma, 1 cough and 1 COPD viral challenge models. As announced in early March, Open Orphan is rapidly advancing a number of Coronavirus challenge study models and expects to be helping many COVID-19 vaccine development companies to test their vaccines. No other company in the world has such a portfolio, with only two competitors globally having 1 challenge study model each. hVIVO also works with companies in the UK and Ireland to provide COVID-19 testing to staff to protect staff and customers from a workplace COVID-19 outbreak through its COVID Clear offering.  

Open Orphan comprises of two commercial specialist CRO services businesses, hVIVO    and    Venn Life Sciences and is also developing an early stage orphan drug genomics data platform business. This platform captures valuable genetic data from patient populations with specific diseases with designated orphan drug status and incorporating AI tools. In June 2019, Open Orphan acquired AIM-listed Venn Life Sciences Holdings plc in a reverse take-over and in January 2020 it completed the merger with hVIVO plc in January 2020. Venn is an integrated drug development consultancy firm which offers CMC (chemistry, manufacturing and controls), preclinical, Phase I & II clinical trials design and execution. The merger with hVIVO created a European full pharma services company broadening the Company’s customer base and with complementary specialist CRO services, widened the range of the Company’s service offerings.

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