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#KAV Kavango Resources PLC – KCB – Airborne geophysical survey commences

Kavango Resources plc (LSE:KAV), the Southern Africa focussed metals exploration company, is pleased to announce the commencement of an airborne geophysical survey on its Kalahari Copper Belt (“KCB”) project in Botswana.

The Company has signed a contract with South Africa-based New Resolution Geophysics (“NRG”) for Time Domain Electromagnetic (“TDEM”), Magnetic, and Gravity surveys combined on one helicopter platform (“the NRG Survey”).

The NRG Survey will consist of 2,374-line kms at a line spacing of 500m x 5,000m across Kavango’s Block 1A and Block 1B Prospecting Licences (“PLs”)

The work expands on airborne geophysical surveying already completed by ENRG Elements (ASX:ENRG) (“ENRG”) on PL203/2016 and PL127/2017, two adjacent PLs recently acquired by Kavango (announced >>> 16 November 2023).

Figure 1: NRG’s planned survey lines across Kavango’s Block 1A and Block 1B licences and airborne survey data covering the PLs acquired from ENRG

Ben Turney, Chief Executive Officer of Kavango Resources, commented:

Kavango is targeting the discovery of large-scale copper/silver targets in the Kalahari Copper Belt (KCB) in Botswana.

We recently acquired additional exploration licences from ENRG Elements to complete a large contiguous land package from the town of Ghanzi to the Namibian border. Our interpretation of ENRG’s existing survey data for Prospecting Licences 203/2016 and 127/2017 supports our working theory that this area is prospective for copper/silver. We believe this potential could extend to Kavango’s other licence holdings, which have designated as Blocks 1A and 1B.

As part of our “levelling up” strategy in the KCB, we are compiling a consistent data set for all the ground we control. NRG’s airborne geophysical survey will provide us with some of the final exploration data we need ahead of defining drill targets for next year’s drill campaign.

Our recent work has confirmed physical indicators of a copper mineralising system within our ground, combined with encouraging geophysical anomalies.

Our goal in reprocessing ENRG’s existing data and combining it with the data from the airborne surveys we will fly over Blocks 1A and 1B will be to increase our understanding of the region’s mineralised potential. We will also investigate the interpreted sub-basin that could be a significant control for copper/silver deposits.

Further details

The NRG Survey will be conducted over five PLs that make up Kavango’s Block 1A (PL046/2020, PL049/2020, PL052/2020, PL053/2020) and Block 1B (PL205/2016) licence areas. The licences are located southwest of the town of Ghanzi and adjacent to PL203/2016 and PL127/2017, two of the KCB PLs Kavango recently acquired from ENRG.

NRG is expected to commence its airborne geophysics survey on 4 December 2023. The survey is expected to take two weeks to complete, with the final data processing and delivery of products anticipated for Q1 2024.

Program objectives

Kavango is currently re-processing data from airborne geophysical surveys already completed by ENRG on PL203/2016 and PL127/2017.

The Company will combine this re-processed data with data from the new NRG surveys to test its working theory that the copper/silver prospective geological and geophysical features, which it interpreted from ENRG’s existing airborne geophysics survey data, extend onto Kavango’s Block 1A and Block 1B licences. Kavango’s geologists and geophysicists believe this could be indicative of a regional copper mineralizing system.

Kavango’s geologists wish to examine whether the stratigraphy and lithology they have begun to map on the former ENRG PLs extend on to these Blocks. They believe that ENRG’s existing data conforms to sequences in the lower D’Kar Formation seen across other parts of the KCB.

The models in Figures 2 and 3 below depict the type of fold geometry and structural trap-sites Kavango believes to underlie areas of Block 1A and 1B.

Figure 2 is a modified version of the fold geometry, showing a “preserved” as opposed to “un-roofed” dome, as well as associated mineralisation present in the fold closure at Khoemacau’s North East Fold (“NEF”) deposit on the nearby Banana Zone. Figure 3 is a schematic cross-section showing both the shear-hosted mineralisation and dilational vein-hosted mineralisation present in Sandfire Resources’ (ASX:SFR) A4 deposit.

Kavango believes there may be scope for either or both models to be present and is optimistic the NRG survey will identify these for further ground geophysics and future drill targeting.

Figure 2 – Regional to deposit scale geologic controls on copper silver mineralisation in the KCB – Wes Hall et al, SEG, Special Publication, no 21, pp207-236

Figure 3 – Schematic cross-section showing high-grade intersection in drill hole MO-A4-003D, interpreted geology, and the mineralisation styles across Sandfire’s A4 deposit

The magnetic component of the NRG Survey will map the structure and lithology of Block 1A and Block 1B. It is anticipated that the EM component of the NRG Survey will highlight prospective subtle conductors within the D’Kar Formation and help identify structural trap sites linked to folds, faults, and shears within Block 1A and Block 1B.

The gravity component of the NRG Survey will seek to identify whether the sub-basin identified in ENRG’s data extends into Kavango’s Block 1A. Kavango believes the margins of this sub-basin could provide priority targets for trap site development and deposit formation.

Kavango will interpret these airborne geophysical data with the goal of identifying target areas for ground geophysical follow-up, which will then lead to drill target identification.

Further information in respect of Kavango and its business interests is provided on the Company’s website at www.kavangoresources.com and on Twitter at #KAV.

For further information please contact:

Kavango Resources plc

Ben Turney

+46 7697 406 06

First Equity (Broker)

Jason Robertson

+44 207 374 2212

Kavango Competent Person Statement

The technical information contained in this announcement pertaining to geophysics have been read and approved by Mr. Jeremy S. Brett, M.Sc., P.Geo., Senior Geophysical Consultant, Jeremy S. Brett International Consulting Ltd. in Toronto, Canada.  Mr. Brett is a member of the Professional Geoscientists of Ontario, the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, the Canadian Exploration Geophysical Society, and the Society of Economic Geologists.  Mr. Brett has sufficient experience that is relevant to geophysics applied the styles of mineralisation and types of deposits under consideration to act as a Qualified Person as defined under the Canadian National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

#BRES Blencowe Resources – Akelikongo Exploration Programme


· Blencowe acquired Akelikongo nickel project in February 2022; this is a highly prospective nickel sulphide tenement near to existing Orom-Cross graphite project

· Exploration program for Akelikongo is underway; this includes re-analysis of existing database from previous work (US$15m spent to date by previous owners Sipa Resources and Rio Tinto) to consider all geochemical samples and previous drilling information

· Focus will be on a substantial electromagnetic (“EM”) program to identify new drilling targets

As part of the planned exploration program for the Akelikongo Project, Blencowe’s geologists have commenced a detailed re-analysis of the Akelikongo exploration database to assist in targeting of additional exploration works.

This review is focussed on both a re-assessment of geochemical soil samples and drillhole logs to identify additional target areas for deep program IP to outline additional orebodies, as well as highlighting target holes for a down-hole EM program to identify extensions of the existing lenses.

Since acquiring farm-in rights the company has been actively securing proposals from geophysical consultants for a low-level, high-density airborne EM survey of the lease to identify additional drill target zones. The Company is working closely with the Ugandan Directorate of Geological Survey and Mines (DGSM) for a modified work program approval to allow the planned exploration activities to proceed. The Company is currently preparing geologists for the fieldwork to complete the planned exploration programs which are expected to commence at the end of the regional wet season in late May.

This program above fits neatly into the consideration milestones that have been set for Blencowe to earn into the project.

Executive Chairman, Cameron Pearce commented:

“Our team has hit the ground running on Akelikongo and work has already commenced to plan the necessary airborne and other surveys to identify new drill targets.


Akelikongo is a highly prospective nickel sulphide deposit and previous drilling has already identified three impressive zones of mineralisation over approximately 800 meters.  Our intention is to test for expansions to this system as it is open everywhere.  Nickel is in high demand and prices are at record levels, hence a substantial new nickel sulphide resource ahead would add considerable value to the Company.”


For further information please contact:


Blencowe Resources Plc

Sam Quinn


Tel: +44 (0)1624 681 250


Investor Relations

Sasha Sethi

Tel: +44 (0) 7891 677 441


Tavira Securities

Jonathan Evans

Tel: +44 (0)20 7100 5100


First Equity Limited

Jason Robertson

Tel: +44(0)20 7330 1833


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