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New UK Investor Magazine podcast covering: #TW Taylor Wimpey, #LLOY Lloyds, #BRES Blencowe Resources and #W7L Warpaint London

investorAlan Green joins the UK Investor Magazine Podcast for a deep dive into the recent market volatility and we focus on a number of UK equities, including Lloyds shares.

The UK government’s mini-budget has unleashed a wave of volatility in markets and today we address two key questions; are we set on a path of economic self harm, and is it too early to start stepping back into markets?

We focus on two UK-focused FTSE 100 stocks in Taylor Wimpey and Lloyds. The UK housing market is under pressure and our questions target the impact on housebuilders.

With a Lloyds share price of 41.2p we question whether now is a good time to step into Lloyds shares.

We finish by looking at Blencowe Resources graphite assets and provide an overview of Warpaint London.

Alan Green discusses what the new PM needs to do with energy bills plus #AAF Airtel Africa, #WOSG Watches of Switzerland & #POW Power Metal Resources

Alan Green discusses what the new PM needs to do with energy bills plus #AAF Airtel Africa, #WOSG Watches of Switzerland & #POW Power Metal Resources

Listen to the podcast here 

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