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Countryside Props. Profit Up 40% After Swingeing Price Rises

Image result for countryside properties logoCountryside Props. CSP  produced strong growth in the year to the end of September which is not surprising with completions up 20% on top of which it managed to impose a swingeing 21% rise in average private selling prices, to £465.000. Adjusted operating profit rose by 40%. Current trading is robust with sales rates and values both above year end levels. The private year end order book is at record levels after a rise of 64%. A final dividend of 3.4% is proposed.

Image result for eckoh plc logoEckoh ECK Revenue during the 6 months to 30th September rose by 57% and gross profit by 25% despite being impacted by a £0.6m loss incurred by a discontinued division of  Eckoh’s US subsidiary, PSS Inc. US operations now account for 30% of group revenue after rising from £31,000 to £4.0 million. The second half year is expected to be strong.

Image result for cranswick plc logoCranswick CWK is raising its interim dividend by 12.9% after  rises of 38.4% in statutory profit before tax and 30.8% in statutory earnings per share. for the half year to end September. Results were helped by a strong contribution from Crown Chicken which was acquired in April and also by strong performances in key export markets, with Far East revenues rising by 83%

Image result for treatt plc logoTreatt plc TET claims a strong performance in the year to the end of September and is increasing its total dividend by 8% to 4.35p, after an 11% rise in adjusted profit before tax. Basic earnings per share were up by 8% but revenue showed only a modest rise of 2%


Image result for easy hotels logoEasy Hotels EZH 2015/16 was a transformational year which saw a rise of 38.4% in profit before tax and 40% in basic earnings per share. Total revenue was up by 8.7%. 1527 rooms are now in developments and 576 new rooms will be added by early 2018 with the opening of 5 new hotels.

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McCarthy & Stone – Orders Down, Cancellations Up, Incentives Back.

McCarthy & Stone MCC is yet another housebuilder hoping that the warning signs of a pending slowdown in the housing market can be ignored and, like all the others it seems to be living in the hope that good times can  and will go on for ever.  For the year to the 31st August, its first as a public company, it enjoyed robust growth, with a revenue rise of 31%, legal completions up by 20% and £52m cash in the bank at the year end. It credits its success on its continued focus on operational excellence and concentrating its efforts on the demand for retirement homes. Its net average selling price rose by 8% because of what it claims was increased quality.

That is now history and the future presents a more gloomy prospect.

The order book is down some 12% on a year ago. Incentives are back and you have not heard much of those in the house building industry for many a year but in recent weeks their use has become necessary to ensure that the volume growth target can be met. Since the company’s last update as recently as the 29th June, weakness in the secondary housing market has become apparent. Perhaps worst of all, cancellations have risen and there is now a fear that continued market weakness could lead to a failure by the company to achieve its 15% planned growth target.

Eckoh plc ECK  has been forced to issue a surprise profit warning as management appears to have bitten off more than it can chew, with the disastrous acquisition of Product Support Solutions which has a significant presence in the US and which has suffered from cost over runs on a large, complex, fixed price contract which is expected to lead to losses of £700,000 for that division alone.  PSS is now to be closed down and as it was acquired less than a year ago in November 2015, questions must be raised about the effectiveness of Ecko’s management at the time and the due diligence it performed on PSS. Perhaps not surprisingly, today’s update remains silent on the point.

To add to the damage Eckoh  has changed its pricing formula thereby leading to a fall in short and medium term margins. The result of all this, is that pre tax profits for the current year will be below market expectations and  probably in line with last years results.

Ryanair RYA happily announces that its great success continues, with August traffic up by 11% or 16% on an annual rolling basis. Load factor again rose, by 1% and customers will be pleased to know that average fares over the next 6 months are expected to fall by some 10 – 12%

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Company news, including: Ashtead – Dividends Up By 48%

ashteadAshtead AHD continued to go from strength to strength during its fourth quarter ending on the 30th April. Revenue for the quarter rose by 18%, profit before tax by 38% and earnings per share by 44%. This compares very favourably with the full year figures showing rises of 19% in revenue, 24% in profit before tax and 27% in earnings per share. The big bonus for shareholders is the proposed final dividend of 18.5p which will mean a 48% rise for the full year.

Eckoh plcEckoh ECK is increasing its full year dividend by 20% after revenue to 31st March rose by 31% and in the US where it claims tremendous progress was made, revenue skyrocketed from £0.2m to £4m., giving Eckoh its third successive year of double digit revenue and margin growth. Adjusted operating profit  rose by 22% and EBITDA by 20%.

Ted BakerTed Baker TED Despite challenging external trading conditions, the strength of the brands saw retail sales for the 19 weeks from 31st January, rise by 12.7%, wholesale by 7.3% and e commerce sales by 32.3%.

CrestCrest Nicholson CRST The government fueled housing bonanza continues apace allowing Crest to increase its completions for the 6 months to to 30th April by 7%. Revenue rose by 22% and both profit before tax and basic earnings per share were up by 25%.  Forward sales at mid June were up by 19% on a year ago.

parkgroupPark Group PKG claims an impressive trading performance  for the year to 31st March with profit before tax up by 8.5%, earnings per share by 13.3% and a proposal to raise the final dividend by 18.8%.

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