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The Sun – COVID-19: UK scientists to infect volunteers with coronavirus in world first vaccine trial

Would you lock yourself in a room for two weeks after being infected with COVID-19? Chris Holdsworth did, and he hopes that come January that’s exactly what he’ll be doing. Chris has volunteered to be a guinea pig for a world-first study that could take place in the UK in January. It’s called a Human Challenge Trial, and it involves shutting healthy volunteers in an isolation unit like this one and deliberately infecting them with coronavirus. The Sun went inside a Human Challenge Trial isolation unit to find out more. Thanks to https://www.1daysooner.org/ 

Daily Mirror – Coronavirus: Inside UK clinic where volunteers get paid up to £4,000 to be infected in race to find vaccine

by Rhian Lubin

EXCLUSIVE: Infecting volunteers so they can be tested could help stop the spread of Covid-19 – so now 24 triallists face 14 days of solitary confinement and we took a look inside.

As I lie in a hospital bed in a sterile clinic room, a nurse in blue scrubs with a full face shield and ventilator peers through the glass.

The red tape around the door makes it crystal clear that this is a high contamination zone.

Mirror writer Rhian Lubin in one of the clinic rooms with Laura Krizman, Associate Director (Image: Adam Gerrard/Daily Mirror)

“This is a critical step to fast-track development of these anti-virals and vaccines,” explains Dr Andrew Catchpole, chief scientist at Hvivo which runs the facility. “We’re trying to use our expertise in this area to see what we can do.”

Volunteers will not be infected with Covid-19, but with “harmless” strains of the coronavirus – OC43 and 229E – which will cause a very mild respiratory illness.

The aim is to safely expose them to “close relatives” of the deadly strain, helping pharmaceutical firms test potential vaccines.

Dr Catchpole added: “If it can work on our virus, there’s no reason why it can’t work with Covid-19.”

Cathal Friel, executive chairman of Hvivo’s owner Open Orphan, added: “The company is starting the process of developing the world’s first coronavirus challenge study model – basically, we take a harmless version of the virus that we can use and monitor.

“This is a British company which is the world centre for virology.”

Hvivo, which has been running clinical trials on flu and cold viruses since 2001, has seen an unprecedented 10,000 apply for coronavirus tests at its site in Whitechapel, East London.

Link here for the full article

BRR Media – Cathal Friel & hVIVO Chief Scientist Andrew Catchpole discuss the Coronavirus Challenge Study and the FLU-V Vaccine

Cathal Friel & hVIVO Chief Scientist Andrew Catchpole discuss recent developments and the Coronavirus Challenge Study and the FLU-V Vaccine with the BRR Media team.

Proactive Investors – Open Orphan #ORPH catching global attention with ‘stunning’ FLU-v results & world-first coronavirus study

Open Orphan PLC‘s (LON:ORPH) Cathal Friel and its subsidiary hVIVO’s chief scientist Dr Andrew Catchpole sat down with Proactive London’s Andrew Scott.

This morning Open Orphan announced the results from a clinical trial of a broad-spectrum flu jab that they’re jointly developing have been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

The data from the FLU-v 003 phase IIb study of the FLU-v vaccine appeared in the Annals of Internal Medicine periodical.

Also this week hVIVO began developing the world’s first human coronavirus challenge study.

hVIVO owns Europe’s only quarantine clinic with an onsite virology lab where the challenge model will be developed and used.

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