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FTSE 100 reshuffle, Just Eat, Morrisons #MRW, Aquis Exchange #AQX, ECR Minerals #ECR and more with Alan Green

Alan Green joins the UK Investor Magazine Podcast for discussion of UK equities and global markets.

We begin wuk investor podcast imageith looking at the companies subject to the most recent FTSE 100 reshuffle in Morrisons #MRW, Weir Group #WEIR, Meggitt #MGGT and Just Eat #JE.

The two companies promoted in Morrisons and Meggitt have been the recipients of take over offers that sent shares soaring, but it also means they may not be be hanging around in the FTSE 100 long before they are taken private.

The Aquis Exchange #AQX has been the venue of choice for an increasing number of UK growth companies seeking a listing and the growth in the number of companies using the Aquis to IPO along with increasing activity in Europe has been reflected in the share price which has doubled over the past year.

We finish by covering the latest updates from ECR Minerals #ECR.

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