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Doc Holiday and TMS talk to chairman and founder of BigDish #DISH Aiden Bishop

After a whole bunch of speculation, in addition to spurious reports and opinion TMS reached out and caught up with Chairman and founder of Big Dish Aiden Bishop, the company has seen an exponential transition in both it’s business and share price.

We decided to learn more about the day to day business but more so the aggressive expansion of the company after it appointed Sanj Naha formerly of trip advisor as it’s chief executive officer, you can hear more by tuning in below!

Listen to the interview below:


BigDish (DISH) Raise £2.1 Million Through Institutional Placing

BigDish Plc (LON:DISH), a food technology company that operates a yield management platform for restaurants, is pleased to announce that it has raised, in aggregate, £2.1 million through a placing of, in aggregate, 29,166,667 new common shares (the “Common Shares) of no par value in the capital of the Company (together, the “Issue shares) at a price of 7.2 pence per Common Share (the “Issue Price”) via an institutional placing.


·    Fully funded until 2021

·    Acceleration of the UK rollout

·    Acceleration of customer acquisition

·    Acceleration of new production development

Further to the announcement on 30 May 2019, BigDish was approached by an institution to provide an offer of significant expansion capital.  Whilst already being funded to execute its current strategy, the Company felt that this additional capital could further accelerate BigDish’s growth beyond this.

The additional capital will enable BigDish to accelerate the development of new features and functionality across all the BigDish platforms, as well as enable the development of further revenue streams.  It will also accelerate the UK rollout and, through increased marketing spend, help increase the rate of user acquisition.  All key metrics within BigDish are growing, such as the number of restaurants, bookings and diners seated.  This is now expected to increase at a more rapid pace.

Following the Admission of the new shares, the total issued share capital of the Company will be 315,014,186 Common Shares.

Sanj Naha, CEO, commented:

“It is truly an exciting time for BigDish and to have now gained the confidence of an institutional fund is fantastic.  BigDish is now entering the hypergrowth phase and the additional capital enables us to achieve our goals for the UK rollout, customer acquisition and positive cashflow.

“Over the past few weeks I have travelled to various parts of the UK, laying the foundations for the BigDish national expansion.  The BigDish yield management value proposition is being well received by the restaurants and restaurants groups that I am meeting with.  Furthermore, I am having positive discussions with various media groups and other potential partners.

“I have also spent time visiting some of our existing restaurant partners and it has been great to meet restaurant owners who are now regularly seeing diners seated at their restaurant via BigDish. One particular restaurant recorded over 600 diners in April, which was a BigDish record.”




+44 (0) 20 7138 3204

Tim Blythe

Julia Tilley

Notes to Editors

BigDish Plc is a London Stock Exchange listed food technology company that operates a yield management platform for the restaurant industry, including a mobile App.

The Company helps restaurants in the UK fill their spare capacity and optimise their revenues through smart and dynamic discounts. Consumers can access these via the BigDish App and website platforms. Restaurants pay BigDish a fee per diner seated.

BigDish is fully committed to delivering shareholder value to its stakeholders through this model and is actively seeking to expand across the UK. An expansion strategy has been outlined which divides the UK into territorial target areas.

Aidan Bishop, Founder of BigDish (DISH) talk through the launch of their nationwide rollout on the Vox Markets podcast with Justin Waite

BigDish is a yield management platform for the restaurant industry. Through smart and dynamic discounts, BigDish helps restaurants in the UK to fill up their spare capacity and optimise their revenues.

(Interview starts at 13 minutes 50 seconds)


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