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Tag Archives: Dart Group PLC (DTG.L)

VectorVest – What is Value Momentum Investing and How to Apply It?

On this week’s Core Finance interview, I discuss the topic of Value Momentum Investing, which has three legs.  It is the fundamental position of a share, value and safety. It is the technical position of a share and it is the technical position of the overall market. This pushes up the probability of making good decisions.

Watch the video and see the shares that are on my watchlists, then do a free share analysis by clicking any of the links: Anglo American PLC (AAL.L), Pearson PLC (PSON.L), Plus500 Limited (PLUS.L), Serica Energy (SQZ.L), and Fairfx Grp, (FFX.L) and Dart Group PLC (DTG.L)

I am also offering my most popular 5-week training course, “How to Become an ISA Millionaire”.  This digital course is packed with tools and strategies that will help you learn how to eliminate weak stocks from your portfolio and manage a successful portfolio in less than 10 minutes per day.


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