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Poolbeg Pharma #POLB – CEO Jeremy Skillington talks to Alan Green

Poolbeg Pharma CEO Jeremy Skillington talks to Alan Green, and recaps on the developments at the company since last year. These include the strategic collaboration with a Nasdaq-Listed Biopharma Co to use Poolbeg’s oral delivery technology, the expansion of Poolbeg’s IP, and the appointment t of a number of key former Amryt Pharma executives, namely David Allmond, John McEvoy and Laura Maher. Jeremy highlights the recent progress with the flagship POLB 001 and its potential in both preventing and treating cancer immunotherapy-induced CRS (Cytokine Release Syndrome), and then looks at the Oral GLP-1R agonist and the latest from the AI collaboration with CytoReason. We finish by looking at the team, which now includes Cathal Friel who has returned to the helm as Exec Chairman, the robust financial position and upcoming milestones for 2024.

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