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Multichannel Podcast – Brand CEO Alan Green discusses Crypto Security challenges and solutions with Nous.net directors Justin Short and Mick Horgan

Multichannel Podcast.

#Cryptocurrencies such as #Bitcoin might superficially look like #PayPal and other e-money solutions but the reality is quite different. The decentralised blockchain technology they use provides a lot of benefits but also mean that if something goes wrong there’s no central authority who can fix your problems. If you lose your keys, or if someone steals your keys, you lose your money. Now there is a solution. Nous founders Justin Short & Mick Horgan have recently launched ultra-secure crypto trading & custodial solutions #BestEX & #Metavault. We discuss #crypto security and their new solution in a 10 minute podcast.

Potential investors interested in finding out more about the opportunity should contact the company at http://www.nous.net and request an investor memorandum

Stocktube – Brand Communications CEO Alan Green highlights his small cap picks for 2018.

Brand Communications’ Alan Green highlights his small cap stocks to watch in 2018.



First on Alan’s hit list is Tertiary Minerals (LON:TYM).

Tertiary’s share price has been on a good run recently since it announced they’d signed an MoU with global commodities group Possehl to enter into an offtake agreement to support the group’s three fluorspar projects.

Possehl, which is part of German-based commodities business Cremer, will provide funds to develop the deposits and for any acquisitions Tertiary may make to bulk them up.

”All of the stars are in a row here and I think Tertiary Minerals are set for a great year in 2018”.

Next on his ‘ones to watch’ is Prairie Mining Ltd (ASX:PDZ).

”They’ve got two key coking coal projects – the flagship of which has been referred to by many in the industry as the most advanced coking coal project in the northern hemisphere, which is quite an accolade when you consider the other mines that are around”.

”Coking coal is a critical mineral … it’s vital for the production of steel and as we know the infrastructure throughout Europe and the UK will require a lot of steel in future – plus we have the burgeoning electric vehicle industry too”.

Shares in Advanced Oncotherapy PLC (LON:AVO), the developer of next-generation proton therapy systems for cancer treatment, shot up nearly 30% earlier this month after they secured £37.4mln of fresh funding, with £30mln of this coming from a new Chinese investor.

Green says ”The company’s at a very exciting phase now but even now it’s still worth around 40 million sterling and each of its machines will sell for around 45 million dollars … so there’s still I believe a tremendous amount of upside to come here”.

”2018 is the home run for them”, Green adds, ”Investors are in for a very exciting year”.

Green also chats through the investment case for Cadence Minerals (LON:KDNC).

Cadence is a mining investment company that’ve recently acquired up to 100% of six prospective hard rock lithium assets in Argentina from Lithium Technologies Pty Ltd and Lithium Supplies Pty Ltd.

They’re also invested in Bacanora Minerals Ltd (LON:BCN) who, a few weeks back, published the results of a definitive feasibility study for the Sonora lithium deposit in Mexico that valued it at US$1.25bn.

Plus they also have a stake in European Metal Holdings (LON:EMH) and its Cinovec project in the Czech Republic.

To round things off Alan gives a quick couple of comments on blockchain and crypto-currency and where he reckons there could be opportunities next year.

”The fact that this technology can connect pretty much everyone in the world is massive …and that’s why we’re seeing this huge explosion in the value of crypto-currency”.

Link here to watch on the Stocktube website

Stocktube – Brand Communications’ Alan Green highlights his small cap stocks to watch in 2018.

Brand Communications’ Alan Green highlights his small cap stocks to watch in 2018.



First on Alan’s hit list is Tertiary Minerals (LON:TYM).

Tertiary’s share price has been on a good run recently since it announced they’d signed an MoU with global commodities group Possehl to enter into an offtake agreement to support the group’s three fluorspar projects.

Possehl, which is part of German-based commodities business Cremer, will provide funds to develop the deposits and for any acquisitions Tertiary may make to bulk them up.

”All of the stars are in a row here and I think Tertiary Minerals are set for a great year in 2018”.

Next on his ‘ones to watch’ is Prairie Mining Ltd (ASX:PDZ).

”They’ve got two key coking coal projects – the flagship of which has been referred to by many in the industry as the most advanced coking coal project in the northern hemisphere, which is quite an accolade when you consider the other mines that are around”.

”Coking coal is a critical mineral … it’s vital for the production of steel and as we know the infrastructure throughout Europe and the UK will require a lot of steel in future – plus we have the burgeoning electric vehicle industry too”.

Shares in Advanced Oncotherapy PLC (LON:AVO), the developer of next-generation proton therapy systems for cancer treatment, shot up nearly 30% earlier this month after they secured £37.4mln of fresh funding, with £30mln of this coming from a new Chinese investor.

Green says ”The company’s at a very exciting phase now but even now it’s still worth around 40 million sterling and each of its machines will sell for around 45 million dollars … so there’s still I believe a tremendous amount of upside to come here”.

”2018 is the home run for them”, Green adds, ”Investors are in for a very exciting year”.

Green also chats through the investment case for Cadence Minerals (LON:KDNC).

Cadence is a mining investment company that’ve recently acquired up to 100% of six prospective hard rock lithium assets in Argentina from Lithium Technologies Pty Ltd and Lithium Supplies Pty Ltd.

They’re also invested in Bacanora Minerals Ltd (LON:BCN) who, a few weeks back, published the results of a definitive feasibility study for the Sonora lithium deposit in Mexico that valued it at US$1.25bn.

Plus they also have a stake in European Metal Holdings (LON:EMH) and its Cinovec project in the Czech Republic.

To round things off Alan gives a quick couple of comments on blockchain and crypto-currency and where he reckons there could be opportunities next year.

”The fact that this technology can connect pretty much everyone in the world is massive …and that’s why we’re seeing this huge explosion in the value of crypto-currency”.

Link here to watch on the Stocktube website

Brand CEO Alan Green talks #TYM, #PDZ, #AVO, #KDNC and crypto with Andrew Scott on Proactive Investors

Brand CEO Alan Green talks Tertiary Minerals #TYM, Prairie Mining #PDZ, Advanced Oncotherapy #AVO, Cadence Minerals #KDNC and crypto currency with Andrew Scott at Proactive Investors

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