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Tag Archives: crop capacity

Plant Impact (PIM) Grows A Profit

At the beginning of 2014 the shares of Plant Impact stood at 13p after which they rose steadily to reach 65p 18 months later, since when they have fallen back slightly to their current 54p.

The company is a leader in plant science innovation, developing and formulating products which enhance crop capacity, enabling growers to improve quality and deliver consistently higher marketable yields.

The preliminary results released today for the year to 31st June show a strong rise in turnover from £2.5m in 2014 to £4.5m. this year. In addition the company has turned last years loss of £0.7m. into a small but maiden profit of £0.1m. Gross profit nearly doubled from £1.8m. to £3.5m.

The share price has responded so far this morning with a rise of 2p. to 56p

The CEO claims it has achieved a number of milestones during the year and looks forward to maintaining the momentum with further substantial growth.

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