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Fancy Doing the Okey-Cokey with a Miner Called Prairie?

by Malcolm Stacey – ShareProphets

Hello, Share Sweetners. I rarely bring a developing miner to your further scrutiny. I prefer to leave all that to my mining expert colleague Gary. Also, I’ve been burned quite a lot by disappointing mineral and metal finds in the past. But any road up, let’s have a look at this one.

Coal miner Prairie Mining (PDZ) seems to have a good chance of success in the next few years. Based in Perth, it focuses on Poland. The firm claims it could eventually have one of the most advanced coking operations ‘in the Northern Hemisphere.’

Coke is used heavily by the steel industry. And we all know, from plant closures in the UK, that steel-making is currently not the most profitable undertaking in the world. There’s too much competition, including interest from our friends in China.

But manufacturing, construction and heavy engineering all need steel, as does the car industry. So coke, which heats up the raw material, is always going to be in demand. Can you imagine, for example, how much steel will be needed for that new HS2 rail link?

Prairie has a coal project called Debiensko, which in January will start producing a slightly lower grade coking coal than that of its other site, Jan Karski. The Karski mine is set to start producing next year also.

Both locations are at the centre of industrial Europe and have excellent access to infrastructure. The reserves at both mines have been estimated at $3.3 billion. Which is big compared to the company’s present valuation. Though one should be aware that such estimates, especially in the mining game, can go wrong.

Prairie shares are now just over 30p. In March they were over 40p. This is not one of those mining shares which aims to serve a market which may not be all that big. Coke is vital for manufacturing. There are signs that the developing world, especially, is going to be making and building many more machines, buildings and heavy plant.

But, as with all miners, there just may be hidden snags along the way. And you should be aware of those risks.

As we all are in the Punter’s Return.

Link here to the article on the ShareProphets website

Sapan Ghai, Head of Corporate Development for Prairie Mining #PDZ speaks at Share Talk Investor Evening

Sapan Ghai, Head of Corporate Development & Strategy for Prairie Mining #PDZ speaks at Share Talk’s Investor Evening at the Village Hotel in Walsall, Friday 1 December 2017.

Brand CEO Alan Green discusses Tertiary Minerals #TYM, Prairie Mining #PDZ and Cerillion #CER on Vox Markets podcast

Brand CEO Alan Green discusses Tertiary Minerals #TYM, Prairie Mining #PDZ and Cerillion #CER with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets podcast. The interview is 16 minutes in.

Meet Prairie Mining #PDZ Management at Mines & Money London from 28 – 30 November 2017

Prairie Mining Limited will be attending the Mines and Money conference in London, which takes place at the Business Design Centre Ltd, 52 Upper St, London N1 0QH, from 28 November – 30 November.

Management will be available for the duration of the conference at stand C9 to discuss the Company’s latest developments at its two projects.


Strong outlook for Poland’s new coking coal mines – Inside Coal by IHS Energy

Article by Darren Malone – +44 208 260 2088

Investor confidence in Poland’s coal mining industry is on the up again due to strong international prices for coking coal and strong steel demand.

There are three high quality coking coal projects under development in Poland, which will diversify supply portfolios for European steel producers and reduce imports from Australia and the United States.

Two met coal juniors Prairie Mining (PDZ) and Balamara Resources are at the forefront of developing new coking coal mines to supply regional steel markets.

Prairie Mining is developing two mines – the Debiensko and Jan Karski. Debiensko is being lined-up as a premium hard coking coal project and is development ready. A drilling program has already been initiated and selected seams from the Debiensko mine indicate that two hard coking coal specifications are viable, both lie within the range of international accepted benchmark coals. The mid-vol specs have an FSI of 8.5 and CSR of about 63% (comparable with Goonyella from Queensland) and has the potential to produce up to 4.02.6 mt/yr (run-of-mine) saleable hard coking coal) from 2022. It is located in the upper Silesian coal basin.

The Jan Karski prospect is listed by Prairie as a high value semisoft coking coal asset, with the latest drilling and washability results indicating a product ash content of about 3.00% and a CSR of 51.50%. The ultra-low ash content makes it ideal for blending with hard coking coal and gives it a high value-in-use price premium of 10% above other premium Hunter Valley, Australian semi-soft coals. The low ash is more environmentally friendly, especially attractive in a tough EU regulatory environment for coal producers.

Prairie also has a huge logistic advantage compared to imported coking coal from the US and Australia. Delivered costs to the nearest steel plant and coke ovens are estimated at $4.6/t, compared to a cost of $37.70/t for imported coal. The two mines are next to existing seams mines that are being worked by listed Polish coal producers JSW and Bogdanka, so power, water and rail infrastructure is already in place.

Despite the early stages of the two projects, Prairie is already in discussions with local steel makers and coke producers for offtake agreements. Prairie estimates that Europe’s steel industry consumes 47 75 mt/yr of hard coking coal (PCI, hard and semisoft), of which 85% is imported mainly from Australia and the US.

Central European countries consume about 25mt -30 mt/yr of coking coal. Poland’s production has been declining in recent years and qualities have not met specifications. This has forced some steel producers to import coking coal from Canada for blending with domestic material. Yesterday, ArcelorMittal reported a supply disruption at two of its Polish coking plants in Krakow and Zdzieszowice. JSW’s Zofiówka coking coal mine supplies the two plants, but deliveries have been have been reduced, due to a shortage of rail wagons.

ArcelorMittal said it has been forced to change its coal mix. Zdzieszowice is one of the biggest coke plants in Europe, with a production capacity of about 4.40 mt/yr. The Krakow-based plant has a coke-making capacity of 0.70 mt/yr, according to a trading source. ArcelorMittal’s contract with JSW expires at the end of the year. Other regional steel makers in Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria also need security of supply of high spec coking coal, which the existing mines are having problems producing.

Meanwhile, ASX-listed Balamara Resources is also developing a major coking coal asset – Nowa Ruda in the lower Silesian coal basin. Early indications are showing that the mine can produce material with a CSR of about 69%, which is comparable to premium Australian coking coal. Annual production is expected to be about 1.50 mt/y and is slated for production in 2019. There are five steel plants within 150 km of the coking coal mine, and talks have already taken place with regional steel-makers to take the coal. There are also plans to upgrade Gdansk port to load Baby Capes. At the moment it is limited to Panamax vessels. Fundamentals for steel and coking coal in Europe are strong going forward. Coking coal is on the list of critical raw materials listed by the European Commission. Poland is also coal friendly, and has a well-trained mining workforce.

Elsewhere in Europe, Prairie also notes that growing demand for ultra-low emission vehicles is expected to drive growth in steel supply to the regional car industry. Almost 0.5 tonnes of coking coal are required to produce the structural, electrical and plated steel for each electric car. In the UK, infrastructure projects including the High Speed 2 Rail Line and the construction of the Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station are expected to use over 3 million tonnes of steel.

Prairie Mining and Balamara Resources are still in the early stages of development, but they are ideally positioned to supply coking coal to meet Europe’s steel demand going forward.

Link to full IHS Inside Coal 9.11.17 note

Brand CEO Alan Green presents Small Cap Spotlight, looking at Prairie Mining #PDZ, Midwich #MIDW and Advanced Oncotherapy #AVO

Brand CEO Alan Green presents Small Cap Spotlight, looking at Prairie Mining #PDZ, Midwich #MIDW and Advanced Oncotherapy #AVO.

Prairie Mining (PDZ) – Result of AGM

The 2017 Prairie Mining Limited AGM was held today, 16 November 2017, at 11.00am (WST).


The resolutions voted on were in accordance with the Notice of Annual General Meeting previously advised to shareholders.

In accordance with Section 251AA of the Corporations Act 2001, the following information is provided:



Number of Proxy Votes




Proxy’s Discretion

1. Adoption of Remuneration Report

Passed unanimously on a show of hands





2. Re-election of Director – Mr Benjamin Stoikovich

Passed unanimously on a show of hands





3. Re-election of Director – Mr Thomas Todd

Passed unanimously on a show of hands





For further information, please contact:

Prairie Mining Limited

Tel: +44 207 478 3900

  Ben Stoikovich, Chief Executive Officer

Email: info@pdz.com.au

  Sapan Ghai, Head of Corporate Development


Brand CEO Alan Green discusses Prairie Mining #PDZ, Petrofac #PFC and Hemogenyx #HEMO on VOX Markets podcast

Brand CEO Alan Green discusses Prairie Mining #PDZ, Petrofac #PFC and Hemogenyx #HEMO with Justin Waite on VOX Markets podcast. Interview is 9 minutes in.

Brand CEO Alan Green discusses Premier Oil #PMO and Prairie Mining #PDZ on RTCTV

Brand CEO Alan Green discusses Premier Oil #PMO and Prairie Mining #PDZ on RTCTV. The interview is 44 minutes in.

Prairie Mining #PDZ CEO Ben Stoikovich updates Core Finance TV viewers on progress at Jan Karski and Debiensko mines

Ben Stoikovich, CEO of Prairie Mining, is interviewed by Zak Mir at Core Finance TV. Stoikovic updates viewers about the company’s projects – Jan Karski Mine and Debiensko Coal Project, which are centered around coking coal. The Jan Karski mine is one of the most advanced coking coal projects in Northern Hemisphere, and at Debiensko, works are continuing to restart the mine at a time when long term coking coal supply has become increasingly important to the European steel industry. Stoikovic adds,” Prairie’s mines are the lowest cost coking coal mines in Europe”.

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