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Stockbox Research Talks Picks for 2025 – #BKS #BBSN #CMET #COIN #EGT #EST #FCM #GSCU #GROC #MARU #MDH #NEO #ONDO #REE #SVML #ROME

Stockbox Research Talks Picks for 2025 – #BKS #BBSN #CMET #COIN #EGT #EST #FCM #GSCU #GROC #MARU #MDH #NEO #ONDO #REE #SVML #ROME

Alan Green covers ONDO Insurtech #ONDO, Greatland Gold #GGP & Coinsilium #COIN on this week’s Stockbox Research Talks

Alan Green covers ONDO Insurtech #ONDO, Greatland Gold #GGP & Coinsilium #COIN on this week’s Stockbox Research Talks

Alan Green covers Altona Rare Earths #REE, Coinsilium #COIN & Facilities by ADF #ADF on this week’s Stockbox Research Talks

Alan Green covers Altona Rare Earths #REE, Coinsilium #COIN & Facilities by ADF #ADF on this week’s Stockbox Research Talks

Alan Green covers Coinsilium #COIN, Vinanz #BTC & Ora Technology #ORA on this week’s Stockbox Research Talks

Alan Green covers Coinsilium #COIN, Vinanz #BTC & Ora Technology #ORA on this week’s Stockbox Research Talks

UK Inflation, Berkeley Group Holdings #BKG, Coinsilium #COIN and Vela Technologies #VELA with Alan Green

The UK Investor Magazine Podcast is joined by Alan Green for a discussion around UK equities and the global economic environment.

We start by looking at the latest UK inflation data which jumped to a whopping 9.1% in May with predictions it will continue to rise through the summer. Our focus shifts to the market’s perception of this data and what it means for central bank action.

With major central banks set for further interest rates hikes, there is a real risk of a recession both in the UK and US. However, there is plenty of room for easing after this which will be welcomed by the markets and could spark an equities rally.

Berkeley Group Holdings shares stumbled in early trade after the Housebuilder said their margins were being squeezed by rising input prices and a lower mix of housing sales.

We explore Coinsilium in a backdrop of crypto volatility and drill down into their blockchain operations.

We finish with a rundown of Vela Technologies portfolio, especially a number of upcoming IPOs from their portfolio companies.

UK Inflation, Berkeley Group Holdings, and Vela Technologies with Alan Green

Alan Green talks about Versarien #VRS , Bluefield Solar Income Fund #BSIF & Coinsilium #COIN



vox podcastAlan Green talks about Versarien #VRS , Bluefield Solar Income Fund #BSIF & Coinsilium #COIN



Alan Green discusses Coinsilium #COIN $CINGF & Altona Rare Earths #ANR on the Stockbox Research podcast

Alan Green discusses Coinsilium #COIN $CINGF & Altona Rare Earths #ANR on the Stockbox Research podcast

Alan Green discusses Coinsilium #COIN $CINGF & Open Orphan #ORPH on his weekly Stockbox Media Research talk

Alan Green discusses Coinsilium #COIN $CINGF & Open Orphan #ORPH on his weekly Stockbox Media Research talk

NFT Vision Hack – Alan Green talks to Coinsilium (AQX: COIN, OTCQB: CINGF) CEO Eddy Travia


Alan Green talks to Eddy Travia, CEO & Co-Founder of Coinsilium (AQX: #COIN, OTCQB: $CINGF), a Blockchain & Open Finance venture builder based in Gilbratar.

Eddy talks about his role in the evolution of Coinsilium from the first ever blockchain IPO on the Aquis market, through to the move to Gilbraltar and last year’s pivot to become a venture builder in the blockchain and Non Fungible Token space.

We look at the Nifty Labs JV between Indorse and Coinsilium, and the potential of the new NFT Marketplace currently under development. We then discuss NFT Vision Hack, an NFT focussed global hackathon organised jointly between Coinsilium and Indorse, and Eddy outlines what he expects from it, before Eddy discusses the NFT market in comparison to the cryptocurrency market

We finish with a look at the financial position of Coinsilium ahead of the interims, before Eddy provides some H2 2021 milestones to look out for.


Alan Green talks Coinsilium #COIN, Tertiary Minerals #TYM & MetalNRG #MNRG on Vox Markets podcast

Alan Green discusses Coinsilium #COIN, Tertiary Minerals #TYM & MetalNRG #MNRG with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets podcast. Interview is 23 minutes 39 seconds in.

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