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Memorandum between the state and ČEZ: The state will support the construction of a Czech gigafactory for batteries for electric cars
27th July 2021 / Leave a comment
On Monday, the government approved a memorandum between the state represented by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and ČEZ on support for a project for a battery factory for electric vehicles in the Czech Republic, the so-called gigafactory. This was stated on Twitter (https://twitter.com/KarelHavlicek_/status/1419679992041156611) by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Transport Karel Havlíček (for YES). According to him, the expected investment of over 50 billion crowns will bring at least 2,300 jobs. The investment should amount to at least 52 billion crowns (Approx £1.6bn) in the 1st phase. Havlíček and CEZ CEO Daniel Beneš will sign the memorandum on Tuesday morning.
Havlíček announced last year that CEZ Group was considering building a factory for lithium batteries for cars in northern Bohemia in the next few years, which it described as a gigafactory project. Together with investors from the automotive industry, the company wants to use lithium from the Cínovec area in the Ore Mountains for the production of batteries.
Link here to read the full article –Memorandum between the state and CEZ_ The state will support the construction of a Czech gigafactory
Cadence Minerals and the next Commodity Supercycle
27th February 2021 / Leave a comment
There is little doubt that historians will conclude that the global impact of COVID-19 represents the worst crisis since the Great Depression. The pandemic is leaving deep and enduring scars on the global economy, taxing health and medical services to the limit, depriving children of education, while decimating sectors of commerce and industry and in particular leisure and travel.
But history has shown on numerous occasions that the indomitable human spirit has a remarkable capacity for survival and evolution amidst existential crises. As areas such as traditional High St retail and seem to be drawing to a close, sectors such as commodities and mining are booming thanks to a near perfect storm created in part by the COVID crisis.
In October 2020, the IMF stated that the total bill for the global pandemic would reach some $28tn (£21.5tn) in lost output. The rapid intervention by global Governments with rate cuts, looser monetary policies and fiscal stimulus have certainly avoided a financial catastrophe, but at the same time these actions have effectively weakened fiat currencies and increased demand for commodities.
Historically the consequences of such events invariably see a strong recovery in commodity markets. This factor was clearly in evidence as 2020 progressed, and as the COVID noose tightened, prices of commodities such as Iron Ore, Copper and Nickel, along with precious metals including Gold and Silver, all increased in value.
As a consequence, as 2020 progressed prices of commodities such as Iron Ore, Copper and Nickel, along with precious metals including Gold and Silver, all increased in value.
In the wake of the sharp economic contractions in 2020, the IMF forecast that only China was expected to emerge with any economic growth during the year. 2021 is set to be a different story however, and with the vaccine rollout accelerating globally, there are expectations for sharp recoveries across most of the leading economies. Added to this, the new $1.9tn stimulus package in the US from the Biden administration will see heavy investment into ageing US infrastructure. These factors should ensure sustained demand and pricing for iron ore and base metals.
There is also the revolution taking place within the automotive industry to consider. The move towards EV’s is accelerating rapidly, with a plethora of commitments from key automotive manufacturers such as Ford, Volvo, BMW and Jaguar to switch to electric only production in the next few years. This move of course sounds the death knell for the internal combustion engine, but at the same time is driving the cost of battery metals and component commodities such as lithium, nickel, cobalt and graphite
The net effect is that mining, specific commodities and minerals, along with the sector’s nebulous support service industries are undergoing a significant global resurgence. Projects considered uneconomical to develop, and that have remained dormant for years are returning to life, newly financed and fast tracked thanks to the array of modern desktop technologies, data and modelling tools.
Iron Ore
In a note published last December, Goldman Sachs outlined their expectations for another substantial deficit next year (27Mt, GSe), supported by a combination of gradually decelerating China steel demand growth, sharply re-accelerating demand for Western steel and tepid supply growth. GS added that the weighting of the 2021 deficit to the front half of the year points to fundamental support for a sustained price path higher over Q1 and Q2, revising near-term targets for the benchmark 62% iron ore price to 3M $140/t and 6M $150/t.
These numbers of course imply material upside longer term, and GS have also upgraded full year forecasts for 2021 to $120/t ($90/t previously) and for 2022 to $95/t ($75/t previously).
GS sees four core drivers supporting this bullish view:
- Chinese steel production has remained strong & production in 2021 remains supported by a healthy infrastructure and property project pipeline, alongside a resurgence in China’s manufacturing capex cycle and steel exports.
- With construction and heavy industry remaining relatively less affected by second-wave lockdowns, Western steel demand is also recovering ahead of expectations. Significant regional price strength in the US and Europe is likely to spur further blast furnace restarts (and hence iron demand) after an aggressive suspensions phase in 2020 contributed to the current steel supply shortfalls as demand recovers.
- Iron ore supply growth is likely to stagnate in 2021. The limited growth that exists next year is concentrated with Vale Brazil operations, which is why their recent substantive downgrade to production guidance has had such an outsized positive impact on price.
- Chinese mill iron ore inventories remain low, raising the prospect of restocking bursts through the year.
For Cadence Minerals, this bullish outlook for iron ore puts two very firm ticks in the box, firstly for what is widely regarded as the company’s flagship Amapa Iron Ore project in Brazil, and secondly the investment in ASX and TSX listed Macarthur Minerals, with whom Amapa shares numerous infrastructural and evolutionary similarities.
Bringing a project the size and scale of Amapa back to life has as expected proved to be a complex and challenging process. Nonetheless, DEV Mineração, Cadence and Indo Sino Pty Ltd are reaching a legal settlement with the project creditors, and with the ruling in February by the Commercial Court of São Paulo that port operations and the shipment of iron ore stockpiles can begin, the company is set to take the first practical step towards bringing the project back to life, which will in turn bring benefits to the Amapa region in terms of employment, health and education.
Once the creditor settlement agreement has been signed, an initial $2.5m investment will be released from escrow, meaning that the Pedra Branca Alliance (Cadence & Indo Sino JV co) will own 99.9% of DEV, the owner of the entire Amapa mining and processing assets,. At this point Cadence will proportionately own 20% of Amapa. The next step will involve a further $3.5m investment following the granting of the necessary environmental licenses required to operate the mine, which will see Cadence move to a 27% stake, with an option to increase to 49% once project financing has been raised to complete recommissioning and commence production.
Last November Cadence completed an updated Mineral Resource Estimate for Amapa, which increased the 2012 Anglo American MRE estimate by 21% to 176.7 million tonnes (“Mt”) grading 39.7% Fe in the Indicated category. With a production capacity of 5.3Mt per annum, the survey also noted there was significant potential to increase the resource base after the completion of metallurgical and optimisation studies.
Lake Giles Iron Project
Cadence also has a stake (c1%) in ASX and TSX listed Macarthur Minerals, owner of the Lake Giles Iron Project near Kalgoorlie in Western Australia. The Lake Giles project consists of the Moonshine magnetite deposit and the Ularring hematite deposit, which together have an indicated Mineral Resource Estimate of 218Mt grading 27.5% Fe in the Indicated category.
Lake Giles and Amapa share many similarities in regard to facilities and production routes, and with the Feasibility Study already underway, Lake Giles has a 3.4 Mt per annum production target with potential to scale-up operations.
A recent paper published by commodities expert Fastmarkets FB noted that global lithium supply was developing at accelerating pace due to strong and continually growing demand. In particular the demand for compounds used in lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries such as lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide has prompted lithium producers to expand total production while diversifying their investments in different lithium operations to ramp up production and diminish asset risk.
Despite an effective over supply in 2018-2019 that saw a price moratorium and a 50% fall in the price of battery-grade lithium carbonate in China, the subsequent seismic shift to bring forward EV production and commitments from major automotive manufacturers around the world saw the price of Lithium in China surge to an 18 month high of $9450 per tonne in January 2021.
The Fastmarkets’ research team expects global lithium demand to grow to at least 1.1 million tonnes per year of lithium-carbonate equivalent (LCE) by 2025 from an expected 300,000 tonnes of LCE in 2019, with Global lithium producers set to boost output year on year to maintain pace with growing demand. Despite this, as can be seen from the table above the numbers still don’t add up, with massive shortfalls projected by Benchmark Intelligence in lithium and other key constituent metals by 2030.
Over 2018, China emerged as the world’s leading lithium-processing hub with the rapid growth of companies like Ganfeng Lithium, which specialise in converting lithium concentrate from hard rock.
Cinovec – European Metals Holdings
The Cinovec project is the largest hard rock lithium resource in Europe and 4th largest non-brine resource in the world. Perfectly located to become the central lithium supply hub for the European EV industry, Cadence owns a 12% stake in AIM listed European Metals Holdings (EMH), which in turn owns 49% of the Cinovec project, (51% owned by utilities giant CEZ Group).
Cinovec is a potential low-cost producer at the bottom of the cost curve, and will sustainably supply 25,267 tpa lithium hydroxide or 22,500 tpa lithium carbonate into the European battery market.
Sonora Lithium Project
Cadence is a 30% joint venture partner with Bacanora Lithium (BCN) on the Fleur Lease (Mexalit & Megalit) at the Sonora Lithium Project in Mexico. A completed feasibility study values Sonora Mexico at US$1.25bn NPV, with some of the lowest production costs at $4,000/t in the industry.
AIM listed Bacanora is focused on building a 35,000 tpa lithium carbonate operation at Sonora with 50% owner and take off partner Ganfeng Lithium.
Australia Hard Rock Lithium Projects
Cadence owns three dormant hard rock lithium assets in Australia. These are Picasso (Western Australia – WA), Litchfield (Northern Territories – NT) and Alcoota (NT) all of which are in regions with proven lithium mineralisation and supportive mining infrastructure.
The Litchfield project, located near Darwin (NT), has an exploration license granted and is contiguous to Core Lithium’s (ASX: CXO) territory. Core has a JORC compliant mineral resource of 8.55Mt @ 1.33% Li2O for its Finnis project (for all six deposits).
Yangibana Rare Earths Project
Operated by ASX listed Hastings Technology Metals, Yangibana is a substantial Rare Earths deposit near Gascoyne in Western Australia. Drilling and sampling have revealed high concentrations of Neodymium and Praseodymium (NdPr), essential components in permanent magnets used in electric vehicles.
Cadence is a 30% joint venture partner with Hastings on part of the Yangibana Rare Earth Element Project. Probable Ore Reserves within the tenements held by Cadence are just over 2m tonnes with TREO of 1.66%.
The current mine plan anticipates production to start from the joint venture areas (Yangibana) in year 6.
A Key Role?
Around the world today there are countless mining exploration companies, commodity investors and mine operators with projects offering scope for development and potential for investment. The challenge with any project of this nature is matching the opportunity with the macro backdrop, projected demand for the commodity alongside capex vs. return, production routes, shipping and completion of cycle to bring the product to the customer.
Rarely if ever has the industry been presented with so compelling a backdrop for the commodity market as a whole. The significant global resurgence seen in the mining sector at present given is entirely sustainable given the level of asset purchases and spending by Governments to rejuvenate damaged economies and the inevitable resulting erosion in fiat currency value.
As economies emerge from the havoc wrought by the COVID virus and restrictions on spending are lifted, it is clear that in many cases demand will outstrip availability. This will apply almost without exception across the commodity spectrum – iron ore for steel to fund reconstruction – lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite and rare earths to address the burgeoning demand for lithium-ion battery production.
There is no doubt that the recovering global economy is embarking on the next great Commodity Supercycle. Many mining groups and commodity project investors will benefit from this phenomenon by owning the right projects, at the right stage of evolution at the right time. On the evidence available today, Cadence Minerals is certainly one of them.
UK Investor Magazine – Cadence Minerals #KDNC – Transformation Cycle
29th May 2020 / Leave a comment
AIM listed Cadence Minerals (AIM: KDNC) continues to make substantial progress with the former Anglo American Iron Ore mine, railway and port at Amapá in Brazil.
Since September 2018, the board has conducted an exhaustive, ongoing round of due diligence and legal processes to bring the mine out of administration, into a recommissioning programme and ultimately back to production.
Back in April 2020, Brazil’s Commercial Court of São Paulo ruled that DEV Mineração S.A., owner of the Amapá iron ore project and 99% owned by Cadence, could commence shipment of the iron ore stockpiles situated at the wholly-owned port in Santana, Amapá, Brazil.
Independent surveys of these iron ore stockpiles indicate that some 1.39 Mt of iron ore in three stockpiles are available for immediate export with an average Fe grade of 62.12%.
Despite the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown in Brazil, shipment is still expected
to commence on schedule late Q2, early Q3 2020. The net proceeds will go to pay labour and small creditors, invest in the recommissioning of the assets and essential maintenance.
Currently rehabilitation of the mine, railway and port is expected to be completed in 2022. A production ramp up will see 5.3 million tonnes of iron ore produced per annum within 3 years of completion of the rehabilitation. The local economy will also see significant benefits, with hundreds of new jobs and employment opportunities.
The financials make impressive reading too.
Net revenues after shipping from the former Anglo American mine is forecast to be approximately $265m per annum, with EBITDA of approx $136m per annum based on a conservative iron ore price of $61 per tonne. Currently the iron ore price squeeze sees the commodity trading at up to $100 per tonne.
“This is a huge step change for Cadence,” says Cadence CEO Kiran Morzaria.
“Our range of lithium and iron ore investments continue to add value, but once
settlement is finalized with our creditors, Cadence will own 27% of Amapá, with options to acquire up to 49%. Our EBITDA forecasts will deliver a material change to current valuation metrics for our company.”
While the focus is certainly on Amapá, the rest of the Cadence portfolio is nonetheless impressive. Cornerstone stakes in projects such as the Cinovec Lithium and Tin Project in the Czech republic and Macarthur Minerals’ Lake Giles Iron Project in Western Australia has provided Cadence with opportunities to invest into assets such as Amapá.
Cinovec, 50% owned by European Metals Holdings (AIM: EMH) and Eastern European utility giant CEZ is set to become a major European and Global lithium supply hub to meet the boom in batteries and electric vehicles, with demand anticipated to grow some 800% by 2030. Cadence also has a range of other lithium and rare metal investments, plus a joint venture at the Yangibana Rare Earths project in Australia with Hastings Technology Metals (ASX: HAS).
Cadence Chairman Andrew Suckling is also a non-executive director of Macarthur Minerals (TSX-V: MMS, ASX: MIO) and chairman of the Audit Committee. Macarthur stated recently it was ‘encouraged by the robust iron ore market’, and also buoyed by the recent share price performance of Cadence Minerals, one of its largest shareholders.
City institutions are also waking up to Amapá’s potential, with broker WH Ireland noting that the “healthy margin from sales of the easy to ship iron-ore stockpile could be used to pay senior bank creditors, complete a feasibility study into the reopening of the mine and pay for some of the new infrastructure required.”
AIM listed Cadence currently trades on an asset backed market cap of just £7m, although with the current transformation cycle the company is undergoing, that
could be unlikely to last.
UK Investor Magazine – Cadence Minerals’ shares spike as “once in a lifetime” iron ore project receives approval
14th April 2020 / Leave a comment
Since evolving from Rare Earth Minerals in early 2017, AIM listed Cadence Minerals (LON:KDNC) has offered investors a proposition largely based on investments into selected lithium and base metal projects around the globe.
Taking cornerstone stakes in projects such as the Cinovec Lithium and Tin Project in the Czech republic and Macarthur Minerals’ Lake Giles Iron Project in Western Australia has provided Cadence with opportunities to invest into acquiring assets directly.
The Company initially acquired lithium assets in Argentina and Australia, but when the iron ore supply squeeze in late 2018 threw up an opportunity to acquire the Amapá iron ore project in Brazil, Cadence management and its core investors jumped in with both feet.
Formerly owned by Anglo American (AAL) and Cliffs Natural Resources, the Amapá iron ore project is a large-scale iron open pit ore mine with associated rail, port and beneficiation facilities. Based in Northern Brazil close to the Atlantic, Amapá commenced operations in December 2007, and prior to its sale in 2012 due to a collapse in iron ore prices, Anglo American valued its 70% stake at $462m. Back then the mine was selling ore globally to Europe, USA and China.
With approx 1.4 million tonnes of iron ore stockpile sitting ready for shipment at the port, Cadence CEO Kiran Morzaria set up a joint venture company Pedra Branca Alliance Pte Ltd (PBA) with Singapore based commodities group IndoSino Pte Ltd to acquire DEV, the Amapá holding company.
A judicial restructuring plan submitted by PBA was approved, which saw Cadence, through PBA, acquire a 27% stake in the Amapá iron ore project for just $6m. And following extensive work with the judicial trustee and creditors committee, a landmark ruling was today delivered by the Commercial Court of São Paulo, approving the shipment of the iron ore stockpiles. The net proceeds of the iron ore sales will be used to pay labour and small creditors, and to bring the Amapá iron ore project back into production.
“Opportunities such as this come along once or twice in a lifetime,” says Morzaria. “To start a project on the scale of Amapá would require little short of $1bn capex. We (Cadence) will own 27% of a project, which when recommissioned should generate over $136m EBITDA per annum for at least 14 years, plus we will have the right and first refusal to acquire up to 49%.”
Rehabilitation of the mine, railway and port is expected to be completed by 2021, with first new production in 2022. A production ramp up will see 5.3 million tonnes of iron ore produced per annum by 2024.
More significantly, mine net revenues after shipping is forecast to be approximately $265m per annum, with EBITDA of approx $136m per annum based on a conservative iron ore price of $61 per tonne. Currently iron ore prices are around $84 per tonne.
Of course there is another benefit in rehabilitating the Amapá mine. The local economy will be rejuvenated, creating hundreds of jobs and employment opportunities, along with new funding for local schools and hospitals.
“Previously Amapá’s output amounted to a sizeable chunk of the local economy,” adds Morzaria.
“Bringing the mine back to life will provide a huge boost to the region.”
AIM listed Cadence currently trades on an asset backed market cap of just £7m. Given this, the opportunity and the numbers are hugely impressive and will be completely transformational once the mine is close to re-opening.
To echo Morzaria’s words, for a micro cap mining company, Amapá surely is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Link here to read the original article
Cadence Minerals (KDNC) – European Metals (AIM: EMH) – Proposed subscription by CEZ for a 51% interest in Geomet s.r.o.
5th December 2019 / Leave a comment
Cadence Minerals (AIM/NEX: KDNC; OTC: KDNCY) is pleased to note the update today from European Metals Holdings Limited (“European Metals” “EMH”) that it has today posted a circular to shareholders (the “Circular”) containing the details of the proposed subscription (the “Proposed Subscription”) of €34,061,265 by CEZ a.s. (“CEZ”) through its wholly-owned subsidiary SDAS, for 51% of Geomet s.r.o. the Company’s wholly owned Czech subsidiary and the holder of the Cinovec licences.
Cadence Minerals Holding in EMH
Cadence holds approximately 19.1 percent of the equity in European Metals, which, through its wholly owned Subsidiary, Geomet s.r.o. (“Geomet”), controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over Cinovec.
Summary of the Agreement Terms
- Pursuant to the Exclusivity and Framework Agreement, CEZ has the option, but not the obligation, to subscribe through SDAS for such number of Geomet Shares as will result in SDAS holding Geomet Shares comprising fifty-one per cent. (51%) of the ownership interests and voting rights in Geomet, attached with the right to receive fifty-one per cent. (51%) of dividends, liquidation balance and other proceeds payable by Geomet to Geomet Shareholders following completion of the subscription.
- The amount to be paid by CEZ to Geomet under the option is in total approximately €34.06m, equivalent to approximately £29.15m and AUD55.25m. This compares to EMH’s market valuation of approximately £32.88m (€38.42m; AUD62.32m) based on the closing price of an EMH share in London of 21.8 pence on 19 November 2019, the day immediately before announcement by EMH of the Proposed Subscription. The amounts in GBP and AUD included above have been calculated using an average exchange rate for EUR/GBP and EUR/AUD respectively as at 18 November 2019.
- Completion of the Proposed Subscription is conditional, inter alia, on the satisfaction of the following conditions:
- completion of due diligence in respect of EMH and the Cinovec Project to the satisfaction of CEZ at its sole discretion;
- the passing of the Ordinary Resolution at the EMH Annual General Meeting, and delivery of a certified copy of the Ordinary Resolution to CEZ;
- agreement of the initial work programme and budget for Geomet; and
- CEZ and EMH agreeing the identity of the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Operating Officer and the statutory auditor of Geomet to be appointed with effect from completion.
- EMH has agreed to provide CEZ with a period of exclusivity under the Exclusivity and Framework Agreement, with certain break fees payable by EMH if it does not proceed with the Proposed Subscription. In particular, EMH and Geomet have undertaken until 31 March 2020 not to conduct discussions or negotiations or enter into any agreement or arrangement with any person or entity other than CEZ or SDAS in respect of an acquisition of an interest over or in, and/or establishment of a joint venture, partnership or other cooperation in connection with, the Cinovec Project and/or Geomet, by any means.
- EMH and CEZ have also agreed the form of Geomet Shareholders’ Agreement which sets out their rights and obligations as shareholders in Geomet should CEZ exercise the option. The Geomet Shareholders’ Agreement includes certain minority shareholder protections with a number of reserved matters which require the approval of both CEZ and EMH, together with deadlock provisions in the event that on completion of the proposed work programme, the parties disagree on a construction decision.
Accordingly, shareholder approval to the Proposed Subscription is being sought at a General Meeting held by EMH at the office of White & Case LLP, 5 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1DW at 11.00am GMT on 20 December 2019.
AIM Rule 15
The proposed subscription by SDAS would constitute a fundamental change of business of EMH under Rule 15 of the AIM Rules and is therefore conditional on, inter alia, the passing of the Ordinary Resolution at the Annual General Meeting. EMH will, however, remain an operating minerals company under the AIM Rules given its remaining material minerals interest and ongoing involvement in the Cinovec Project after the Proposed Subscription has completed.
The full release, including the expected timetable of events and Chairman’s Letter can be found at: https://www.londonstockexchange.com/exchange/news/market-news/market-news-detail/EMH/14335909.html
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For further information:
Cadence Minerals plc | +44 (0) 207 440 0647 |
Andrew Suckling | |
Kiran Morzaria | |
WH Ireland Limited (NOMAD & Broker) | +44 (0) 207 220 1666 |
James Joyce | |
James Sinclair-Ford | |
Novum Securities Limited (Joint Broker) | +44 (0) 207 399 9400 |
Jon Belliss |
Qualified Person
Kiran Morzaria B.Eng. (ACSM), MBA, has reviewed and approved the information contained in this announcement. Kiran holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Geology) from the Camborne School of Mines and an MBA (Finance) from CASS Business School.
Forward-Looking Statements:
Certain statements in this announcement are or may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are identified by their use of terms and phrases such as ‘‘believe’’ ‘‘could’’ “should” ‘‘envisage’’ ‘‘estimate’’ ‘‘intend’’ ‘‘may’’ ‘‘plan’’ ‘‘will’’ or the negative of those variations or comparable expressions including references to assumptions. These forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors’ current expectations and assumptions regarding the Company’s future growth results of operations performance future capital and other expenditures (including the amount. nature and sources of funding thereof) competitive advantages business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-looking statements reflect the Directors’ current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors. Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements including risks associated with vulnerability to general economic and business conditions competition environmental and other regulatory changes actions by governmental authorities the availability of capital markets reliance on key personnel uninsured and underinsured losses and other factors many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Although any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are based upon what the Directors believe to be reasonable assumptions. The Company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with such forward-looking statements.
Cadence Minerals #KDNC – European Metals #EMH, Extension of Cinovec Exploration License
5th August 2019 / Leave a comment
Cadence Minerals (AIM/NEX: KDNC; OTC: KDNCY) is pleased to note that European Metals Holdings Limited (“European Metals” or “EMH”) has announced that it has been granted an extension to the Cinovec Exploration Licence (“the licence”) that covers the two granted Preliminary Mining Permits (“PMP’s”). The granted PMP’s convey the sole and exclusive rights upon the Company to apply for a Final Mining Permit, however do not allow for further drilling. As the Company wishes to conduct further metallurgical and measured resource drilling, the extension to the exploration license that was due to expire in July 2019 was sought.
The licence has now been extended until 31 December 2020.
The Czech Ministry of the Environment stated in its extension decision the possibility of a further extension of the licence if necessary to complete all planned work. The Company does not envisage that a further extension will be necessary.
Cadence Minerals Holding in EMH
Cadence holds approximately 19.1 percent of the equity in European Metals, which, through its wholly owned Subsidiary, Geomet s.r.o. (“Geomet”), controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over Cinovec.
Czech Permitting
After granting of the exploration licence, a company needs to undertake a summary geological and reserves calculation report that is submitted to the Ministry of Environment (“MoE”) and if successful, results in granting of a Deposit Certificate. Approval from MoE and a Deposit Certificate issued entitles the Company to apply for a PMP.
Geomet has already carried out a geological survey at all 3 deposit territories – the East, South and Northwest and successfully presented all final reports and reserves calculations to MoE. Deposit Certificates have been granted for all 3 deposits.
The Company currently holds PMP’s for East and South deposits. A PMP application for the Northwest deposit area is currently in the permitting process. If the process is successfully completed, the 3 granted PMP’s will cover the entire area of the Cínovec deposit. The Company holds an exclusive right to apply for this permit until the end of 2021.
The economic viability of Cinovec has been enhanced by the recent strong increase in demand for lithium globally, and within Europe specifically.
The full release can be found at:
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For further information:
Cadence Minerals plc | +44 (0) 207 440 0647 |
Andrew Suckling | |
Kiran Morzaria | |
WH Ireland Limited (NOMAD & Broker) | +44 (0) 207 220 1666 |
James Joyce | |
James Sinclair-Ford | |
Novum Securities Limited (Joint Broker) | +44 (0) 207 399 9400 |
Jon Belliss |
Qualified Person
Kiran Morzaria B.Eng. (ACSM), MBA, has reviewed and approved the information contained in this announcement. Kiran holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Geology) from the Camborne School of Mines and an MBA (Finance) from CASS Business School.
Certain statements in this announcement are or may be deemed to be forward-lookingstatements. Forward-lookingstatements are identified by their use of terms and phrases such as ‘‘believe’’ ‘‘could’’ “should” ‘‘envisage’’ ‘‘estimate’’ ‘‘intend’’ ‘‘may’’ ‘‘plan’’ ‘‘will’’ or the negative of those variations or comparable expressions including references to assumptions. These forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors’ current expectations and assumptions regarding the Company’s future growth results of operations performance future capital and other expenditures (including the amount. nature and sources of funding thereof) competitive advantages business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-lookingstatements reflect the Directors’ current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors. Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements including risks associated with vulnerability to general economic and business conditions competition environmental and other regulatory changes actions by governmental authorities the availability of capital markets reliance on keypersonnel uninsured and underinsured losses and other factors many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Although any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are based upon what the Directors believe to be reasonable assumptions.The Company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with such forward-lookingstatements.
Cadence Minerals #KDNC – European Metals (AIM: EMH) – Funding Arrangement & Potential Strategic Partnership With CEZ.
16th July 2019 / Leave a comment
Cadence Minerals (AIM/NEX: KDNC; OTC: KDNCY) is pleased to note the announcement published today by European Metals Holdings Limited (“European Metals” or “EMH”) that CEZ Group (“CEZ”), one of Central and Eastern Europe’s largest power utilities, has today conditionally agreed to provide a EUR 2 million finance facility by way of a convertible loan. CEZ is currently conducting due diligence on the European Metals and the Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project (“Cinovec”). The successful outcome of the due diligence process could see CEZ become European Metals’ largest shareholder and co-development partner for the Cinovec Project through conversion of the convertible note and subsequent additional investment.
Headquartered in the Czech Republic, CEZ is an established, integrated energy group with operations in a number of Central and Southeastern European countries and Turkey. CEZ’s core business is the generation, distribution, trade in, and sales of electricity and heat, trade in and sales of natural gas, and coal extraction. CEZ Group has 31,400 employees and annual revenue of approximately AUD 12 billion.
The largest shareholder of its parent company, CEZ a. s., is the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic with a stake of approximately 70%. The shares of CEZ a.s. are traded on the Prague and Warsaw stock exchanges and included in the PX and WIG-CEE exchange indices.
As one of the leading Central European power companies, CEZ intends to develop energy storage projects in the Czech Republic and in Central Europe which include energy storage and charging infrastructure and electricity supply, for users of electric vehicles.
Cadence holds approximately 19.1 percent of the equity in European Metals, which, through its wholly owned Subsidiary, Geomet s.r.o. (“Geomet”), controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over Cinovec.
Funding Facility
The funding facility takes the form of a convertible loan (“Loan”). The key terms of the Loan are as follows:
- Principal amount: EUR 2 million.
- Maturity date: 31 December 2019.
- Interest rate: 7.5% per annum compounded annually.
- Conditions to Loan: The drawdown of the principal amount is subject to certain conditions, including entry into a pledge agreement (see below), and execution of a letter of intent pursuant to which the Company will, subject to applicable regulatory restrictions or the rules of any relevant stock exchange, grant exclusivity to CEZ until 31 December 2019 to carry out due diligence on the Company in respect of a potential acquisition of an interest in the Cinovec Project and/or Geomet.
- Use of funds: The Company shall use the Loan for the purposes of development of the Project.
- Conversion terms:
- CEZ may elect to convert the principal amount to shares in the Company at any time up to and including the maturity date or in the case of an event of default by the Company or if there is a further financing of the Company.
- Any conversion shares will be issued at the lower of EUR 0.24305337 (the volume weighted average price on AIM for the month of May 2019 converted to euros) and the actual share price at the time of conversion.
- The number of conversion shares will be limited such that, inter alia, CEZ will not as a result hold a stake in the Company that would require CEZ to make a mandatory offer for the entire issued share capital of the Company or otherwise require the Company to seek shareholder approval for the purposes of the Australian Securities Exchange Listing Rule 7.1.
- Security: As a condition precedent to the provision of the Loan, the parties intend to enter into a pledge agreement in order to secure the obligations of the Company under the Loan agreement, subject to applicable regulatory restrictions or the rules of any relevant stock exchange. Such obligations will be secured for the benefit of CEZ up to EUR 3,000,000 by a pledge over the 76% ownership interest of European Metals (UK) Limited (“EMH UK”) in GEOMET s.r.o. (“Geomet”), including a related negative pledge and prohibition of transferring and/or encumbering any of the 76% ownership interest of EMH UK in Geomet as well as the 24% ownership interest of EMH UK in Geomet.
- Further financing: During the term of the Loan agreement, CEZ has the opportunity to participate in any further new equity and / or debt financing of the Company, subject to certain restrictions.
- Representations, warranties and covenants: The Company has given CEZ certain customary representations and warranties with respect to the Company and its subsidiaries. The Company also covenants, subject to certain exceptions, not to allow a change of control of EMH, EMH UK or Geomet, not to pay or declare any dividends, not to grant security over the group and not to merge, liquidate or cease operations of EMH, EMH UK or Geomet.
- The Loan agreement is legally binding on the parties and is subject to English law.
The full release can be found at: https://www.londonstockexchange.com/exchange/news/market-news/market-news-detail/EMH/14150225.html
Cadence CEO Kiran Morzaria commented:“That EMH are now in advanced discussions with utility giant CEZ as funding and development partners once again confirms the Cinovec project status as a key future battery grade lithium supplier to the European lithium market. Today’s announcement also provides further validation of our investment strategy into EMH, and we look forward to further developments.”
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For further information:
Cadence Minerals plc | +44 (0) 207 440 0647 |
Andrew Suckling | |
Kiran Morzaria | |
WH Ireland Limited (NOMAD & Broker) | +44 (0) 207 220 1666 |
James Joyce | |
James Sinclair-Ford | |
Novum Securities Limited (Joint Broker) | +44 (0) 207 399 9400 |
Jon Belliss |
Qualified Person
Kiran Morzaria B.Eng. (ACSM), MBA, has reviewed and approved the information contained in this announcement. Kiran holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Geology) from the Camborne School of Mines and an MBA (Finance) from CASS Business School.
Certain statements in this announcement are or may be deemed to be forward-lookingstatements. Forward-lookingstatements are identified by their use of terms and phrases such as ‘‘believe’’ ‘‘could’’ “should” ‘‘envisage’’ ‘‘estimate’’ ‘‘intend’’ ‘‘may’’ ‘‘plan’’ ‘‘will’’ or the negative of those variations or comparable expressions including references to assumptions. These forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors’ current expectations and assumptions regarding the Company’s future growth results of operations performance future capital and other expenditures (including the amount. nature and sources of funding thereof) competitive advantages business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-lookingstatements reflect the Directors’ current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors. Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements including risks associated with vulnerability to general economic and business conditions competition environmental and other regulatory changes actions by governmental authorities the availability of capital markets reliance on keypersonnel uninsured and underinsured losses and other factors many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Although any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are based upon what the Directors believe to be reasonable assumptions.The Company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with such forward-lookingstatements
Cadence Minerals Plc (KDNC) – European Metals (AIM: EMH) PFS Update Confirms Potential of Low Cost Lithium Hydroxide Production at Cinovec
17th June 2019 / Leave a comment
Cadence Minerals (AIM/NEX: KDNC; OTC: KDNCY) is pleased to note the results published today by European Metals Holdings Limited (“European Metals” or “EMH”) from the successful update of the process flowsheet previously developed to enable the production of lithium hydroxide (LiOH.H2O). This work has been completed in conjunction with test-work confirming the production of battery grade lithium hydroxide from Cinovec ore. EMH states that the results significantly enhance the forecast economics of the Cinovec Project.
- Net estimated overall cost of production post credits: $3,435 / tonne LiOH.H2O
- Project Net Present Value (“NPV”) increases 105% to: $1.108B (post tax, 8%)
- Internal Rate of Return (“IRR”) increased 37% to 28.8% (post tax)
- Total Capital Cost: $482.6M
- Annual production of Battery Grade Lithium Hydroxide: 25,267 tonnes
- Studies are based on only 9.3% of reported Indicated Mineral Resource and a mine life of 21 years processing an average of 1.68 Mtpa ore
- The process used to produce lithium hydroxide allows for the staging of lithium carbonate and then lithium hydroxide production to minimize capital and startup risk and enables the production of either battery grade lithium hydroxide or carbonate as markets demand
Cadence holds approximately 19.1 percent of the equity in European Metals, which, through its wholly owned Subsidiary, Geomet s.r.o., controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over Cinovec.
The full release can be found at:
Cadence Minerals CEO Kiran Morzaria commented: “Great work from Keith Coughlan and the EMH team. This important update to the PFS has increased the project NPV and once again highlighted the strategic importance of the Cinovec project for the European lithium market.”
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For further information:
Cadence Minerals plc | +44 (0) 207 440 0647 |
Andrew Suckling | |
Kiran Morzaria | |
WH Ireland Limited (NOMAD & Broker) | +44 (0) 207 220 1666 |
James Joyce | |
James Sinclair-Ford | |
Novum Securities Limited (Joint Broker) | +44 (0) 207 399 9400 |
Jon Belliss |
Qualified Person
Kiran Morzaria B.Eng. (ACSM), MBA, has reviewed and approved the information contained in this announcement. Kiran holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Geology) from the Camborne School of Mines and an MBA (Finance) from CASS Business School.
Forward-Looking Statements:
Certain statements in this announcement are or may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are identified by their use of terms and phrases such as ‘‘believe’’ ‘‘could’’ “should” ‘‘envisage’’ ‘‘estimate’’ ‘‘intend’’ ‘‘may’’ ‘‘plan’’ ‘‘will’’ or the negative of those variations or comparable expressions including references to assumptions. These forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors’ current expectations and assumptions regarding the Company’s future growth results of operations performance future capital and other expenditures (including the amount. nature and sources of funding thereof) competitive advantages business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-looking statements reflect the Directors’ current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors. Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements including risks associated with vulnerability to general economic and business conditions competition environmental and other regulatory changes actions by governmental authorities the availability of capital markets reliance on key personnel uninsured and underinsured losses and other factors many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Although any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are based upon what the Directors believe to be reasonable assumptions. The Company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with such forward-looking statements.
Cadence Minerals (AIM: KDNC) – European Metals (AIM: EMH) Cinovec Project Update – Battery Grade Lithium Hydroxide Sample Produced.
2nd April 2019 / Leave a comment
Cadence Minerals (AIM/NEX: KDNC; OTC: KDNCY) is pleased to note the Cinovec Project update published today by European Metals Holdings Limited (“European Metals” or “EMH”) highlighting the outcomes from a recently completed engineering assessment of the flowsheet and subsequent testwork aimed at demonstrating the ability to produce lithium hydroxide from Cinovec ore. The move by the company to develop a process for the production of lithium hydroxide from the Cinovec project is in response to market forces that continue to move Czech and European manufacturers towards the production of advanced technology batteries.
- Flowsheet successfully developed and tested for the production of lithium hydroxide from Cinovec ore.
- A potential production rate in excess of 25,000 t/a lithium hydroxide has been demonstrated to be possible utilising a robust process route proven in the lithium production sector.
- A formal update of the project PFS reflecting the production of lithium hydroxide is underway and will be completed within the next 6 weeks.
The data produced from the engineering assessment and associated testwork is now being used as the foundation for an update of the PFS such that the final product from the process will be battery grade lithium hydroxide with the option to produce battery grade lithium carbonate should the market support both products.
Cadence holds approximately 19.1 percent of the equity in European Metals, which, through its wholly owned Subsidiary, Geomet s.r.o., controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over Cinovec.
The full release can be found at: https://www.londonstockexchange.com/exchange/news/market-news/market-news-detail/EMH/14024475.html
Cadence Minerals Chairman Andrew Suckling commented:“Today’s news confirms that EMH have taken another step along the road to producing battery grade lithium hydroxide. As CEO Keith Coughlan says, it is an exciting development that will enable the Company to supply its final product into the European marketplace. We are also impressed by the potential production rate numbers quoted by EMH, and we look forward to the updated PFS results.”
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For further information:
Cadence Minerals plc | +44 (0) 207 440 0647 |
Andrew Suckling | |
Kiran Morzaria | |
WH Ireland Limited (NOMAD & Broker) | +44 (0) 207 220 1666 |
James Joyce | |
James Sinclair-Ford | |
Hannam & Partners LLP (Joint Broker) | +44 (0) 207 907 8500 |
Neil Passmore | |
Giles Fitzpatrick | |
Novum Securities Limited (Joint Broker) | +44 (0) 207 399 9400 |
Jon Belliss |
Qualified Person
Kiran Morzaria B.Eng. (ACSM), MBA, has reviewed and approved the information contained in this announcement. Kiran holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Geology) from the Camborne School of Mines and an MBA (Finance) from CASS Business School.
Certain statements in this announcement are or may be deemed to be forward-lookingstatements. Forward-lookingstatements are identified by their use of terms and phrases such as ‘‘believe’’ ‘‘could’’ “should” ‘‘envisage’’ ‘‘estimate’’ ‘‘intend’’ ‘‘may’’ ‘‘plan’’ ‘‘will’’ or the negative of those variations or comparable expressions including references to assumptions. These forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors’ current expectations and assumptions regarding the Company’s future growth results of operations performance future capital and other expenditures (including the amount. nature and sources of funding thereof) competitive advantages business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-lookingstatements reflect the Directors’ current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors. Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements including risks associated with vulnerability to general economic and business conditions competition environmental and other regulatory changes actions by governmental authorities the availability of capital markets reliance on keypersonnel uninsured and underinsured losses and other factors many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Although any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are based upon what the Directors believe to be reasonable assumptions.The Company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with such forward-lookingstatements
Cadence Minerals Plc (KDNC) – European Metals (AIM: EMH) Cinovec Drill Programme Update.
28th February 2019 / Leave a comment
Cadence Minerals (AIM/NEX: KDNC; OTC: KDNCY) is pleased to note the Cinovec Project drilling results published today by European Metals Holdings Limited (“European Metals” or “EMH”). Initial results from its current eight core-hole resource drilling programme announced by the Company on 5 November 2018 confirms that drilling of five of the eight holes has been completed. Drilling activities remain suspended and will resume after the end of the snow season. Analytical results for the fifth of the drill holes from the Cinovec South deposit are reported.
- Hole CIS-14 returned 67m averaging 0.43% Li2O (incl. 3m @ 0.99% Li2O and 0.18% Sn); 8m @ 0.67% Li2O and 0.20% Sn (incl. 4.15m @ 1.00% Li2O and 0.35% Sn); 8m @ 0.21% Sn, 4m @ 0.39% Sn; and 3m @ 0.20% Sn.
The drill hole results are very similar to predictions from European Metals’ current geological model, again demonstrating the quality and robustness of the geological and resource model.
Lithological intervals, incl. rhyolite / granite contact and zones of alteration, were intersected where predicted with a high level of accuracy. Also, the Li, Sn and W grades measured corresponded to the block model.
Cadence holds approximately 19.1 percent of the equity in European Metals, which, through its wholly owned Subsidiary, Geomet s.r.o., controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over Cinovec.
The full release can be found at: https://www.londonstockexchange.com/exchange/news/market-news/market-news-detail/EMH/13984412.html
Cadence Minerals CEO Kiran Morzaria commented: “Once again Cadence are pleased to note the progress made by CEO Keith Coughlan and the European Metals team at the Cinovec lithium and tin project drilling programme. As Keith points out in the EMH announcement, the drilling results have either been in line with, or exceeded expectations set out by the geological and resource model, so we now look forward to the impact of these results on the project economics over the next few weeks.”
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For further information:
Cadence Minerals plc | +44 (0) 207 440 0647 |
Andrew Suckling | |
Kiran Morzaria | |
WH Ireland Limited (NOMAD & Broker) | +44 (0) 207 220 1666 |
James Joyce | |
James Sinclair-Ford | |
Hannam & Partners LLP (Joint Broker) | +44 (0) 207 907 8500 |
Neil Passmore | |
Giles Fitzpatrick | |
Novum Securities Limited (Joint Broker) | +44 (0) 207 399 9400 |
Jon Belliss |
Qualified Person
Kiran Morzaria B.Eng. (ACSM), MBA, has reviewed and approved the information contained in this announcement. Kiran holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Geology) from the Camborne School of Mines and an MBA (Finance) from CASS Business School.
Forward-Looking Statements:
Certain statements in this announcement are or may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are identified by their use of terms and phrases such as ‘‘believe’’ ‘‘could’’ “should” ‘‘envisage’’ ‘‘estimate’’ ‘‘intend’’ ‘‘may’’ ‘‘plan’’ ‘‘will’’ or the negative of those variations or comparable expressions including references to assumptions. These forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors’ current expectations and assumptions regarding the Company’s future growth results of operations performance future capital and other expenditures (including the amount. nature and sources of funding thereof) competitive advantages business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-looking statements reflect the Directors’ current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors. Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements including risks associated with vulnerability to general economic and business conditions competition environmental and other regulatory changes actions by governmental authorities the availability of capital markets reliance on key personnel uninsured and underinsured losses and other factors many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Although any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are based upon what the Directors believe to be reasonable assumptions. The Company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with such forward-looking statements.
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