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Cadence Minerals #KDNC – European Metals Holdings- Cinovec Lithium Project Update
31st July 2024 / Leave a comment
Cadence Minerals (AIM: KDNC) is pleased to note the announcement by European Metals Holdings Limited (ASX & AIM: EMH) (“European Metals” or the “Company regarding the Cinovec Lithium Project (Cinovec). EMH advises that the timeline for the completion of the Definitive Feasibility Study (“DFS“) and therefore construction of the Cinovec lithium processing plant continue to be worked on.
Given the change to the location of the lithium processing plant from Dukla to Prunéřov, additional geotechnical work is currently underway to confirm the optimal construction method and layout at the new site. Results from this geotechnical work are expected to be available at the end of September. DRA Global is then expected to provide a detailed timeline and begin the DFS finalisation program of work.
EMH will provide a further update to the market once it has received a revised timeline for completion of the DFS.
The Project team continues to progress several DFS-related programs on the Front-End Comminution and Beneficiation circuit (“FECAB“) and Lithium Chemical Plant circuit (“LCP“) to improve the overall flowsheet which are expected to positively impact Project economics.
Process Flowsheet Improvements – FECAB
EMH previously announced changes to the FECAB process flowsheet from beneficiation based entirely on magnetic separation to a process incorporating both magnetic separation and flotation. This improvement yielded a total FECAB lithium recovery of >87%, with 7-8% lost to the fines fraction and the balance of 5-6% losses due to process inefficiency. By mass, the proportion of the ore recovered to concentrate achieved was 30% of the total feed and the grade of the concentrate entering the LCP was 1.198% lithium (2.58% Li2O).
To improve FECAB performance, targeting a higher-grade concentrate, additional flotation testwork has been carried out. Representative ore samples were utilised, milled to P80<150μm and tested without removing the <20μm slimes fraction before flotation.
Results, benefits and impacts of this testwork are:
· Potential for complete elimination of the magnetic separation step from the FECAB flowsheet;
· Flotation process without desliming has been successfully optimised, which improves the recovery of zinnwaldite from the <20μm fraction whilst not impacting reagent consumption or other process beneficiation performance factors;
· A capability to deliver overall FECAB lithium recovery improvements from >87% to >94.7%, proven on a repeated basis;
· Uplift in concentrate grade from 1.198% Li (2.58% Li2O) to produce almost pure zinnwaldite concentrate with average grade of 1.46% Li (3.14% Li2O);
· The grades of concentrate produced in the flotation testwork are the highest to date, based on the recoveries achieved and mass rejection (of gangue) of 80% on average;
· The flotation testwork program was carried out at neutral pH and there was no need for chemical addition to adjust pH;
· The above results are from repeated locked cycle testwork;
· The locked cycle testwork achieved optimisation of recirculation in the flotation circuit, such that the final circuit contained only a single recirculation stream;
· The improved lithium grade and purity of concentrate recovered are expected to significantly impact both the operating costs per tonne (“Opex/t”) of battery-grade end-product as well as the capital expenditure per tonne (“Capex/t”) for the LCP;
· The results of this recent testwork have translated into impacts on the DFS which include re-sizing of kilns for roasting the concentrate and reagent and energy consumption reductions for the same overall process outputs, with the intensive magnetic separation plant Capex/t and Opex/t eliminated;
· Expected economic improvements include a reduction in roasting reagents (gypsum, limestone and sodium sulphate) required for the same output;
· The purity of the flotation concentrate achieved further supports production of exceptionally clean battery-grade end products for Cinovec;
· A flotation-only process simplifies the FECAB operationally (in addition to reducing Capex/t and Opex/t);
· The measured Particle Size Distribution (“PSD”) of the flotation concentrate is close to the ideal PSD for kiln feed. As a result, the need for a concentrate regrind mill currently in the process flowsheet is being re-assessed.
The flotation testwork has yielded excellent results and the Project team is now considering the full ramifications in bulk materials handling, tailings storage and backfilling, should a positive decision be made to change the FECAB process flowsheet to 100% flotation beneficiation. EMH will provide an update when a decision has been made.
Process Flowsheet Improvements – Lithium Chemical Plant
The principal roasting reagents mixed with lithium-bearing ore (zinnwaldite) concentrate, as stated above, are gypsum, limestone and sodium sulphate. The LCP process produces a waste stream of mixed sulphate, including sodium sulphate, potassium sulphate, rubidium sulphate, with a residual component of lithium sulphate derived from lithium which is not converted into lithium phosphate during its first pass through the lithium phosphate reactor tank.
EMH has recently managed locked cycle tests that demonstrate the effects of replacing sodium sulphate roasting reagent entirely with the mixed sulphate waste stream, targeting reduced overall reagent consumption.
Nine locked cycles were performed with fully-representative zinnwaldite concentrate roasted in each test. This testwork was undertaken at Nagrom Laboratories in Perth, WA.
These tests have been successful, with the overall lithium recovery in the LCP circuit remaining in the previously announced range of 88-93%.
The recycling of this mixed sulphate waste stream is a key component of the patent pending for the Cinovec LCP process.
The benefits and impacts of this optimisation testwork of the LCP circuit are:
· Elimination of sodium sulphate as a roasting reagent, reducing Opex/t for the project;
· Lithium not recovered in its first pass through the lithium phosphate reactor tank circuit is reprocessed, enabling higher overall lithium recovery. Modelling, based on the results of cycles 5 and 6 of the 2022 Locked Cycle Test program assuming fresh, pure (>98%) sodium sulphate addition upfront, estimates the amount of lithium lost to the mixed sulphate waste stream as 1.2%. This is now available for recovery in the revised LCP circuit design; and
· Reduction in the overall mixed sulphate waste stream required to be onwards-treated has been achieved, further reducing Opex/t of the end-product.
The updated LCP circuit design with recycling of mixed sulphate into the roast mix results in recycling of approximately 50% of the total mixed sulphate produced. The remaining mixed sulphate will be reprocessed as waste.
Land Acquisition at Dukla Transport Hub
Geomet s.r.o., the Cinovec Project holding company, has acquired the land and buildings of the disused Lesní Brana railway station, proximate to the proposed Dukla transport hub. This site is expected to be cleared and used for the control room for rail operations in and out of the Dukla transport hub, which will handle run-of-mine crushed ore (<70mm) onto trains for transport to the Prunéřov lithium processing plant site and, in the reverse direction, handle backfill material to then be transported by conveyor to the mine portal area for use as mine backfill.
The DFS continues to work towards optimising and maximising the planned mine production and ore transfer by rail to the change of Cinovec processing plant site away from Dukla to Prunéřov. This has enabled the Project team to review maximising the mine outputs and ore transfer by rail utilising only a small proportion of the area available at Dukla and not disturbing existing industrial users at Dukla. This optimisation is not expected to result in an increase in the rail fleet as reagent deliveries are no longer required at the Dukla site.
Just Transition Fund
Representatives of Geomet met with the Regional Standing Conference (“RSK”), in the Czech Republic which is one of the bodies that approves and recommends Just Transition Fund (“JTF“) support,
Geomet has submitted an initial application for funding of a part of the project (called a “sub-project”), which initially included the preliminary mine portal area works – a box-cut (mine entrance), an exploration adit, work on a portal access road. These construction works are able to take place under the existing exploration licenses and not requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”). The total initial grant requested from the JTF has in turn been reduced from CZK 1.12 billion to CZK 0.8 billion (approximately EUR 31 million).
The RSK meeting has recommended the sub-project for JTF support. The next step will be the final funding approval by the Ministry of Environment.
Link here to view the full EMH announcement
Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project
Geomet s.r.o. controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over the Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project. Geomet has been granted a preliminary mining permit by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Industry. The company is owned 49% by EMH and 51% by CEZ a.s. through its wholly owned subsidiary, SDAS. Cinovec hosts a globally significant hard rock lithium deposit with a total Measured Mineral Resource of 53.3Mt at 0.48% Li2O and 0.08% Sn, Indicated Mineral Resource of 360.2Mt at 0.44% Li2O and 0.05% Sn and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 294.7Mt at 0.39% Li2O and 0.05% Sn containing a combined 7.39 million tonnes Lithium Carbonate Equivalent and 335.1kt of tin.
Cadence Minerals holds approximately 2.52% per cent of the equity in European Metals Holdings.
For further information contact:
Cadence Minerals plc |
+44 (0) 20 3582 6636 |
Andrew Suckling |
Kiran Morzaria |
Zeus Capital Limited (NOMAD & Broker) |
+44 (0) 20 3829 5000 |
James Joyce |
Darshan Patel Isaac Hooper |
Fortified Securities – Joint Broker |
+44 (0) 20 3411 7773 |
Guy Wheatley |
Brand Communications |
+44 (0) 7976 431608 |
Public & Investor Relations |
Alan Green |
Cadence Minerals #KDNC – European Metals Holdings #EMH – Successful production of lithium hydroxide at Cinovec
11th April 2024 / Leave a comment
Cadence Minerals (AIM: KDNC; OTC: KDNCY) is pleased to note the announcement by European Metals Holdings Limited (“European Metals” or “EMH”) (ASX & AIM: EMH, OTCQX: EMHXY, ERPNF and EMHLF) in regard to the Cinovec Lithium Project (“Cinovec” or the “Project”).
EMH has announced the successful production of lithium hydroxide monohydrate from pregnant leach solution manufactured during the recent larger scale Cinovec pilot programme.
- The pilot programme has confirmed viability of the Lithium Chemical Plant (“LCP”) process flowsheet for the industrial scale production of either lithium carbonate or lithium hydroxide.
- Crude lithium carbonate from the pilot programme has been converted into exceptionally clean battery-grade lithium hydroxide monohydrate at laboratory scale.
- The pilot programme processed ore is fully-representative in all respects of the run-of-mine for the first seven years of mining planned at Cinovec, including average grade and expected rock-type mix from the bulk mining.
The Cinovec LCP flowsheet produces a high purity lithium sulphate solution which is capable of being used to produce either lithium carbonate or lithium hydroxide. The first stage (un-reprocessed) crude lithium carbonate produced is very close to battery grade and easily upgraded to battery grade in a single bicarbonation step (see the Company’s ASX/ AIM announcement of 9 November 2023 “Successful Battery-Grade pilot programme for Cinovec Lithium Project”).
The Cinovec LCP flowsheet lends itself to producing battery-grade lithium hydroxide monohydrate either directly, or indirectly via re-processing the first stage crude lithium carbonate. The project team has assessed the relative industrial process risks of manufacturing battery-grade lithium hydroxide monohydrate using both methods. It was concluded the indirect method was regarded as the lower-risk method, when considering process risks and costs.
This method of production of lithium hydroxide monohydrate has been tested as part of the pilot programme and has successfully produced battery-grade lithium hydroxide monohydrate at a laboratory scale.
Link here to view the full EMH announcement
EMH Executive Chairman, Keith Coughlan commented: We are extremely pleased with the results from the lithium hydroxide test program. The lithium hydroxide produced was of the highest grade possible and exceptionally clean. This, when combined with the ability to produce either battery grade lithium carbonate or hydroxide enables a wider range of offtakers for the Cinovec product.”
Cadence CEO Kiran Morzaria added: “The Cadence management team are delighted to see EMH achieve another milestone step at Cinovec. In producing this high grade lithium hydroxide, the EMH team have opened up new offtake opportunities for the end product.”
Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project
Geomet s.r.o. controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over the Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project. Geomet has been granted a preliminary mining permit by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Industry. The company is owned 49% by EMH and 51% by CEZ a.s. through its wholly owned subsidiary, SDAS. Cinovec hosts a globally significant hard rock lithium deposit with a total Measured Mineral Resource of 53.3Mt at 0.48% Li2O and 0.08% Sn, Indicated Mineral Resource of 360.2Mt at 0.44% Li2O and 0.05% Sn and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 294.7Mt at 0.39% Li2O and 0.05% Sn containing a combined 7.39 million tonnes Lithium Carbonate Equivalent and 335.1kt of tin.
Cadence Minerals holds approximately 3.2% per cent of the equity in European Metals Holdings.
For further information contact:
Cadence Minerals plc | +44 (0) 20 3582 6636 |
Andrew Suckling | |
Kiran Morzaria | |
WH Ireland Limited (NOMAD & Broker) | +44 (0) 20 7220 1666 |
James Joyce | |
Darshan Patel | |
Fortified Securities – Joint Broker | +44 (0) 20 3411 7773 |
Guy Wheatley | |
Brand Communications | +44 (0) 7976 431608 |
Public & Investor Relations | |
Alan Green |
Cadence Minerals #KDNC – European Metals Holdings #EMH – Cinovec Project Update
27th March 2024 / Leave a comment
Cadence Minerals (AIM: KDNC; OTC: KDNCY) is pleased to note the announcement by European Metals Holdings Limited (“European Metals” or “EMH”) (ASX & AIM: EMH, OTCQX: EMHXY, ERPNF and EMHLF) in regard to the Cinovec Lithium Project (“Cinovec” or the “Project”).
Geomet (“Geomet”), 49% owned by European Metals and the owner of 100% of the Cinovec Project in the Czech Republic, is in the process of completing the Project Definitive Feasibility Study (“DFS”). DRA Global Limited (“DRA”) was appointed to complete the DFS in February 2023.
EMH has previously advised in the announcement to the market on 22 December 2023 that the delivery of the DFS for the Project had been pushed back and was expected to be completed in Q1 2024.
As a result of the engineering work and social and environmental engagement work subsequently performed as part of the DFS process, several material matters have been highlighted that may significantly improve the lithium processing component of the DFS.
The Geomet management team, in conjunction with DRA, is reviewing these matters. The Company expects to make a further announcement before the end of April 2024 detailing some of the more significant issues. Further, the Company reiterates that the process flowsheet remains as announced on 31 October 2022 and confirmed in pilot testing results announced on 9 November 2023. This review process could significantly improve the economic and social/community outcomes. Geomet considers this to be an important development in the Project and makes a further delay in the DFS well justified.
Importantly, as previously reported, the Company does not expect that the extension of the study period will impact the overall Project timeline, with the permitting process expected to be effectively coordinated pursuant to the enactment of the European Union’s Critical Raw Materials Act.
In other matters concerning the DFS Process, EMH is pleased to announce that previously published physical and hydrometallurgical process flowsheets have been confirmed to be viable for engineering and construction purposes with high levels of lithium recovery from run-of-mine ore to battery-grade end-products.
As previously noted, engineering test work programmes continue to improve process outcomes in various stages of both the physical and hydrometallurgical processing, and current test work programmes include:
- Gangue removal from zinnwaldite concentrate to enable a higher-grade roast mix to be processed by the rotary kilns, thus maximising the throughput of lithium units in the roasting without an increase in the size of the plant;
- recycling and regeneration of reagents in both the roasting and hydrometallurgical stages to reduce the consumption of fresh reagents and decrease opex per tonne of end-product, and
- simplification of precipitation/crystallisation processes to reduce energy and water costs, aiming at producing end-products with the lowest economic carbon footprint.
Executive Chairman, Keith Coughlan, commented on the update: “Whilst it is unfortunate not to be able to provide a fully completed DFS at this stage, I am confident that the developments currently being finalised will add significantly to the Project. In particular, permitting and timelines are expected to be positively impacted by the team’s additional work. The Cinovec Project remains an important part of the drive to improve critical materials security in the EU.”
Link here to view the full EMH announcement
Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project
Geomet s.r.o. controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over the Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project. Geomet has been granted a preliminary mining permit by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Industry. The company is owned 49% by EMH and 51% by CEZ a.s. through its wholly owned subsidiary, SDAS. Cinovec hosts a globally significant hard rock lithium deposit with a total Measured Mineral Resource of 53.3Mt at 0.48% Li2O and 0.08% Sn, Indicated Mineral Resource of 360.2Mt at 0.44% Li2O and 0.05% Sn and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 294.7Mt at 0.39% Li2O and 0.05% Sn containing a combined 7.39 million tonnes Lithium Carbonate Equivalent and 335.1kt of tin.
Cadence Minerals holds approximately 4.9% percent of the equity in European Metals Holdings.
For further information contact:
Cadence Minerals plc | +44 (0) 20 3582 6636 |
Andrew Suckling | |
Kiran Morzaria | |
WH Ireland Limited (NOMAD & Broker) | +44 (0) 20 7220 1666 |
James Joyce | |
Darshan Patel | |
Fortified Securities – Joint Broker | +44 (0) 20 3411 7773 |
Guy Wheatley | |
Brand Communications | +44 (0) 7976 431608 |
Public & Investor Relations | |
Alan Green |
Cadence Minerals #KDNC – European Metals Holdings #EMH – Extension Granted to all Cinovec Exploration Licenses
29th January 2024 / Leave a comment
Cadence Minerals (AIM/NEX: KDNC; OTC: KDNCY) is pleased to note the announcement by European Metals Holdings Limited (ASX & AIM: EMH, OTCQX: EMHXY, ERPNF and EMHLF) in regard to the granting of an extension to all four Cinovec Exploration Licences (“the licences”). These licenses fully cover all three granted Preliminary Mining Permits (“PMP’s”) comprising the Cinovec Project. All four licences have been extended until 31 December 2026. The granting of this extension follows a comprehensive evaluation by the relevant state authorities of results achieved to date in exploring the deposit. Plans for future exploration work, including further resource drilling, and compliance with conditions set by the Czech Ministry of Environment were also assessed.
The extension was necessary as the granted PMP’s, whilst conveying the sole and exclusive rights to apply for a Final Mining Permit, do not allow for further drilling until the final mining area is granted. As the Company plans to conduct further metallurgical and measured resource drilling, an extension to the exploration licenses due to expire in December 2023 was sought.
The licences extension applies to the Exploration Areas Cínovec, Cínovec II, Cínovec III and Cínovec IV, which fully cover the East, South and NorthWest PMP’s.
Link here to view the full EMH announcement
Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project
Geomet s.r.o. controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over the Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project. Geomet has been granted a preliminary mining permit by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Industry. The company is owned 49% by EMH and 51% by CEZ a.s. through its wholly owned subsidiary, SDAS. Cinovec hosts a globally significant hard rock lithium deposit with a total Measured Mineral Resource of 53.3Mt at 0.48% Li2O and 0.08% Sn, Indicated Mineral Resource of 360.2Mt at 0.44% Li2O and 0.05% Sn and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 294.7Mt at 0.39% Li2O and 0.05% Sn containing a combined 7.39 million tonnes Lithium Carbonate Equivalent and 335.1kt of tin.
Cadence Minerals holds approximately 5.6% percent of the equity in European Metals Holdings.
For further information contact:
Cadence Minerals plc | +44 (0) 20 3582 6636 |
Andrew Suckling | |
Kiran Morzaria | |
WH Ireland Limited (NOMAD & Broker) | +44 (0) 20 7220 1666 |
James Joyce | |
Darshan Patel | |
Fortified Securities – Joint Broker | +44 (0) 20 3411 7773 |
Guy Wheatley | |
Brand Communications | +44 (0) 7976 431608 |
Public & Investor Relations | |
Alan Green |
Cadence Minerals #KDNC – European Metals Holdings #EMH Cinovec DFS to be Completed in Q1 2024
22nd December 2023 / Leave a comment
Cadence Minerals (AIM/NEX: KDNC; OTC: KDNCY) is pleased to note the announcement by European Metals Holdings Limited (ASX & AIM: EMH, OTCQX: EMHXY, ERPNF and EMHLF) that the delivery of the Definitive Feasibility Study (“DFS”) for the Cinovec Lithium Project in the Czech Republic (“Cinovec” or the “Project”) is now scheduled for Q1 2024. Following detailed analysis, approval has been granted to a formal request from Geomet and the Project study team of DRA Global (Lithium Processing DFS) and Bara Consulting (Mining DFS) for a timetable extension to complete capital and operating cost estimation and project implementation scheduling.
The finalisation of the capital and operating cost estimate is reliant on the timely submission of proposals by numerous external suppliers and contractors. The process of obtaining sufficient and diverse proposals is nearing completion. However, the Project study team has advised that receipt and detailed evaluation of such proposals is going to take longer than originally scheduled.
The process flowsheet remains as announced on 31 October 2022 and confirmed in pilot testing results announced on 9 November 2023. However, further development of specific areas relating to engineering, commercial and strategic elements across mining, processing, procurement and logistics are expected to have a considerable impact on both capital and operating cost estimates and Geomet’s social licence to operate.
Both Geomet and the Company recognise the importance of ensuring accurate and comprehensive engineering and cost data for the DFS, as it forms the foundation of the study’s findings and recommendations. In this regard, the Company believes it is prudent to allow the necessary time to complete the study to the highest standard to ensure the delivery of a robust, accurate DFS that conveys the full economic and resource potential of the Project. The Company does not expect that the extension of the study period will impact the overall project timeline, with the permitting process already well underway.
The ongoing process of offtake and strategic partnering continues to reflect strategic interest in the Project as one of the very few advanced stage, large-scale lithium projects in the European Union.
The Project is underpinned by its Mineral Resource, which hosts nearly 7.4 million tonnes of contained lithium carbonate equivalent (“LCE”) as announced on 13 October 2021 “Resource Upgrade at Cinovec Lithium Project to 708MT including 53.3MT of New Measured Resource”.
The Company will continue to provide regular updates on any significant developments during the completion of the DFS. The Company and Project remain well-funded and the Board remains confident of the Project’s capacity to create sustainable value for our shareholders.
Link here to view the full EMH announcement
Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project
Geomet s.r.o. controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over the Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project. Geomet has been granted a preliminary mining permit by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Industry. The company is owned 49% by EMH and 51% by CEZ a.s. through its wholly owned subsidiary, SDAS. Cinovec hosts a globally significant hard rock lithium deposit with a total Measured Mineral Resource of 53.3Mt at 0.48% Li2O and 0.08% Sn, Indicated Mineral Resource of 360.2Mt at 0.44% Li2O and 0.05% Sn and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 294.7Mt at 0.39% Li2O and 0.05% Sn containing a combined 7.39 million tonnes Lithium Carbonate Equivalent and 335.1kt of tin.
Cadence Minerals holds approximately 5.3% percent of the equity in European Metals Holdings.
For further information contact:
Cadence Minerals plc | +44 (0) 20 3582 6636 |
Andrew Suckling | |
Kiran Morzaria | |
WH Ireland Limited (NOMAD & Broker) | +44 (0) 20 7220 1666 |
James Joyce | |
Darshan Patel | |
Fortified Securities – Joint Broker | +44 (0) 20 3411 7773 |
Guy Wheatley | |
Brand Communications | +44 (0) 7976 431608 |
Public & Investor Relations | |
Alan Green |
Qualified Person
Kiran Morzaria B.Eng. (ACSM), MBA, has reviewed and approved the information contained in this announcement. Kiran holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Geology) from the Camborne School of Mines and an MBA (Finance) from CASS Business School.
Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements in this announcement are or may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are identified by their use of terms and phrases such as “believe”, “could”, “should”, “envisage”, “estimate”, “intend”, “may”, “plan”, “will”, or the negative of those variations or comparable expressions including references to assumptions. These forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors’ current expectations and assumptions regarding the company’s future growth results of operations performance, future capital, and other expenditures (including the amount, nature, and sources of funding thereof) competitive advantages business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-looking statements reflect the Directors’ current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors. Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements, including risks associated with vulnerability to general economic and business conditions, competition, environmental and other regulatory changes actions by governmental authorities, the availability of capital markets reliance on key personnel uninsured and underinsured losses and other factors many of which are beyond the control of the company. Although any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are based upon what the Directors believe to be reasonable assumptions. The company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with such forward-looking statements.
The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the company to constitute Inside Information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulation (E.U.) No. 596/2014, as it forms part of U.K. domestic law under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended. Upon the publication of this announcement via a regulatory information service, this information is considered to be in the public domain.
Cadence Minerals #KDNC – Shares Magazine Investor Evening Presentation
19th September 2023 / Leave a comment
Following a recent management trip to the Company’s flagship Amapa Iron Ore project in Brazil, Cadence CEO Kiran Morzaria presents the latest developments at the Shares Magazine Investor evening event in London. In addition to covering the last developments at Amapa, Kiran also covers the Cadence investment portfolio, including holdings in European Metals Holdings (AIM: EMH) (Cinovec Lithium project), Evergreen Lithium (ASX: EG1), Hastings Technology Metals (ASX: HAS) (Yangibana Rare Earths project) and the Sonora Lithium concession holdings (Mexalit and Megalit).
Cadence Minerals #KDNC – Corporate Update – European Metals Holdings #EMH: EBRD Strategic Investment
21st July 2023 / Leave a comment
Cadence Minerals (AIM/NEX: KDNC; OTC: KDNCY) is pleased to note the announcement by European Metals Holdings Limited (ASX & AIM: EMH, OTCQX: EMHXY, ERPNF and EMHLF) that it has entered into a strategic investment agreement with The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“EBRD”) under which EBRD has agreed to invest €6 million to support the Company’s development of the Cinovec Project in the Czech Republic.
As part of the due diligence process, EBRD engaged an independent, international mining consultancy to undertake a technical review of the Cinovec Project. EBRD also performed a review of the Cinovec Project in respect to compliance with EBRD’sEnvironmental and Social Policy.
- EBRD has agreed to invest €6 million to support the Company’s development of the Cinovec Project in the Czech Republic.
- ERBD’s investment and expertise will be beneficial to the Company as the Cinovec Project moves through permitting, project financing, and completing its Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS).
- As part of its due diligence, EBRD engaged an independent, international mining consultancy to conduct a technical review of the Cinovec Project.
- EBRD is an International Financial Institution owned by the European Union, European Investment Bank and 71 countries, including the Czech Republic.
- The investment is to be implemented by way of a private placement of 12,315,213 shares of the Company to be issued to EBRD at a price of £0.423 per share. This equates to AUD 0.803 per share
European Metals Executive Chairman Keith Coughlan commented; “The Company welcomes EBRD’s strategic investment, which is a strong endorsement of the Cinovec Project’s value and its commitment to the highest environmental and social standards. The EBRD investment aims to fund the project’s predevelopment work and opens a pathway to potentially securing project financing. The successful completion of the technical due diligence process is a testament to the quality of the Cinovec team, the work which has been done to date and a strong vote of confidence in the project. The EBRD investment is confirmation that the Cinovec Project is a vital part of establishing a strong, sustainable European electric vehicle battery supply chain to support Europe’s accelerating transition to e-mobility.”
Natalia Lacorzana, Head of Natural Resources at EBRD said: “We are pleased to support the Cinovec project, the first lithium project financed by the Bank, on its path to become a responsibly mined source of battery grade lithium for Europe. EBRD is committed to supporting the global transition to a green economy, the move towards wider adoption of electric vehicles, in particular, via providing necessary funding and know-how to junior miners of critical and/or strategic raw materials.
Link here to view the full EMH announcement
Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project
Geomet s.r.o. controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over the Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project. Geomet has been granted a preliminary mining permit by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Industry. The company is owned 49% by EMH and 51% by CEZ a.s. through its wholly owned subsidiary, SDAS. Cinovec hosts a globally significant hard rock lithium deposit with a total Measured Mineral Resource of 53.3Mt at 0.48% Li2O and 0.08% Sn, Indicated Mineral Resource of 360.2Mt at 0.44% Li2O and 0.05% Sn and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 294.7Mt at 0.39% Li2O and 0.05% Sn containing a combined 7.39 million tonnes Lithium Carbonate Equivalent and 335.1kt of tin.
Cadence Minerals holds approximately 6.5% percent of the equity in European Metals Holdings.
For further information contact:
Cadence Minerals plc | +44 (0) 20 3582 6636 |
Andrew Suckling | |
Kiran Morzaria | |
WH Ireland Limited (NOMAD & Broker) |
+44 (0) 207 220 1666 |
James Joyce | |
Darshan Patel
Enzo Aliaj |
Brand Communications | +44 (0) 7976 431608 |
Public & Investor Relations | |
Alan Green
Qualified Person
Kiran Morzaria B.Eng. (ACSM), MBA, has reviewed and approved the information contained in this announcement. Kiran holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Geology) from the Camborne School of Mines and an MBA (Finance) from CASS Business School.
Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements in this announcement are or may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are identified by their use of terms and phrases such as “believe”, “could”, “should”, “envisage”, “estimate”, “intend”, “may”, “plan”, “will”, or the negative of those variations or comparable expressions including references to assumptions. These forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors’ current expectations and assumptions regarding the company’s future growth results of operations performance, future capital, and other expenditures (including the amount, nature, and sources of funding thereof) competitive advantages business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-looking statements reflect the Directors’ current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors. Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements, including risks associated with vulnerability to general economic and business conditions, competition, environmental and other regulatory changes actions by governmental authorities, the availability of capital markets reliance on key personnel uninsured and underinsured losses and other factors many of which are beyond the control of the company. Although any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are based upon what the Directors believe to be reasonable assumptions. The company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with such forward-looking statements.
The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the company to constitute Inside Information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulation (E.U.) No. 596/2014, as it forms part of U.K. domestic law under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended. Upon the publication of this announcement via a regulatory information service, this information is considered to be in the public domain.
Cadence Minerals #KDNC June 2023 – CEO Kiran Morzaria talks to Alan Green
8th June 2023 / Leave a comment
Cadence CEO Kiran Morzaria talks to Alan Green and discusses the $2m funding package announced last week, which has raised a few questions from investors. Kiran explains the finance structure, the progress the money is expected to deliver for Amapa and also discusses markets and the current share price. We then discuss the shipping of the stockpiles at Santana port, and the prospects for a fully recommissioned Amapa mine, railway and port. Kiran then looks at the Lithium and Rare Earths investments held by Cadence in Australia (Evergreen Lithium #EG1 & Hastings Technology Metals #HAS), plus the Sonora Lithium concessions in Mexico and the Cadence stake in European Metals #EMH and the Cinovec Lithium and Tin mine. We finish by looking at potential future investments.
Cadence Minerals #KDNC – European Metals Announcement: Just Transition Fund Approves Cinovec Project
30th January 2023 / Leave a comment
Cadence Minerals (AIM/NEX: KDNC; OTC: KDNCY) is pleased to note the announcement by European Metals Holdings Limited (ASX & AIM: EMH, OTCQX: EMHXY, ERPNF and EMHLF) that the Cinovec Project has been classified as a Strategic Project for the Usti Region of the Czech Republic. The list of Strategic Projects has been approved by the European Commission, the Czech Central Government and the Czech Regional Goverment in Usti. Being classified as such means that the Cinovec Project has priority for grant funding from the Just Transition Fund (“JTF“) co-funding, ahead of many other projects that have been submitted.
The total amount allocated by the Just Transition fund for the Czech Republic is CZK 41B (€1.64B) of which the Usti region has been allocated CZK 15.8B (approx. €632M).
The first call for grant applications under the JTF opened on 14 November 2022 and closes on 31 December 2023.
Given the total amount which may be applied for by the eleven designated Strategic Projects in the Usti region in the first call is CZK 8.3B (approx €350M) and that the funds allocated in this first call from the Just Transition Fund to these Strategic Projects totals CZK7.3B (approx €300M), although there can be no certainty, the Company is confident that Cinovec will receive a significant portion of the funds applied for from the JTF for the Project.
The maximum funding to be made available upon application to each Strategic Project in the Usti Region is CZK 1.2bn (approx €49M). The Cinovec Project has been allocated the maximum possible JTF grant of CZK 1.2B (approx €49M), subject to passing through the application process, funds remaining available and obtaining the necessary permits for the early-stage Cinovec work programmes to which this grant funding is planned to be applied to, in particular the early full development of the twin decline entry/egress system for the mine.
Accordingly, *Geomet s.r.o (the Cinovec project company) will apply for JTF Grant funding for the maximum amount of CZK 1.2B (approx €49M).
EMH Executive Chairman Keith Coughlan said:
“I am very pleased that the European Union via the Just Transition Fund has approved the Cinovec Project as a Strategic Project for the Usti Region of the Czech Republic. This approval provides further evidence of strong support from the Czech Government and the European Union and the Europe-wide recognition of the critical part which the Cinovec Project will play in enabling the EU to reach its stated goals of lithium self-sufficiency by 2030.”
“The proposed grants from the Just Transition Fund could play an important part in accelerating the development of the Cinovec Project. For example, the initial entry into the deposit via twin declines and ancillary road network at the proposed Dukla site are likely to be early-stage beneficiaries of this funding. This could reduce the time until first ore is produced by the Cinovec Project post final investment decision. As the funding is in the form of a non-repayable grant this could also have the additional benefit of not diluting the existing shareholders of the Company.”
“European Metals is well positioned for the rising demand in battery materials, developing the Cinovec project, the largest hard rock lithium project in the EU, which is centrally located on the Czech Republic’s border with Germany. The project possesses excellent ESG credentials which will enable the production of battery grade lithium hydroxide and carbonate with potentially one of the lowest CO2 emissions, globally.”
Link here to view the full EMH announcement
*Geomet s.r.o. controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over the Cinovec Lithium/Tin Project. Geomet has been granted a preliminary mining permit by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Industry. The company is owned 49% by EMH and 51% by CEZ a.s. through its wholly owned subsidiary, SDAS. Headquartered in the Czech Republic, CEZ a.s. is an established, integrated energy group with operations in a number of Central and South-eastern European countries and Turkey.
Cadence Minerals holds approximately 7.2% percent of the equity in European Metals Holdings.
For further information contact:
Cadence Minerals plc | +44 (0) 20 3582 6636 |
Andrew Suckling | |
Kiran Morzaria | |
WH Ireland Limited (NOMAD & Broker) | +44 (0) 207 220 1666 |
James Joyce | |
Darshan Patel |
– Ends –
Qualified Person
Kiran Morzaria B.Eng. (ACSM), MBA, has reviewed and approved the information contained in this announcement. Kiran holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Geology) from the Camborne School of Mines and an MBA (Finance) from CASS Business School.
Forward-Looking Statements:
Certain statements in this announcement are or may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are identified by their use of terms and phrases such as ”believe” ”could” “should” ”envisage” ”estimate” ”intend” ”may” ”plan” ”will” or the negative of those variations or comparable expressions including references to assumptions. These forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors’ current expectations and assumptions regarding the Company’s future growth results of operations performance future capital and other expenditures (including the amount. nature and sources of funding thereof) competitive advantages business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-looking statements reflect the Directors’ current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors. Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements including risks associated with vulnerability to general economic and business conditions competition environmental and other regulatory changes actions by governmental authorities the availability of capital markets reliance on key personnel uninsured and underinsured losses and other factors many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Although any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are based upon what the Directors believe to be reasonable assumptions. The Company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with such forward-looking statements.
Cadence Minerals #KDNC – Annual Results for the year ended 31 December 2021
21st June 2022 / Leave a comment
Cadence Minerals (AIM/NEX: KDNC) is pleased to announce its final results for the year ended 31 December 2021. The full Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements will be made available on the Company’s website at https://www.cadenceminerals.com/ and will be posted to shareholders on the 30 June 2022
I am pleased to present the Company’s Annual Results for the year ended 31 December 2021.
Maintaining a balanced perspective on the macro picture has become increasingly difficult, with unexpected factors such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine creating a supply and price squeeze for many commodities. As I review the year and reflect on global events, and again on events more specific to our company outlook, it is remarkable how the macro backdrop has changed in totally unexpected ways. Previously unprecedented levels of economic stimulus have now been overtaken by inflation and interest rate hikes, while the shift towards globalisation has slowed down with the prospect of a localised war in Ukraine becoming more entrenched and widespread.
On behalf of the Board of Directors (Board) and management, I would like to thank all of our advisors, consultants and service providers and especially our shareholders for their support throughout the year. The Board and company have resumed pre pandemic work schedules and trips to visit site and project operational hubs, along with viewing potential investment opportunities and attending industry conferences. The opportunity to travel freely, to reconnect with people in person and to see projects in transition has truly been a highlight.
Our portfolio companies have continued to progress and have in many cases delivered landmark achievements. In no order of priority, the Board congratulates Macarthur Minerals on completing the Bankable Feasibility Study and moving significantly closer to operational success. European Metal Holdings has painstakingly continued to complete reviews and studies that highlight its low carbon footprint while it evolves into the largest hard rock lithium producer in Europe. As I have already stated, we continue to look for opportunities to unlock and discover value across our whole portfolio. Given the increased underlying prices of Lithium and Rare Earths we expect to be able to take advantage of these opportunities in the coming year. Recent announcements from the current Mexican Government over potentially controlling the nation’s domestic Lithium supply have in no way put paid to our hopes that Bacanora’s JV with Gangfeng will prove to be a success.
Of course, the highlight of the year was the formalising and successful settlement of the ‘pending’ investment into the Company’s flagship Iron Ore Project at Amapa, Brazil. This process triggered the release of escrow funds to realise our investment, which then became a physical manifestation of the same when Iron Ore shipments commenced from the Stockpile at the Port of Santana. I write this after returning from a truly inspirational visit to see the project operations, and after viewing the port, railway and mine assets in Macapa (the Amapa system). Our investment there has also precipitated a transformation in the area’s infrastructure, which will in time make a difference to the standard of living for the local people. Although this process has only just begun, early findings from our commissioned studies and reports are increasingly positive, giving the Board every confidence that our investment there will be a great and lasting success.
On a practical level, challenges still persist today, with global disruption to shipping and freight rates, along with increased costs associated with the capital and equipment required to bring projects into production. While Cadence is not alone in facing these challenges, your Board firmly believes we remain well positioned in the underlying commodity markets that reflect the Cadence portfolio. China continues to be the dominant focus of so much global supply and demand analysis, and with the prolonged lockdowns many commentators have expressed concern about economic expansion in the region. Initial analysis still suggests that economic stimulus and infrastructure spending will continue, and this, together with the Biden $1 trillion infrastructure bill passed in November, will help sustain steel demand and therefore continue to support the demand for Iron ore, a key focus for Cadence.
As the impact of the pandemic begins to recede, we face new challenges of higher interest rates and inflation. For Cadence, sustained higher commodity prices especially those of Lithium and Iron Ore has remained one of the great positives across our portfolio, and together with the successful settlement and initial investment into the Amapa project, your Board believes we continue to be well placed to meet these challenges, both present and future.
In closing, I would like to personally thank my fellow Board members, staff and partners in the wider Cadence Community and of course all Shareholders for their continued encouragement and confidence in the Company.
Andrew Suckling
Non-Executive Chairman
I am pleased to present Annual Results for the year ended 31 December 2021, a full review of business activities during the year is provided within the Strategic Report.
The results presented for the period ended 31 December 2021 reflect a historical position in terms of the Company’s progress and financial position, therefore we have included additional information on key post-year-end events in the Strategic Report.
Cadence has continued to pursue its strategic objectives despite the continued volatility in 2021 because we think that assets that are undervalued, de-risked, or have strategic advantages will outperform their peers in the long run. This plan yielded fruit in 2021, with the Company continuing to report profitable returns on its public investments and significant operation progress being made across its core investments.
The relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions, combined with the implementation of mass vaccination programmes and significant levels of monetary and fiscal stimulus by many governments around the world, resulted in a rapid resurgence of global economic activity in 2021: the IMF estimates 5.9 percent global growth for the year. The magnitude of this economic recovery was most pronounced in Europe and the United States, where, after contractions of 6.3 percent and 3.4 percent in 2020, annual growth rates of 5 percent and 6 percent, respectively, returned in 2021. Such rapid economic expansion was also observed in major emerging markets, with China growing by 8 percent and India growing by 9.5 percent.
However, the pace of recovery slowed in the second half of the year. Higher inflation emerged as part of the recovery, exacerbated by persistent pandemic-induced bottlenecks in global supply chains. Domestic inflationary pressures, currency movements, and the prospect of further US monetary tightening have necessitated more significant monetary policy responses in some emerging markets, including Brazil, where interest rates have been raised by 500 basis points since August in an effort to stem the tide of capital outflows, which has pushed the economy into recession
The impact of the various global fiscal stimuli has meant that the mining industry is facing the consequences of global commodity cost inflation, which is causing supply chain disruptions, consumer inflation, and large variations in energy costs and capital costs.
Overall, a progressive recovery from Covid-19 has resulted in positive demand growth, with supply gradually adjusting to match this increasing demand. This has proven beneficial in practically all of the exploration and development assets Cadence has invested in, in particular lithium and iron ore. Which by the end of the year hadincreased by 485% and 47% respectively in price.
Iron Ore tracked economic progress and were affected by geopolitical shifts throughout the year. Global crude steel production is expected to have climbed by 4.3 percent in 2021, setting a new high. Europe and the Americas experienced the most rapid increase. In China, the world’s largest steel producer, output reached a new high in May before declining economic mood and a faltering real estate sector weighed on output. Iron ore prices reached a new high in May, fuelled by China’s robust growth earlier in the year, to which supply struggled to respond. Prices averaged $160/tonne for the entire year, the highest level since 2011.
The buoyancy of the lithium price has been driven by the market tightening as the electric vehicle revolution accelerates. Demand has eroded the oversupply seen in 2019 and 2020. This market tightness is projected to persist, with Credit Suisse predicting that lithium demand might triple by 2025 from current levels, and that supply would be stretched to meet that demand, with higher prices required to incentivise the necessary supply response
As a result of this substantial shift in consumer behaviour, demand for lithium is expected to climb by 30 percent to 675,000 tonnes LCE in 2023, up from 2021 levels. Global battery consumption is predicted to climb 14-fold by 2030, with Statista projecting 1.8 million tonnes of lithium demand by 2030.
Despite the strong market fundamentals, lithium production is expected to be 441,000 tonnes LCE in 2021, down from 464,000 tonnes in 2020. However, lithium output is predicted to increase at a 13.4 percent CAGR to 679,000 tonnes in 2023. According to Macquarie, the deficit this year will be 2,900 tonnes of LCE, rising to 20,200 tonnes in 2022 and 61,000 tonnes in 2023.
Our portfolio has been focused on two main investments, and the first is the private Amapa Iron Ore Project. The key outstanding item for Cadence to complete its initial US$2.5 million (20%) investment in the Amapa Project was the execution of a settlement agreement with the secured bank creditors. This was achieved at the end of the year, with Cadence vesting its 20% in February 2022 and subsequently increasing its stake to 27% in March 2022.
DEV Mineração S.A’s (“DEV”) the owner of the Amapa Project also began shipping of its 58% iron ore stockpiles during the years it shipped some 143,000 wet tonnes. The majority net proceeds of these sales is being paid to the secured bank creditors as part of the settlement agreement.
Operationally DEV progress has been solid, with DEV continuing to invest in the project with the priorities on the completion of a Pre-feasibility Study (‘PFS’) and the rehabilitation of the tailings dams at the Amapa Iron Ore Mine.
As we have mentioned on numerous occasions, the opportunity to invest in such a project is rare within our industry, and we believe this project provides us with a potentially transformative asset for our Company. The Amapa Project gives Cadence the potential for an exceptional return on investment in the run-up to full production and an opportunity to become a significant shareholder in a mid-tier iron ore producer.
The second of our key investments is European Metals Holdings (“EMH”), whose strategy is to become a Czech based lithium and tin producer. During the year, EMH’s Cinovec Project has been significantly de-risked and is moving rapidly towards a final investment decision.
The progress and performance of our investment portfolio was well reflected in our share price performance during the year, which increased from around 15 pence to 28 pence. This was clearly driven by the agreement reached with the Amapa Iron Project’s secured bank creditors at the end of 2021.
During the year, we saw prices of up to 31 pence, which was driven by an increase in iron ore prices that reached US$220 per tonne in August, but prices then fell to US$90 by November 2021, which was reflected in our share price, which reached 17 pence in October 2022. Cadence’s share price has increased by more than 314 percent over the last two years, representing significant growth.
However, 2022 has been a very different story, with inflationary pressures affecting the entire equity market (the SP 500 is down some 20 percent this year). Cadence’s share price performance in 2022 reflects the performance of our equity investments, such as European Metals Holdings and other higher risk assets. This is despite our portfolio continuing to make solid operational progress and being fundamentally the same investments that drove our share price increases in 2020 and 2021.
During 2022, our priorities on the Amapa Iron Ore Project will be the publication of a maiden Ore Reserve Estimate, followed by the release of a PFS on the project. We will also plan to increase our stake in the asset. In addition, we anticipate that our investment in Lithium Technologies and Lithium Supplies will have listed during 2022, and we are hoping to crystallise some additional value from our other privately held investments.
I would like to express my gratitude to the Cadence team and our investee companies, who have all worked tirelessly to bring the Company and its investment to their current position. We believe that concentrating risk across a few important investments and commodities will pay off.
Kiran Morzaria
Chief Executive Officer
As outlined in the section “Our Business and Investment Strategy,” Cadence operates an investment strategy in which we invest in private projects via a private equity model and in public equity. In both investment classes, we take either an active or passive role. We have reported in these segments below.
The Amapa Iron Ore Project, Brazil
Interest – 20 % at 31/12/2022 increased to 27% by 31/05/2022
The Amapa Project is a large-scale iron open pit ore mine with associated rail, port and beneficiation facilities that commenced operations in December 2007. Production increased to 4.8 Mt and 6.1 Mt of iron ore concentrate product in 2011 and 2012, respectively. Before its sale in 2012, Anglo American valued its 70% stake in the Amapa Project at US$462m (100% US $660m).
In 2019 Cadence entered into a binding investment agreement to invest in and acquire up to 27% in the Amapa iron ore mine, beneficiation plant, railway and private port owned by DEV (“The Agreement”). The Agreement also gave Cadence a first right of refusal to increase its stake to 49%.
To acquire its 27% interest, Cadence will invest US$6 million over two stages in a joint venture company. The first stage is for 20% of the JV, the consideration for which is US$2.5 million. The second stage of investment is for a further 7% of JV for a consideration of US$3.5 million.
Vesting of Equity Interest in the Amapa Project
During the year, the key target for Cadence was to vest its first 20% in the Amapa Project. This required DEV and the investors (Cadence and Indo Sino via our joint venture company) to reach a settlement agreement (“Settlement Agreement”) with the secured bank creditors.
This was achieved on the 29 December 2021, when all the parties entered into a binding Settlement Agreement. The original credit facility provided to DEV by the secured creditors had a principle amount outstanding amount of US$135 million. The Settlement Agreement settles all of the principal amount plus all interest, default interest, outstanding costs and fees (“Settlement Amount”).
As a result of the Settlement Agreement and the Judicial Restructuring Plan approved in August 2019, the total principal amounts owed to the secured and unsecured creditors in classes I to IV of DEV have been reduced from approximately US$231 million to approximately US$103 million or approximately 45% of the original value.
The Settlement Amount will be paid over two years from the effective date of the Settlement Agreement, and it is to be satisfied by the net profits from the sale of DEV’s iron ore stockpiles. The unsecured creditors will be paid from DEV’s free cash flow over a period of nine years. Under the Settlement Agreement, DEV remains the obligor with the Secured Creditors having no recourse of repayment of the Settlement Amount to either Cadence or Indo Sino. The Settlement Agreement will remain secured over all of DEV’s equity and assets.
Although the Settlement Agreement was executed within the year, the required contractual and regulatory documentation was completed post year end and Cadence vested its 20% interest in February 2022 and its 27% in March 2022.
Iron Ore Shipments
During the year the Commercial Court of São Paulo (“the Court”) ruled that DEV could commence the shipment of the iron ore stockpiles situated at DEV’s wholly-owned port in Santana, Amapa, Brazil. DEV was initially to export sufficient iron ore to realise a US$10 million of iron ore (after the deductions of all logistical, regulatory, shipping and sale costs) from the Amapa stockpiles at the port.
By the end of May 2021 DEV had shipped three cargoes totalling approximately 143,500 wet tonnes of 58% sinter feed iron ore. After all costs these sales netted DEV circa US$8 million. In July 2022, the Court permitted the export a further US$10 million of iron ore (after the deductions of all logistical, regulatory, shipping and sale costs). However, with the 58% iron ore pricing decreasing some 40% from May to August 2021 and shipping pricing remaining strong during the period DEV determined that there was a substantial risk to profitably by continuing to ship while shipping prices remained at high levels (US$ 80 – US$90 per wet tonne)
Once the Settlement Agreement had been completed in February 2022, DEV has been free to ship from its stockpiles and is not restricted by the Court permissions outlined above. Subsequent to the year end DEV shipped a further 48,492 wet tonnes of 58% iron ore sinter fines, DEV expect to receive circa US$ 900k for this shipment. Shipping prices have continued to increase during 2022, driven by higher diesel prices and limited availability of vessels. This combined with iron price volatility has meant that DEV is currently not shipping form its stockpiles.
The vast majority of the net proceeds from the sales of the Iron Ore has been paid to the secured bank creditors as part of the Settlement Agreement. The remainder of the funds have been applied to DEV operations.
Operations Review
The operational focus for the year at the Amapa Project has been the start the rehabilitation process of the project. This has primarily focused on tailing dam maintenance. DEV has employed a civil engineer and two geotechnical consulting firms to advance the work programme, including monitoring, geotechnical stability testing and statutory reporting. The end goal is to ensure that the current dams will be suitable for future operations amid Brazil’s more stringent regulatory environment.
In addition, DEV also began early rehabilitation of light infrastructure, the regularising the statutory reporting with the federal mining authority and state environmental authorities.
The other important focus for DEV and Cadence was to start the PFS. This began in 2021 with DEV appointing several internationally accredited engineering and consulting firms to carry out the PFS. At the time of writing The PFS is progressing as expected, with the consulting engineers for the mine operations, ore reserve estimation, metallurgy, processing, infrastructure and shipping having submitted their draft reports.
The PFS contemplates refurbishing and rehabilitating the existing port, rail and plant with modifications being made to the beneficiation plant to achieve a larger portion of 65% iron concentrate (4.9 Mt). The PFS is based on producing 5.3 Mt of iron ore concentrate per annum.
The Amapa Project’s Current Development Plan
The PFS, once complete will outline more fully the development timelines, capital required to achieve the stated project aims. Subsequent to the publication of an economic PFS we expect the DEV will seek to commission a Definitive Study (“DFS”). The DFS is required to seek project debt and equity finance which will be sought once the DFS is complete.
Cadence and its joint venture partners are having early discussions with potential debt providers and corporate financiers, which we will advance once the PFS is complete. On completion of the DFS and securing debt and equity financing project construction will commence.
Lithium Technologies Pty Ltd & Lithium Suppliers Pty Ltd (“LT” & “LS”)
Interest – 31.5% at 31/12/2022 and 31/05/2022
In December 2017, Cadence Minerals announced that it had executed binding investment agreements to acquire up to 100% LT & LS, which was subsequently varied to acquire three prospective assets in Australia that are in regions with proven high-grade lithium mineralisation.
LT and LS, through their subsidiaries, are the holders of two prospective exploration licenses and one exploration application in Australia and a further seven exploration license applications in Argentina.
All of the licenses and applications target prospective hard rock lithium deposits. The most significant of these is the Litchfield lithium prospect, which is contiguous to Core Lithium’s (ASX: CXO) strategic Finniss Lithium Project (JORC compliant ore reserves: 7.4Mt @ 1.3% Li2O)2.
During the year we saw a renewed interest in hard rock lithium projects in Australia. As such we increased our investment to 31.5% into LT & LS which funded operations on the Litchfield exploration license.
Satellite imagery verified the geology along the Litchfield exploration license north-west boundary is comparable to Core Lithium Ground. LT & LS’s geological consultant conducted intensive surface sampling across four target areas within the NW quadrant, taking 657 samples to determine the potential for contiguous mineralisation. The sampled areas mostly comprised metamorphic rocks linked to the Burrell Creek formation – a host rock for the regional occurrences of pegmatites. The samples results were returned in 2022, these results confirmed LT & LS’s view that the areas adjacent to Core Lithium boundary are prospective for lithium pegmatites.
Subsequent to the year end Cadence and the remaining shareholders entered into a conditional sale of 100% of LT and LS. The consideration for LT and LS is up to A$ 21.05 million (£11.82 million). Cadence has 31.5% of LT and LS and would receive up to A$ 6.63 (£3.72 million). The Buyer is a public, unlisted company in Australia (“Buyer”).
The acquisition of LT and LS has several conditions precedent, including the completion of due diligence and the relevant regulatory approval. Assuming this is successful, the Buyer will acquire 100% of LT and LS through a mixture of cash and shares partially paid on completion of the sale of LT and LS and the remainder paid on the achievement of key performance milestones.
The Buyer has committed to spending at least A$4 million on the exploration of Litchfield during the three years post the completion of the sale. Should the milestones not be achieved during this period, the respective consideration will not be payable.
The proceeds received by the Company will be used for reinvestment as per our investment strategy. In relation to the shares received as part of the consideration, the Company will be bound by an escrow agreement with the Buyer as per the regulatory authorities in Australia and will be in the form and substance consistent with the ASX Listing Rules. After the lapse of the escrow arrangement, Cadence will retain or dispose of these shares as per our investment strategy.
Sonora Lithium Project, Mexico
Interest – 30% at 31/12/2021 and 31/05/2022
Cadence holds an interest in the Sonora Lithium Project via a 30% stake in the joint venture interests in each of Mexalit S.A. de CV (“Mexalit”) and Megalit S.A. de CV (“Megalit”).
Mexalit forms part of the Sonora Lithium Project. The Sonora Lithium Project consists of ten contiguous concessions covering 97,389 hectares. Two of the concessions (La Ventana, La Ventana 1) are owned as of the date 100% by subsidiaries of Gangfeng Lithium Co., Ltd (“Gangfeng”). El Sauz, El Sauz 1, El Sauz 2, Fleur and Fleur 1 concessions are owned by Mexalit S.A. de C.V. (“Mexalit”), which is owned 70% by Gangfeng and 30% by Cadence.
The Sonora Project holds one of the world’s larger lithium resources and benefits from being both high grade and scalable. The polylithionite mineralisation is hosted within shallow dipping sequences, outcropping on the surface. A Mineral Resource estimate was prepared by SRK Consulting (UK) Limited (‘SRK’) in accordance with NI 43-101. The current lithium resources and reserves for the Sonora Lithium Project and the attributable amounts to Cadence are available on our website here: https://www.cadenceminerals.com/projects/sonora-lithium-project/.
A feasibility study report was published in January 2018, which confirmed the positive economics and favourable operating costs of a 35,000 tonnes per annum battery-grade lithium carbonate operation. Thefeasibility study report estimates a pre-tax project net present value of US$1.253 billion at an 8% discount rate and an Internal Rate of Return of 26.1%, and Life of Mine operating costs of US$3,910/t of lithium carbonate.It should be noted that under the published feasibility study, the concession owned by Mexalit will be mined starting in year 9 of the mine plan cease at the end of the mine life in year 19, and as such, assuming Cadence retains its position, any net realisable economic benefit to Cadence would only accrue at this time.
The full report can be found here: https://www.bacanoralithium.com/pdfs/Bacanora-FS-Technical-Report-25-01-2018.pdf
Summary of Activities
The most significant development for the Sonora Lithium project both during 2021 and 2022, was that Ganfeng completed the acquisition of the Sonora Lithium Project.
Although this does not directly affect the terms of our Joint Venture, having Gangfeng as a partner in the development of this project is highly encouraging , given that Gangfeng’s involvement in the development of the project to date and their extensive experience in the lithium market holding company is the world’s third-largest and China’s largest lithium compounds producer and the world’s largest lithium metals producer in terms of production capacity.
Whilst COVID-19 has impacted the progress on the Sonora Lithium Project, work to complete the front-end engineering design (“FEED”) has continued throughout the period. Ganfeng is currently appointing a Chinese Design Institute to complete the FEED with initial site layouts scheduled for Q2 2022. Ganfeng is continuing to work with its equipment suppliers and, along with the Company, is maintaining its previously advised project delivery schedule with first lithium production in H2 2024.
Rescue and removal of surface vegetation and topsoil in the area required for the construction of the lithium
processing plant have been completed. Plant site location survey, geotechnical, and hydrogeological works
have also been completed. Works to build the construction road and early work camp have commenced. Site works for bulk earthworks are expected to commence in late 2022.
On September 30, 2021, Mexican politicians from the MORENA party tabled a draught bill to reform Mexico’s energy sector, including statements that lithium would be included among the minerals considered strategic for the energy transition and that no new concessions for lithium exploitation by private companies could be granted. Subsequent to the year end the Mexican senate elevated lithium deposits to the category of “strategic minerals”, declaring the exploration, exploitation, and use of lithium to be the exclusive right of the state.
We are constantly examining possible legislative changes and Gangfeng is ensuring that the mineral concessions remain legitimate. It is our current view that the Decree passed by the senate only impacts licenses, concessions or contracts to be granted not already those already granted as is the case for the Sonora Lithium Project. Therefore, at this point we do not believe there is a material impact to our joint venture areas.
Yangibana Project, Australia
Interest – 30% at 31/12/2022 and 31/05/2022
The Yangibana Project is a significant Australian Rare Earths Project, containing substantial Neodymium and Praseodymium resources. The Project currently covers approximately 650 square kilometres. The Project is located in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia, some 250 kilometres northeast of Carnarvon.
Cadence holds interests in tenements covering some of the prospective Gifford Creek Ferrocarbonatite Complex. Through wholly-owned subsidiaries, Cadence holds:
· 30% interest in 3 Mining Leases, 6 Exploration Licences, and 2 General Purpose Leases;
· 3 Mining Licenses Include:M09/159,M09/161,M09/163;
· 6 Exploration Licenses Included: E09/1043, E09/1049, E09/1703, E09/1704, E09/1705, E09/1706;
· 2 General Purpose Leases: G09/11, G09/13.
The tenements in which Cadence holds a 30% interest are in joint-venture with Australian listed Hastings Technology Metals (“Hastings”), and Hastings carries all costs up to the decision to commission a bankable feasibility study.
A definitive feasibility study published in 2017, modelled two production scenarios the second of which had included within it 808,000 tonnes of plant feed from one of our joint venture areas (Yangibana) in year 6. This production target and additional production target from the definitive feasibility study indicates that 11% of the plant feed will come from our joint venture area[*].
The economic model contemplated by Hastings assumes Cadence through its subsidiary will participate in the and mining of the deposits held 70% by Hastings and 30% by Cadence. Assuming there is a development of the mine by the joint venture a new Mining Joint Venture Agreement will need to be agreed and put in place to replace the existing joint venture documentation and regulate the arrangements between the participants for the mine development. No costs or revenue ascribed to 30% interest in the deposits held by Cadence were reported in the financial modelling published by Hastings.
Although Hastings Technology Minerals has progressed the development of the Yangibana Rare Earth project, most of this has been in relation to its wholly owned assets, with the only a change being reassessment of our joint venture mineral resources and reserves occurring in July 2021. There was no material difference in the recalculation of our portion of the resource and reserves; an updated summary can be found on our website here:https://www.cadenceminerals.com/projects/yangibana-rare-earth-project-2/.
The public equity investment segment includes both active and passive investments as part of our trading portfolio. The trading portfolio consists of investments in listed mining entities that the board believes possess attractive underlying assets. The focus is to invest in mining companies that are significantly undervalued by the market and where there is substantial upside potential through exploration success and/or the development of mining projects for commercial production. Ultimately, the aim is to make capital gains in the short to medium term. Investments are considered individually based on various criteria and are typically traded on the TSX, ASX, AIM or LSE.
During the period, our public equity investments generated an unrealised profit of £0.57 million (2020: £10.24 million) and a realised gain of £0.59 million (2020: £0.07 million). The majority of these profits were derived from the sale of European Metals Holdings shares. The total unrealised gains on our equity portfolio as at the end of 31 December 2021 was £9.27 million.
As of 31 December 2021, our public equity stakes consisted of the following
Company |
Business Summary |
Year ended 31 Dec 2021 £,000 |
Year ended 31 Dec 2020 £,000 |
Cumulative Total Return Since Inception |
Active / Passive |
European Metals Holding Limited |
Lithium mine development |
11,287 |
13,426 |
461% |
Active |
Charger Metals NL
Lithium exploration |
342 |
– |
22% |
Passive |
Macarthur Minerals Limited |
Iron Ore mine development |
181 |
329 |
118% |
Passive |
Eagle Mountain Mining Limited |
Copper exploration |
122 |
– |
-42% |
Passive |
Mont Royal Resources Limited |
Gold and Copper exploration |
35 |
– |
-6% |
Passive |
Various |
7 |
6 |
-86% |
Passive |
Total |
11,974 |
13,761 |
European Metals Holdings Limited (“European Metals”)
Interest – 8.1% at 31/12/2021 and 31/05/2022
Cadence has held an investment in European Metals since June 2015. As of year-end, Cadence held 8.1% in European Metals.
European Metals owns 49% of Geomet s.r.o. with 51% owned by CEZ. CEZ is a significant energy group listed on various European Exchanges. Geomet s.r.o. owns 100% of Cinovec which hosts a globally significant hard-rock lithium deposit with a total Indicated Mineral Resource of 372.4Mt at 0.45% Li2O and 0.04% Sn and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 323.5Mt at 0.39% Li2O and 0.04% Sn containing a combined 7.22 million tonnes Lithium Carbonate Equivalent and 263kt of tin, as reported to ASX on 28 November 2017 (Further Increase in Indicated Resource at Cinovec South).
An initial Probable Ore Reserve of 34.5Mt at 0.65% Li2O and 0.09% Sn reported on 4 July 2017 (Cinovec Maiden Ore Reserve) has been declared to cover the first 20 years’ mining at an output of 22,500tpa of battery-grade lithium carbonate reported on 11 July 2018 (Cinovec Production Modelled to Increase to 22,500tpa of Lithium Carbonate).
This makes Cinovec the largest hard-rock lithium deposit in Europe, the fourth largest non-brine deposit in the world and a globally significant tin resource. In June 2019 EMH completed an updated Preliminary Feasibility Study, conducted by specialist independent consultants, which indicated a return post tax NPV of USD1.108B and a post-tax IRR of 28.8%. Subsequent to the year end, in January 2022 EMH updated the 2019 PFS, which indicated a post tax NPV of US$1.938Bn and a post-tax IRR of 36.3%.
The study confirmed that the Cinovec Project is a potential low operating cost producer of battery grade lithium hydroxide or battery grade lithium carbonate as markets demand. It confirmed the deposit is amenable to bulk underground mining. Metallurgical test-work has produced both battery grade lithium hydroxide and battery grade lithium carbonate in addition to high-grade tin concentrate.
The Definitive Feasibility Study continues, albeit with some minor delays related primarily to Covid-19 and the effect that has had on logistics globally. Whilst the project had no direct Covid-19 related issues at site, moving samples and our people has been problematic at times. We don’t anticipate any escalation in this.
Apart from these delays, we have made steady progress of the Cinovec Project with positive developments in the areas of our locked cycle testwork, permitting advancement and Measured Resource drilling programme.
The Project has been significantly de-risked and at the time of this report is moving rapidly towards a final investment decision.
The Project Company appointed SMS group, a German-based world-leading engineering firm, as the lead engineer for the minerals processing and lithium battery-grade chemicals production at Cinovec. This marks the beginning of the formal Front-End Engineering Design study as the major component of the ongoing Definitive Feasibility Study. This detailed engineering contract, along with advances in permitting and offtake discussions, moves us closer to the development of Europe’s largest hard rock lithium resource for the benefit of all stakeholders.
Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to equity holders was a loss of £0.14m (2020: profit of £7.82m). This decrease in profitability from the previous year of approximately £7.96m is mainly due to the reduced amount of realised and unrealised profits and losses for the year of approximately £1.2m (2020: £10.4m) relating to our share investment portfolio (listed financial investments) held during the period. Administrative expenses were up £0.36m from £1.44m to £1.80m, but foreign exchange gains were up £1.28m from a loss £0.82m to a gain of £0.46m.
Basic negative earnings per share was 0.102p (2020: positive earnings per share of 6.897p).
The net assets of the Group at the end of the period were £22.15 million (2020: £22.09 million). This increase of approximately £0.06m reflects the losses and shares issued in the year.
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