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Edison Research – Cadence Minerals (KDNC). Steadily cantering through.

Until now, Cadence’s (KDNC) various direct and indirect project interests have been viewed largely on their respective market valuations. With three main technical studies now published, however, there is enough information to warrant at least early-stage assessment of the Cinovec lithium project (held by European Metals Holdings) on a DCF basis and, to a lesser extent, the value attributable to Cadence via its direct holding in the Yangibana rare earth project, held 70:30 with Hastings Technology Metals.

KDNC also has equity stakes of 7.7% and 16.5% in Auroch Minerals and MacArthur Minerals respectively. KDNC also has a 30% direct interest in the Yangibana REE project in WA, along with JV partner Hastings Technology Metals.


Charles Gibson
Tom Hayes

More at the Edison Research website here

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