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Successes For Small UK Technology Companies
Premaitha Health NIPT Revenue for the half year to 30th September rose by 130% and gross profit by 50%. Loss before tax declined from £4.4m to £3.6m The company which develops non invasive pre natal screening systems now supplies over 50 UK hospitals and the Iona Test is installed in 13 laboratories across Europe, Russia, the Middle East and Asia.
Westminster Group WSG has seen a continuation of the momentum which developed in the first half and considerable progress has been made on a number of fronts, including securing new airport security and training contracts at airports worldwide. Recently high level support from the UK government has resulted in introductions to a number of potential opportunities in the middle east.
CH Bailey plc BLEY Turnover for the half year to 30th September rose by 22% over last year, resulting in a profit of £361,000 compared to last years loss of £717,000. The resumption of orders from the TATA plant at Port Talbot and the possibility of orders from Hinckley Pointenable the company to take a more positive view of the future.
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