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Ian Pollard – Games Workshop Group #GAW – “Truly” Surplus Cash & Not “Truly” Surplus Cash

Games Workshop Group GAW updates that at the end of the six months to the 2nd December, it has a lot of cash which is truly surplus, presumably as opposed to cash which is not “truly” surplus. . The company can not find anything else to do with it so it is giving it to the shareholders, well at least a sum equal to 30p. per share.The results are in line with expectations for the year to 2nd June so the largesse must have been in the planning all along. Indeed it admits that this is in line with the Company’s policy of how to distribute truly surplus cash, as opposed to non “truly’ surplus cash.

Associated British Foods ABF The unheard of has happened and Primark has had to admit that in November trading was challenging and the retail market was tough. However improved margins helped to save the day, and expectations for Primarks profits to increase, remain unchanged. The problems at AB sugar continue and profits will be significantly lower, reflecting the full year effect of EU sugar prices.

CH Bailey plc BLEY saw group revenue fall by 4% in the 6 months to the 30th September but profit was up by 43% and EBITDA by 18%. The UK engineering business, is continuing to grow, with revenues up by 10% and the order book for the second half of the year looking solid.

James Halstead plc JHD  is aware that there is much speculation on the future trading relationship of the UK with Europe but maintains that it is a global trading company and the Board is confident of growth albeit mindful of potential short term issues. Both turnover and profits for the first five months are ahead of last year..

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