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Ian Pollard – Aviva #AV CEO Departs – Search For Successor Starts Today
Aviva plc AV announces that Mark Wilson the CEO is stepping down as from today. The Aviva board seems to believe that there is no point in keeping him because he was appointed to do a job and he has done it. The job was fairly important in that it was mainly to save the heads of the Board by delivering the turnaround of Aviva. That has now been successfully delivered opines the Board. It appears that this is the accepted way of rewarding senior executives at Aviva who have proved themselves a success. For the real truth however, read between the lines. The search for a successor has not even started. In fact the Board admits that the search will only start today. What a way to manage a company. What an exercise in man mismanagement. The Board is quite happy to leave the company leaderless, perhaps for months. With a Board like that, Aviva may well soon need to find somebody to turn the company round.once again. One can only be left wondering why it could not just tell the truth about what really happened. It must have been fairly dramatic.
Greggs plc GRG claims to have traded well in quarter 3 with total sales up by 7.3 per cent (2017: 8.6 per cent) and like-for-like sales in company-managed shops up by 3.2 per cent compared to last years 5%. Total sales have risen by 5.9 per cent in the year-to-date and expectations for the full year remain unchanged.
YouGov plc YOU is increasing its final dividend by 50% for the year to 31st July after rises of 42% in adjusted profit before tax and 52% in adjusted earnings per share. Group revenue for the year rose by 9%. The US remains the largest profit generator with adjusted operating profit increasing by 78%. Trading in the current year has started well.
Ceres Power Holdings plc CWR sees 2018 as having been a landmark year with revenue and other income up by 71% in the 12 months to the 30th June..The order book as at todays date had surged from 3m to 30m.