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Tag Archives: ceo in the house

Power Metal Resources #POW – Alan Green and Paul Johnson discuss the latest project developments in Australia, Botswana and the USA

Power Metal Resources #POW – Alan Green and Paul Johnson discuss the latest developments during November, including the FDR Australia acquisition and Selta uranium project addition, Alamo gold project developments, Kavango Resources’ stake in Kalahari Key Minerals and Molopo Farms and the upcoming Golden Metal Resources IPO. Paul also gives his view on the share price and the malaise in junior mining stocks.

Poolbeg Pharma #POLB – Exec Chairman Cathal Friel & CEO Jeremy Skillington talk to Alan Green

Poolbeg Pharma #POLB Exec Chairman Cathal Friel and CEO Jeremy Skillington talk to Alan Green about the company’s ‘capital light’ business model. We discuss the POLB 001 asset, spun out of Open Orphan #ORPH, data samples, the PredictViral and vaccine discovery platforms plus further pipeline products. Cathal discusses the company cash position, and Jeremy highlights the upcoming value inflection points for investors and shareholders.

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