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Brand Comms CEO Alan Green talks Cadence Minerals #KDNC, Catenae Innovation #CTEA & iGas Energy #IGAS on the Vox Markets podcast


Alan Green CEO of Brand Communications discusses Cadence Minerals #KDNC, Catenae Innovations #CTEA and Igas Energy #IGAS with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets podcast. The interview starts at 18 minutes 34 seconds.

Brand Comms Podcast – Brand CEO Alan Green talks to Catenae Innovation #CTEA CEO Tony Sanders

Brand Comms CEO Alan Green talks to Tony Sanders, CEO of AIM listed Catenae Innovation (CTEA). Tony explains how Catenae have developed a range of blockchain applications for Onside, Onguard and Onsite, an application for multiple commercial processes. Tony talks through a recent contract win: a Firedoor inspection contract, which creates an annual annuity stream plus revenue per transaction. On the recent funding, Tony discusses the management team, which between them have invested over £300k from over the past 2 placings and now own over 7% between them. He explains how the funds will be used for sales and marketing, and how Catenae are one of the few companies around the world already earning money from the commercial application of blockchain in areas other than crypto currency.

Catenae Innovation Plc #CTEA – Update on Miton Group Plc shareholding

Catenae (AIM: CTEA), the AIM-quoted provider of digital media and technology, announces that further to the Holding(s) in Company announcement published on 8 November 2018 it has received a notification from Miton UK Microcap Trust PLC detailing their holding as part of the 300,000,000 ordinary shares held by Miton Group PLC.  Details of which are set out below:-

Holder Number of ordinary shares
Miton UK Microcap Trust plc on behalf of BNY (OCS) Nominees Limited. 247,759,587 (9.61%)
MI Select Managers UK Equity Fund 52,240,413 (2.02%)
Total 300,000,000

The Company’s AIM Rule 26 website will shortly be updated to reflect the above information.

For further information:

Catenae Innovation Plc
Tony Sanders
Tel: 020 7929 7826
Cairn Financial Advisers LLP, Nominated Adviser
Liam Murray / Jo Turner
Tel: 020 7213 0880
Alexander David Securities Limited, Broker
David Scott / James Dewhurst
Tel: 020 7448 9820

Catenae Innovation #CTEA – AVFC & Sequestrum proof of concept exercises progress toward signed agreements + Positive findings from Trust in Media trial

Catenae (AIM:CTEA), the AIM quoted provider of digital media and technology, is pleased to provide an update regarding:-

  • Successful completion of proof of concept exercise with Aston Villa Football Club for the Company’s OnSide solution announced on 20 June 2018 leading to commercial negotiations;
  • Successful completion of proof of concept exercise with provider of building management and inspection services as announced on 5 July 2018 also leading to commercial negotiations; and
  • Positive findings from the on-going trial of Trust in Media’s Digital Image Library

Aston Villa Football Club 
Catenae is pleased to announce that the proof of concept exercise with Aston Villa Football Club (“AVFC”) has completed successfully.
AVFC and the Company have now commenced commercial negotiations with a view to the OnSide product being fully integrated within AVFC’s operations in the near future.

Catenae’s Mobile Business Solutions division, which operates remote workforce management tools, has successfully completed a proof of concept exercise with a provider of building management and inspection services. This proof of concept involved the use of Catenae’s digital repository solution, Sequestrum, which utilises distributed ledger technology (“DLT” also known as Blockchain) to record inspection reports in an immutable manner.

The companies have now engaged in commercial discussions regarding the long-term use of Sequestrum.

As a result of this proof of concept exercise, the client has requested Catenae expand the project to include the creation of the mobile application and management dashboard that will form the basis of their product offering.

We expect to make further announcements on the above commercial agreements in the near future.

Trust in Media – Digital Image library
Catenae’s subsidiary, Trust in Media is pleased to confirm the proof of concept project with a service provider in the Image Licensing sector to trial the embedding of the Digital Asset Registration and Transactional Tracking technology within the provider’s operations also announced on 5 July 2018 continues to plan, following initial positive findings.

Tony Sanders, CEO, commented: 
“It is always good when a plan comes together and seeing our products being trialled in earnest and to not only pass with flying colours but provide realistic opportunities of signed agreements confirms the strategy. Particularly with regards to our DLT application Sequestrum, this being the first real world use of this innovative service. We look forward to announcing signed agreements in due course”

 This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of EU Regulation 596/2014. The person who arranged for release of this announcement on behalf of the Company was Tony Sanders (Chief Executive Officer).

For further information:

Catenae Innovation Plc                                                                                     Tel: 020 7929 7826
Tony Sanders

Cairn Financial Advisers LLP, Nominated Adviser                                         Tel: 020 7213 0880
Liam Murray / Jo Turner

Alexander David Securities Limited, Broker                                                   Tel: 020 7448 9820
David Scott / James Dewhurst

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