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#KAV Kavango Resources PLC – Corporate update & expiry of warrants

Kavango Resources plc (LSE:KAV), the Southern Africa focussed metals exploration company, is pleased to provide the following corporate update.

Progress with new acquisition

Kavango confirms it is in late-stage discussions for a potential exclusive 2-year option to acquire a gold exploration and development project in Zimbabwe (the “Option”). The project area covers a number of contiguous gold claims over a 3.4km strike that has supported historic high-grade underground mining and more recent surface small-scale mining op(the “Project Area”).

The Project Area has never been explored using modern methods or technology. Provisional terms of the Option would allow Kavango to perform unrestricted field due diligence (exploration and drilling), ahead of deciding whether to exercise the Option.

Kavango has completed extensive preliminary due diligence ahead of negotiating the Option, including two field visits to the Project Area.

Potential £6,000,000 conditional equity investment into Kavango

In parallel to the new acquisition discussions, Kavango has been in discussions with a single investor concerning a possible £6,000,000 conditional equity investment into the Company via a non-brokered direct subscription (the “Proposed Subscription”).

Should terms be finalised and agreed, the Company expects to complete the Proposed Subscription at 1p per share. Full completion of the Proposed Subscription would be subject to (i) approval by the Financial Conduct Authority of a prospectus; (ii) approval by shareholders of a waiver in accordance with Rule 9 of the Takeover Code; and (iii) the Company having the necessary authorities to issue the subscription shares.

Expiry of April 2020 warrants

On 15 April 2020, Kavango announced a £358,000 placing and subscription (the “April 2020 Placing”). As part of the April 2020 Placing, the Company issued “A” and “B” warrants on a 3-year term. All unexercised “A” and “B” warrants have now expired.

Further information in respect of the Company and its business interests is provided on the Company’s website at www.kavangoresources.com and on Twitter at #KAV.


Further information in respect of the Company and its business interests is provided on the Company’s website at www.kavangoresources.com and on Twitter at #KAV.

For further information please contact:

Kavango Resources plc                                                                                     

Ben Turney

+46 7697 406 06

First Equity (Broker)

+44 207 374 2212

Jason Robertson              

#ECR ECR Minerals PLC – ECR Adding Significant Gold and Battery Metals to Its Portfolio

Today Andrew Haythorpe talks to Thomas Warner at Proactive about the ECR Minerals Plc (AIM: ECR) #ECR asset portfolio, covering the company’s Queensland assets at Lolworth and Blue Mountain plus the ongoing work at Creswick. They discuss the options package and the portfolio opportunities for gold and battery metals.ECR

ECR Minerals PLC adding significant gold and battery metals opportunity to its portfolio – YouTube

ECR Minerals #ECR – CEO Andrew Haythorpe talks through Blue Mountain and other projects

ECR Minerals #ECR – CEO Andrew Haythorpe talks through Blue Mountain and other projects with Andrew Scott. The Blue Mountain project represents a wonderful opportunity in an accessible part of Queensland. With impressive recoveries there by previous operators, the project compliments other Queensland projects from a logistical. standpoint. Andrew also discusses Lolworth, and how the team are very keen to get back to discover the primary source for Nb Ta Li and Au before looking at the drill campaign at Creswick and the drill ready targets at Hurricane. Andrew the looks at his ongoing role as CEO and how ECR is a well funded company, although he reminds us that every overnight success takes a few years to generate!

#POW Power Metal Resources PLC – Victoria Goldfields Australia – Drilling Update

Drilling Programme Complete; Visible Gold Intersected in 4 of 6 Holes and Significant Quartz Vein Intercept in the Final Hole

Power Metal Resources PLC (LON:POW), the London listed exploration company seeking large-scale metal discoveries across its global project portfolio announces an exploration update from the Company’s Berringa Gold Mine Project (“Berringa” or the “Project”), which forms part of the Victorian Goldfields joint-venture (“JV”) located in Victoria, Australia.

A progress update RNS was announced on 16 February 2023 which announced the completion of three diamond drill holes, with all holes completed thus far encountering visible gold:



–      The diamond drill programme was designed to test three priority targets at Berringa which is a former high-grade producing gold mine in the Victoria Goldfields. The programme began in December 2022 and is now complete.

–      The programme aimed to test for the down dip and along strike extensions of previously mined gold mineralised zones and to improve the structural understanding of the deposit area.


–      The drilling has now completed, with a total of six diamond drillholes totalling 988 metres.

–      The majority of drill core samples are currently undergoing assay testing at an accredited laboratory in Ballarat. The remaining samples will be delivered to the laboratory within the week with final results expected later this month.

–      Four of the six drill holes completed as part of this programme encountered visible gold. (BED23001, BED23002, BED23003, BED23006). Mineralised intercepts in drillholes BED23001, BED23002 and BED23003 are summarised in the 16 February 2023 release.

–      In the final hole drilled, BED23006, visible gold was encountered at 133.55m within a broader circa 30-metre-wide quartz vein (130.5m – 158m) which is located approximately 100 metres east of the main Berringa line of workings. This represents a significantly large quartz vein intercept, and it indicates the likely existence of the eastern and parallel trend of gold mineralisation.

–      Within the final drill hole, due to ground conditions, drilling was terminated at 158m whilst still in the quartz veining meaning the 30-metre-wide intersection remains open downhole.

Sean Wade, Chief Executive Officer of Power Metal Resources Plc commented:

“I am delighted to confirm that drilling is now complete at Berringa. Importantly, 4 of 6 drill holes encountered visible gold including a significant 30-metre-wide mineralised quartz vein in the final hole completed – which remains open downhole.

It is also worth noting that at both Berringa as well as our 100%-owned Tati gold Project located in Botswana, exploration is centred on extensions of previously producing gold mines.  These therefore are brownfield and not greenfield targets, representing more advanced exploration opportunities than currently being recognised.

I want to personally thank our in-country exploration and drilling teams for their hard work in completing this drilling programme, and we now eagerly await final assay results.”


The JV is held between Power Metal (49.9%) and its partner, London-listed Red Rock Resources PLC (50.1%) (together the “JV Partners”).

NBGC has a wholly owned Australian operating subsidiary Red Rock Australasia Pty Ltd (“RRAL”) which holds a strong land position comprising seventeen granted exploration licences and one purchased licence for a total area of 1,867km2 within the prolific Victorian Goldfields of Victoria, Australia, principally surrounding the mining centre of Ballarat, Australia.

In addition, 2 licences covering 467km2 await grant. The JV has carefully assembled its portfolio of properties comprising a broad range from robust exploration targets to near term resource potential, all of which remain largely underexplored by modern explorers.

The JV Partners have the intention of listing the JV company NBGC and will make further announcements as appropriate.


The technical information in this report is compiled by David Holden, BSc, MBA, MEM, who is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and the Executive Officer and Exploration Manager of RRAL. He is a member of a recognised professional organisation and has sufficient relevant experience to qualify as a qualified person as defined in the Guidance Note for Mining, Oil and Gas Companies, published by AIM.

This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (“MAR”), and is disclosed in accordance with the Company’s obligations under Article 17 of MAR.

For further information please visit https://www.powermetalresources.com/ or contact:

Power Metal Resources plc

Sean Wade (Chief Executive Officer)

+44 (0) 20 3778 1396

SP Angel Corporate Finance (Nomad and Joint Broker)

Ewan Leggat/Charlie Bouverat

+44 (0) 20 3470 0470

SI Capital Limited (Joint Broker)

Nick Emerson                                                                                                           

+44 (0) 1483 413 500

First Equity Limited (Joint Broker)

David Cockbill/Jason Robertson

+44 (0) 20 7330 1883

#FCM First Class Metals – Warrant Conversion & Issue of Equity

First Class Metals PLC

(“First Class Metals” or the “Company”)

Exercise of Warrants and Issue of Equity

First Class Metals PLC (LSE:FCM) announces that it has received a notice to exercise warrants over a total of 600,000 Ordinary Shares (the “Warrant Shares”), for which funds of GBP75,000 have been received by the Company.

Application will be made to the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) for admission of the Ordinary Shares to the standard listing segment of the Official List and to trading on the London Stock Exchange’s Main Market for listed securities, with admission and dealings in the new shares expected to take place from 8.00am on 21th March 2023.

Following Admission, the Company’s issued share capital will consist of 71,394,589 Ordinary Shares with voting rights. This figure of 71,394,589 may be used by shareholders in the Company as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they require to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, the share capital of the Company under the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.


Further Information:



James Knowles, Executive Chairman


07488 362641

Marc J Sale, CEO


07711 093532

Ayub Bodi, Executive Director


07860 598086


First Equity Limited

(Financial Adviser & Broker)


Jonathan Brown

0207 3742212

Jason Robertson

0207 3742212

#GRX GreenX Metals – Half-year Report



The Directors of GreenX Metals Limited present their report on the Consolidated Entity consisting of GreenX Metals Limited (Company or GreenX) and the entities it controlled during the half-year ended 31 December 2022 (Consolidated Entity or Group).




The names and details of the Company’s Directors in office at any time during the half-year and until the date of this report are:



Mr Ian Middlemas                                 Chairman
Mr Benjamin Stoikovich                                    Director and CEO

Mr Garry Hemming                              Non-Executive Director
Mr Mark Pearce                                     Non-Executive Director

Unless otherwise shown, all Directors were in office from the beginning of the half-year until the date of this report.






Highlights during, and subsequent to, the half-year include:


·      During the period, the hearing for the international arbitration claims against the Republic of Poland under both the Energy Charter Treaty and the Australia-Poland Bilateral Investment Treaty was concluded.

➢     Combined arbitration hearing took place in front of the Arbitral Tribunal in London under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules for GreenX’s claims against Poland.

➢     Damages of up to £737 million (A$1.3 billion / PLN4.0 billion) have been claimed including the assessed value of GreenX’s lost profits and damages related to both the Jan Karski and Debiensko projects, and accrued interest related to any damages.

➢     The Company has funded the Claim proceedings under its US$12.3 million Litigation Funding Agreement (LFA).

·      In November 2022, the Company announced highly encouraging results from an initial site visit to Arctic Rift Copper Project (ARC or Project).

➢     Analysis of the site visit results is underway and will be key to future work programs.

➢     GreenX can earn up to 80% of the ARC copper project in Greenland. ARC is a significant, large-scale project (5,774km2 license area) with historical exploration results and recent analysis indicative of an extensive mineral system with potential to host world-class copper deposits.

·      Subsequent to the half year, the Company announced a placing to issue 12.4 million new ordinary shares to raise gross proceeds of approximately £3.9 million (~A$6.8 million) from new and existing UK and European investors and some Australian investors (Placing). Due to high demand, directors resolved to increase the Placing to issue 14.1 million new ordinary shares to raise total gross proceeds of approximately £4.4 million (~A$7.7 million). The Placing shares were issued on 14 March 2023.

·      On completion of the Placing, the Company will have cash reserves of A$10 million.

Dispute with the Polish Government


During the period, the Company reported the conclusion of the hearing for the international arbitration claims (Claim) against the Republic of Poland under both the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) and the Australia-Poland Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) (together the Treaties). The hearing took place in London in November 2022 and lasted two weeks.

Following completion of the hearing, the Arbitral Tribunal will render an Award (i.e., the legal term used for a ‘decision’ by the Tribunal) in due course with no specified date available for the Tribunal decision.

As previously advised, the arbitration and hearing proceedings in relation to the Claim are required to be kept confidential.

Details of the Claim

The Company’s Claim against the Republic of Poland is being prosecuted through an established and enforceable legal framework, with GreenX and Poland agreeing to apply the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Rules (UNCITRAL) to the proceedings. The arbitration claims are being administered through the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague.

The evidentiary hearing phase of the arbitration proceedings has now been completed in front of the Arbitral Tribunal. With completion of the hearing, the Arbitral Tribunal will render an Award (i.e., a decision) in due course. There is no specified date for an Award to be rendered. Subsequent to the end of the half-year, the Company filed its post hearing brief with the Tribunal. The Company’s claims for damages against Poland are in the amount of up to £737 million (A$1.3 billion/PLN4.0 billion), which includes a revised assessment of the value of GreenX’s lost profits and damages related to both the Jan Karski and Debiensko projects, and accrued interest related to any damages. The Claim for damages has been assessed by independent external quantum experts appointed by GreenX specifically for the purposes of the Claim.

In July 2020, the Company announced it had executed the LFA for US$12.3 million with Litigation Capital Management (LCM). The facility is currently being drawn down to cover legal, tribunal and external expert costs as well as defined operating expenses associated with the Claim. The LFA is a limited recourse loan with LCM that is on a “no win – no fee” basis.

In September 2020, GreenX announced that it had formally commenced with the Claim by serving the Notices of Arbitration against the Republic of Poland. In June 2021, GreenX announced that it had formally lodged its Statement of Claim in the BIT arbitration, including the first assessed claim for compensation. The Company’s Statement of Reply  was submitted in July 2022 which addressed various points raised by the Republic of Poland in their Statement of Defence. The Statement of Reply also contained a re-evaluation of the claim for damages based on consideration of Poland’s Statement of Defence.

GreenX’s dispute alleges that the Republic of Poland has breached its obligations under the applicable Treaties through its actions to block the development of the Company’s Jan Karski and Debiensko projects in Poland which effectively deprived GreenX of the entire value of its investments in Poland.

In February 2019, GreenX formally notified the Polish Government that there exists an investment dispute between GreenX and the Polish Government. GreenX’s notification called for prompt negotiations with the Government to amicably resolve the dispute and indicated GreenX’s right to submit the dispute to international arbitration in the event of the dispute not being resolved amicably.

GreenX’s investment dispute with the Republic of Poland is not unique, with international media widely reporting that the political environment and investment climate in Poland has deteriorated since the change in Government in 2015. As a result, there are a significant number of International Arbitration claims being bought against Poland.

Highly encouraging results from initial ARC site visit


During the period, GreenX and its joint-venture (JV) partner Greenfields Exploration Ltd (Greenfields) announced the results of from the first visit to ARC.


The results of this work program have demonstrated the high-grade nature of the known copper sulphide mineralisation and wider copper mineralization in fault hosted Black Earth zones and adjacent sandstone units. The exact position of a native copper fissure at the Neergaard Dal prospect was also identified.


Analysis of this new information is underway and will be key to future work programs.


A logistical base in Greenland was also secured as part of the site visit. The Company successfully established depots, and field trialled its SHERP vehicles and advanced satellite communications systems.


Share Placing to UK and European Investors

In March 2023, the Company announced the Placing to issue 12.4 million new ordinary shares to raise gross proceeds of approximately £3.9 million (~A$6.8 million) from new and existing UK and European investors and some Australian investors. Due to high demand, directors resolved to increase the Placing to issue 14.1 million new ordinary shares to raise total gross proceeds of approximately £4.4 million (~A$7.7 million). The Placing shares were issued on 14 March 2023.


Results of Operations


The net loss of the Consolidated Entity for the half-year ended 31 December 2022 was $1,432,272 (31 December 2021: $1,963,939). Significant items contributing to the current half-year loss and the substantial differences from the previous half-year include to the following:


(i)         Arbitration related expenses of $4,830,784 (31 December 2021: $1,241,087) relating to the Claim against the Republic of Poland. This has been offset by the arbitration funding income of $4,795,937 (31 December 2021: $1,342,440);


(ii)        Sale of land rights at Debiensko of nil (31 December 2021: $654,428);


(iii)       Exploration and evaluation expenses of $668,066 (31 December 2021: $763,800), which is attributable to the Group’s accounting policy of expensing exploration and evaluation expenditure incurred by the Group subsequent to the acquisition of rights to explore and up to the commencement of a bankable feasibility study for each separate area of interest;


(iv)       Business development expenses of $132,578 (31 December 2021: $182,433) which includes expenses relating to the Group’s review of new business and project opportunities plus also investor relations activities during the six months to 31 December 2022 including public relations, digital marketing, travel costs, attendances at conferences and business development consultant costs;


(v)        Non-cash share-based payment expense of nil (31 December 2021: $1,203,339) due to incentive securities issued to key management personnel and other key employees and consultants of the Group as part of the long-term incentive plan to reward key management personnel and other key employees and consultants for the long-term performance of the Group. The expense results from the Group’s accounting policy of expensing the fair value (determined using an appropriate pricing model) of incentive securities granted on a straight-line basis over the vesting period of the options and rights. During the prior period, the Company issued 10,750,000 unlisted options which vested on issue; and


(vi)       Revenue of $161,385 (31 December 2021: $111,664) consisting of interest income of $27,901 (31 December 2021: $9,643) and the receipt of $133,484 (31 December 2021: $102,021) of gas and property lease income derived at Debiensko.


Financial Position


At 31 December 2022, the Group had cash reserves of $2,574,558 (30 June 2022: $6,106,847) and the US$12.3 million arbitration facility (US$4.2 million available at 31 December 2022) placing it in a good financial position to continue with exploration activities at ARC and with the Claim. On completion of the Placing, the Group will have cash reserves of A$10 million.


At 31 December 2022, the Company had net assets of $10,329,665 (30 June 2022: $11,812,416) an decrease of approximately 13% compared with 30 June 2022.  This is largely driven by the loss of the half-year of $1,432,272 (31 December 2021: $1,963,939).


Business Strategies and Prospects for Future Financial Years


GreenX’s strategy is to create long-term shareholder value through the discovery, exploration, development and acquisition of technically and economically viable mineral deposits. This also includes pursuing the Claim against the Republic of Poland through international arbitration in the short to medium term.


To date, the Group has not commenced production of any minerals, nor has it identified an any Ore reserves in accordance with the JORC Code.  To achieve its objective, the Group currently has the following business strategies and prospects over the medium to long term:


·        Continue to enforce its rights through an established and enforceable legal framework in relation to international arbitration for the investment dispute between GreenX and the Polish Government that has arisen out of certain measures taken by Poland in breach of the Treaties;


·        Continue to assess corporate options for GreenX’s investments in Poland;


·        Identify and assess other suitable business opportunities in the resources sector; and


·        Continue with exploration activities in Greenland.


All of these activities are inherently risky and the Board is unable to provide certainty of the expected results of these activities, or that any or all of these likely activities will be achieved. Furthermore, GreenX will continue to take all necessary actions to preserve the Company’s rights and protect its investments in Poland, if and as required.  The material business risks faced by the Group that could have an effect on the Group’s future prospects, and how the Group manages these risks, include the following:


·        Litigation risk – All industries, including the mining industry, are subject to legal and arbitration claims. Specifically, and as noted above, the Company is continuing with it its Claim against the Republic of Poland, and will strongly defend its position and will continue to take all relevant actions to pursue its legal rights in the Claim process. During the period, the hearing for the Claim was completed with Tribunal to render an Award (i.e., a decision) in due course with no specified date available for the Tribunal decision. There is however no certainty that the Claim will be successful. If the Claim is unsuccessful, then this may have a material impact on the value of the Company’s securities.

·        Earn-in and joint venture contractual risk – The Company’s earn-in right to the Project is subject to the Earn-In Agreement (EIA) with Greenfields as announced in October 2021. The Company’s ability to achieve its objectives is dependent on it and other parties complying with their obligations under the Agreement. Any failure to comply with these obligations may result in the Company not obtaining its interests in the Project and being unable to achieve its commercial objectives, which may have a material adverse effect on the Company’s operations and the performance and value of the Shares. There is also the risk of disputes arising with the Company’s joint venture partner, Greenfields, the resolution of which could lead to delays in the Company’s proposed development activities or financial loss.

If and when the Company earns in its interest in the Project, an incorporated joint venture will be established between the Company and Greenfields. The nature of the joint venture may change in future, including the ownership structure and voting rights in relation to the Project, which may have an effect on the ability of the Company to influence decisions on the Project.

·        Operations in overseas jurisdictions risk – The Project is located in Greenland, and as such, the operations of the Company will be exposed to related risks and uncertainties associated with the country, regional and local jurisdictions. Opposition to the Project, or changes in local community support for the Project, along with any changes in mining or investment policies or in political attitude in Greenland and, in particular to the mining, processing or use of copper, may adversely affect the operations, delay or impact the approval process or conditions imposed, increase exploration and development costs, or reduce profitability of the Company. Moreover, logistical difficulties may arise due to the assets being located overseas such as the incurring of additional costs with respect to overseeing and managing the Project, including expenses associated with taking advice in relation to the application of local laws as well as the cost of establishing a local presence in Greenland. Fluctuations in the currency of Greenland may also affect the dealings and operations of the Company.

Failure to comply strictly with applicable laws, regulations and local practices relating to mineral rights applications and tenure, could result in loss, reduction or expropriation of entitlements, or the imposition of additional local or foreign parties as joint venture partners with carried or other interests. Further, the outcomes in courts in Greenland may be less predictable than in Australia, which could affect the enforceability of contracts entered into by the Company.

The Project is remotely located in an area that has an arctic climate and that is categorised as an arctic desert, and as such, the operations of the Company will be exposed to related risks and uncertainties of arctic exploration, including adverse weather or ice conditions which may and has prevented access to the Project, which can impact exploration and field activities or generate unexpected costs. It is not possible for the Company to predict or protect the Company against all such risks.

The Company also had previous operations in Poland which may be subject to regulations concerning protection of the environment, including at the Debiensko and Kaczyce projects which have both been relinquishment by the Company. As with all exploration projects and mining operations, activities will have an impact on the environment including the possible requirement to make good any disturbed or damaged land.

Existing and possible future environmental protection legislation, regulations and actions could cause additional expense, capital expenditures and restrictions, the extent of which cannot be predicted which could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business, financial condition and results of operations.


·        The Group’s exploration and development activities will require further capital – The exploration and any development of the Company’s exploration properties will require substantial additional financing. Failure to obtain sufficient financing may result in delaying or indefinite postponement of exploration and any development of the Company’s properties or even a loss of property interest. There can be no assurance that additional capital or other types of financing will be available if needed or that, if available, the terms of such financing will be favourable to the Company.

·        The Group’s exploration properties may never be brought into production – The exploration for, and development of, mineral deposits involves a high degree of risk. Few properties which are explored are ultimately developed into producing mines. To mitigate this risk, the Company will undertake systematic and staged exploration and testing programs on its mineral properties and, subject to the results of these exploration programs, the Company will then progressively undertake a number of technical and economic studies with respect to its projects prior to making a decision to mine. However, there can be no guarantee that the studies will confirm the technical and economic viability of the Company’s mineral properties or that the properties will be successfully brought into production.

·        The Group may be adversely affected by fluctuations in copper prices – The price of copper fluctuates widely and is affected by numerous factors beyond the control of the Group. Future production, if any, from the Group’s mineral properties will be dependent upon copper prices being adequate to make these properties economic. The Group currently does not engage in any hedging or derivative transactions to manage commodity price risk. As the Group’s operations change, this policy will be reviewed periodically going forward.

·        The Group may be adversely affected by competition within the copper industry – The Group competes with other domestic and international copper companies, some of whom have larger financial and operating resources. Increased competition could lead to higher supply or lower overall pricing. There can be no assurance that the Company will not be materially impacted by increased competition. In addition, the Group is continuing to secure additional surface and mineral rights, however there can be no guarantee that the Group will secure additional surface and mineral rights, which could impact on the results of the Group’s operations.

·        The Company may be adversely affected by fluctuations in foreign exchange – Current and planned activities are predominantly denominated in Stirling, Danish krone and/or Euros and the Company’s ability to fund these activates may be adversely affected if the Australian dollar continues to fall against these currencies. The Company currently does not engage in any hedging or derivative transactions to manage foreign exchange risk. As the Company’s operations change, this policy will be reviewed periodically going forward.

New Vox Market Podcast, Alan Green talks about the Silicon Valley Bank, Revolution Bars #RGB, AB Dynamics #ABDP & Power Metal Resources #POW


Alan GreenCEO of Brand Communications  discusses the consequences of the Silicon Valley Bank fallout and the following companies:

AB Dynamics



#SVML Sovereign Metals – Half-year Report


ABN 71 120 833 427






Mr Benjamin Stoikovich                       Chairman

Dr Julian Stephens                  Managing Director
Mr Ian Middlemas                    Non-Executive Director

Mr Mark Pearce                        Non-Executive Director

Mr Nigel Jones                                     Non-Executive Director


Company Secretary
Mr Dylan Browne


London Office
Unit 3C, 38 Jermyn Street, London
SW1Y 6DN, United Kingdom
Telephone:                  +44 207 478 3900


Registered and Principal Office
Level 9, 28 The Esplanade
Perth  WA   6000
Telephone:                  +61 8 9322 6322
Facsimile:                    +61 8 9322 6558


Operations Office

Area 9




Stock Exchange Listings

Australian Securities Exchange
ASX Code: SVM – Ordinary Shares

United Kingdom

London Stock Exchange (AIM)

AIM Code: SVML – Depository Interests


Nominated Advisor

RFC Ambrian Limited
Octagon Point
5 Cheapside
London EC2V 6AA
United Kingdom


Berenberg, Gossler & Co, KG, London Branch
60 Threadneedle Street
London EC2R 8HP
United Kingdom
T: +44 20 3753 3132

Optiva Securities Limited
49 Berkeley Square
London W1J 5AZ
United Kingdom


Share Register

Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd
Level 5
191 St Georges Terrace
Perth  WA  6000

Telephone:                  1300 850 505
International:               +61 8 9323 2000
Facsimile:                    +61 8 9323 2033


United Kingdom

Computershare Investor Services PLC
The Pavilions,
Bridgewater Road,
Bristol BS99 6ZZ
Telephone: +44 370 702 0000


Thomson Geer


Ernst & Young


National Australia Bank

Standard Bank – Malawi





Directors’ Report

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Notes to the Financial Statements

Directors’ Declaration

Competent Person Statement

To view the following sections plus all figures and illustrations, please refer to the full version of the Interim Financial Report on our website at www.sovereignmetals.com.au

Auditor’s Independence Declaration

Independent Auditor’s Review Report


The Directors of Sovereign Metals Limited present their report on Sovereign Metals Limited (Sovereign or the Company or Parent) and the entities it controlled at the end of, or during, the half year ended 31 December 2022 (Consolidated Entity or Group).


The names of Directors in office at any time during the financial period or since the end of the financial period are:

Current Directors

Mr Benjamin Stoikovich       Chairman

Dr Julian Stephens                Managing Director

Mr Ian Middlemas                  Non-Executive Director

Mr Mark Pearce                      Non-Executive Director

Mr Nigel Jones                       Non-Executive Director

All Directors were in office from 1 July 2022 until the date of this report, unless otherwise noted.


Highlights during and subsequent to period end

Kasiya Rutile Project PFS continues to progress on schedule

·        Sovereign is well advanced with the Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) for the Kasiya Rutile Project (Kasiya), an industry-leading major source of critical raw materials from Malawi. 

·         The PFS will build on the Expanded Scoping Study (ESS) which confirmed Kasiya as potentially one of the world’s largest and potentially lowest cost producers of natural rutile and natural graphite with a carbon-footprint substantially lower than other current and planned producers.

·           The PFS is on track to be completed in H1 2023 with all major works packages well progressed.

Resource infill drilling completed

·         The Company completed a 4,660 metre, 191-hole deeper air-core (AC) and 2,206 metre, 247-hole push tube (PT) mineral resource infill drilling program to upgrade the Kasiya Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE), with the update targeted for late Q1 2023.

·            The drilling program confirmed consistency of high-grade rutile and graphite mineralisation laterally and at depth.

·           Infill core PT drilling of numerous Inferred category pits and potential pit extensions is expected to add new blocks of Indicated material.

Offtake MoU and Market Alliance with major Japanese trader

·           In July 2022, Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) (non-binding) was signed with Mitsui & Co Ltd (Mitsui), one of the largest global trading and investment companies in Japan.

·           The MoU establishes a marketing alliance and offtake for 30,000 tonnes of natural rutile per annum. The alliance will allow Sovereign to leverage Mitsui’s extensive network and their market-leading understanding of the titanium industry and global logistics.

Offtake MoU with Chemours, one of the world’s largest’ s producers of high-quality titanium dioxide pigment

·           In November 2022, a MoU (non-binding) was signed for supply of 20,000 tonnes of natural rutile per annum from Kasiya to the US-based Chemours Company (Chemours), one of the world’s largest producers of high-quality titanium dioxide pigments.

Sovereign to Demerge Standalone Graphite Projects

·           Sovereign to demerge its standalone Graphite Projects (being the Nanzeka, Malingunde, Duwi and Mabuwa Projects) into a 100%-owned subsidiary, NGX Limited, via an in-specie distribution.

·           The Demerger seeks to unlock the value of the Graphite Projects for Sovereign shareholders and separate Kasiya and its standalone Graphite Projects into two distinct companies.

·           General Meeting for Demerger to take place on 17 March 2023.

Sovereign Metals Limited (ASX: SVM & AIM: SVML) is an ASX and AIM-listed company focussed on the development of its Kasiya rutile project (Kasiya) in Malawi.

Kasiya, located in central Malawi, is the largest natural rutile deposit and one of the largest flake graphite deposits in the world. Sovereign is aiming to develop an environmentally and sustainable operation to supply highly sought-after natural rutile and graphite to global markets.

Sovereign is completing a PFS which will build on the ESS, released in June 2022, with targeted completion in H1 2023.

The ESS confirmed Kasiya as potentially one of the world’s largest and lowest cost producers of natural rutile and natural graphite with a carbon-footprint substantially lower than current alternatives. The ESS showed outstanding results including:

·           a two-stage development (stage 2 self-funded) with full production at 24Mtpa throughput producing 265kt rutile and 170kt graphite per annum over a 25 year mine life

·           exceptional economics including a post-tax NPV8 of US$1,537m and post-tax IRR of 36%

·       a large-scale operation with a low-cost profile resulting from the deposit’s near surface nature, high-grade, conventional processing flowsheet, and excellent existing infrastructure


The Company commenced a PFS which will build on the ESS which confirmed Kasiya as one of the world’s largest and potentially lowest cost producers of natural rutile and natural graphite with a carbon-footprint substantially lower than other current and planned producers.

The PFS is advancing well under the guidance of globally recognised consultants and is on schedule to be completed by its target date of H1 2023.


During the period, the Company completed a 4,660 metre, 191-hole AC and 2,206 metre, 247-hole PT drilling program at Kasiya. Drilling was conducted on a nominal 200m x 200m grid spacing targeting upgrading of mineralisation into the Indicated category which could convert to Probable Reserves as part of the forthcoming PFS. The AC results confirmed that rutile mineralisation is continuous in many pit areas from surface down to the top of saprock, normally between 20m and 30m from surface.



In July 2022, Sovereign entered into a non-binding MoU with Mitsui, one of the largest global trading and investment companies in Japan. The MoU establishes a marketing alliance and offtake for 30,000 tonnes of natural rutile per annum from the Company’s world-class Kasiya project.

This MoU creates a marketing alliance between the two parties to jointly market Sovereign’s rutile across Asia and other markets. The alliance will allow Sovereign to leverage off Mitsui’s extensive network and their market-leading understanding of the titanium industry and global logistics.

Mitsui has shared samples of rutile product from Kasiya with Asian end-users that have confirmed its premium chemical specifications should be suitable for use in their titanium sponge and pigment processes, as a precursor for high-grade, high-specification titanium metal and pigment production.


In November 2022, Sovereign entered into a non-binding MOU with Chemours for the potential supply of 20,000 tonnes per annum of natural rutile from Kasiya.

The MOU covers the potential supply of 20,000 tonnes per annum of natural rutile at Stage 1 nameplate capacity and an option to take additional product (tonnage to be agreed) when Kasiya reaches Stage 2 nameplate capacity. Further, volumes may be varied up or down by mutual agreement and pricing will reference market prices of the day (both to be included in the definitive agreement).

The MOU is non-exclusive and non-binding and remains subject to negotiation and execution of the definitive agreement. The MOU will expire two years from the execution date but can be extended by agreement by both parties should a definitive agreement not have been reached by that time.

Chemours is a leading provider of performance chemicals that are key inputs in end-products and processes across a variety of industries. Chemours operates 29 manufacturing sites serving approximately 3,200 customers in approximately 120 countries.

Its Titanium Technologies segment is one of the world’s largest producers of high-quality titanium dioxide (TiO2) pigment and aspires to be the most sustainable TiO2 enterprise in the world. Using its proprietary chloride technology-pioneered in 1931 and improving ever since-Chemours provides innovative TiO2 solutions for coatings, plastics, and laminates.

It operates four TiO2 pigment production facilities: two in the United States, one in Mexico, and one in Taiwan totalling TiO2 pigment nameplate capacity of 1.25 million tonnes per year. In the year ended 31 December 2021, Chemours’ Titanium Technologies segment reported net sales of US$3.4 Billion.

The Company is continuing product marketing with further offtake MOUs expected to be executed in the near-term.


In December 2022, Sovereign announced that it intends to undertake a demerger (Demerger) whereby Sovereign’s Malawian graphite projects, being the Nanzeka Project, Malingunde Project, Duwi Project and Mabuwa Project (Graphite Projects), are to be demerged through NGX Limited (NGX), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. This will allow Sovereign to focus on the development of the Kasiya while unlocking value in its Graphite Projects for shareholders.

The Demerger allows Sovereign and the existing management team to focus on its flagship Kasiya Rutile Project, the largest natural rutile deposit in the world, with Sovereign retaining all graphite co-product from Kasiya.

Sovereign proposes, subject to shareholder approval, to demerge the Graphite Projects via a spin-out of NGX and in-specie distribution of NGX fully paid ordinary shares (NGX Shares) to Sovereign shareholders by issuing one (1) NGX Share for every eleven (11) Sovereign shares (SVM Shares) held (Distribution), allowing Sovereign shareholders to retain exposure to the value and upside of the Graphite Projects.

Upon completion of the Demerger, NGX intends to seek admission to the official list of the ASX. NGX will undertake a capital raising to satisfy the ASX admission requirements.

Sovereign shareholders will have the opportunity to retain further exposure to the value and upside of the Graphite Projects as the NGX IPO is expected to comprise a priority offer to existing shareholders on the basis of one (1) new NGX Share for every one (1) NGX Share received pursuant to the Demerger to raise approximately $8,600,000 and a general offer of $1,000,000 to assist with satisfying ASX spread requirements. This will ensure there is no cash outflow from Sovereign to NGX as part of the Demerger, other than applicable Sovereign expenses to effect the Demerger. The terms of the NGX IPO are yet to be finalised however.

The General Meeting for the Demerger is to take place on 17 March 2023.



The net operating loss after tax for the half year ended 31 December 2022 was $8,486,503 (2021: $7,716,384) which is attributable to:

(i)       exploration and evaluation expenditure of $5,792,042 (2021: $4,188,770), which is attributable to the Group’s accounting policy of expensing exploration and evaluation expenditure (other than expenditures incurred in the acquisition of the rights to explore) incurred by the Group in the period subsequent to the acquisition of the rights to explore up to the successful completion of definitive feasibility studies for each separate area of interest. The exploration and evaluation expenditure in the current period predominately relates to the Group’s on-going PFS at its Kasiya in Malawi and associated MRE drilling;

(ii)      business development expenses of $1,130,083 (2021: $894,214) which are attributable to the Group’s costs in relation to its listing on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange and investor and shareholder relations including public relations, marketing and digital marketing, conference fees and travel costs;

(iii)     one off upfront costs in relation to the demerger of NGX of $121,839 (2021: nil); and

(iv)   non-cash share based payments expenses of $1,061,657 (2021: $2,210,324) which is attributable to the Group’s accounting policy of expensing the value of shares, incentive options and rights (estimated using an appropriate pricing model) granted to key employees, consultants and advisors. The value of incentive options and rights is measured at grant date and recognised over the period during which the option and rights holders become unconditionally entitled to the incentive securities.


Other than the above, there are no matters or circumstances which have arisen since 31 December 2022 that have significantly affected or may significantly affect:

·       the operations, in periods subsequent to 31 December 2022, of the Group;

·       the results of those operations, in periods subsequent to 31 December 2022, of the Group; or

·       the state of affairs, in periods subsequent to 31 December 2022, of the Group.


Section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001 requires our auditors, Ernst & Young, to provide the directors of Sovereign Metals Limited with an Independence Declaration in relation to the review of the half year financial report.  This Independence Declaration is on page 15 and forms part of this Directors’ Report.


This report is made in accordance with a resolution of the directors made pursuant to section 306(3) of the Corporations Act 2001.


For and on behalf of the Directors

Power Metal Resources #POW – New CEO Sean Wade talks to Alan Green

Power Metal Resources #POW – New CEO Sean Wade talks to Alan Green about current projects, including the Molopo Farms project and the Tati project in Botswana, plus upcoming IPOs for Golden Metal Resources, First Development Resources, Uranium Energy Exploration and New Ballarat Gold Corp. Sean discusses the challenging environment for the share price, how the team remain focussed on delivering on their objectives regardless and how he believes in the great inherent value in the business.

#POLB Poolbeg Pharma – POLB 001 Patent Portfolio Strengthened

Key highlights

·      Patent granted for use of certain p38 MAP kinase inhibitors for the treatment of hypercytokinaemia

·      Allows for use in combination with an antiviral agent

·      Patent enhances the robust IP portfolio protecting Poolbeg’s growing pipeline


8 March 2023  Poolbeg Pharma (AIM: POLB, OTCQB: POLBF, ‘Poolbeg’ or the ‘Company’),  a leading infectious disease focused biopharmaceutical company, announces that further to its announcement on 4 October 2022, it has been granted a patent by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for methods of treating hypercytokinaemia using POLB 001, a small molecule immunomodulator being developed to address the unmet medical need arising from severe influenza and other acute inflammatory conditions.


The USPTO granted a patent for the use of POLB 001 and related p38 MAP kinase (mitogen-activated protein kinase) inhibitors for the treatment of hypercytokinaemia (or “cytokine storm”), including hypercytokinaemia that occurs due to viral infection such as an influenza virus, cancer or an autoimmune response, through the modulation of the immune response (reducing the body’s hyperinflammatory response).


Poolbeg has a worldwide license for POLB 001 for all uses in humans and is developing a strong IP portfolio with US patent protection in place covering the use of a wide range of p38 MAP kinase (mitogen-activated protein kinase) inhibitors for the treatment of symptoms of severe influenza and hypercytokinaemia and a European patent for the class of p38 MAP kinase inhibitors for use in the treatment of severe influenza.


In January 2022, the Company filed a patent application to seek class protection for the novel use of p38 inhibitors in CAR T cell treatment. This opens up a significant new market opportunity for POLB 001 beyond severe influenza. Poolbeg continues to explore opportunities to expand its IP around this asset to cover new disease areas which could enhance the value of the asset.


The Company continues to work with its patent advisors to broaden and expand its patent families.



Jeremy Skillington, PhD, CEO of Poolbeg Pharma, said:

“We are expanding our IP portfolio across the globe, allowing us to continue advancing and protecting our programmes for the treatment or prevention of severe influenza and hypercytokinaemia. Enhanced IP protection of our assets across key markets, such as the US, increases the overall value and attractiveness of these products to potential partners. This is particularly important in the light of the recent favourable results from our POLB 001 LPS human challenge trial announced 2 March 2023.”


About POLB 001

POLB 001 is a small molecule immunomodulator for the treatment of symptoms of severe influenza, and hypercytokinaemia which may occur due to exposure to a pathogen or be triggered by cancer or an autoimmune response. Poolbeg continues to discover new indications for POLB 001 in other acute inflammatory conditions. POLB 001 selectively inhibits overwhelming inflammation that may be triggered by viral infections, such as severe influenza, while leaving the necessary immune functions intact to fight the infection. This contrasts with other immunomodulatory approaches, such as steroids, which affect both beneficial and damaging immune responses. Due to its mode of action it is strain agnostic and unaffected by seasonal variants which is a significant advantage over treatments available on the market. In addition, as a shelf stable oral drug it is an ideal stock piling candidate for both seasonal and pandemic outbreaks. Therefore, POLB 001 has the potential to be a transformational treatment for patients and to become a leading severe influenza treatment.


Cytokines, originally intended to optimise immunity, when overexpressed can sweep throughout the body re-programming white blood cells causing tissue damage, shutting down circulation and other essential organs leading to death and in certain circumstances cytokine storm or cytokine release syndrome (CRS). Such excessive cytokine responses can be seen in diseases as diverse as severe influenza and in response to chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy (CAR T cell) treatment of cancers. Poolbeg continues to evaluate POLB 001’s potential in additional indications to fully unlock the potential value of the molecule.


p38 MAP kinase (p38 MAPK) is a master regulator of immunity, ubiquitously expressed in all white blood cells where it is poised to unleash inflammation. Poolbeg’s clinical approach, inhibiting p38 MAP kinase hypothesised that it’s a prime suspect in driving the cytokine storm and its consequences in patients whose immune responses do not resolve normally, without intervention. This has now been demonstrated as a concept in a human clinical model of infectious disease and endotoxin mediated inflammation administering LPS as the endotoxin to healthy volunteers. LPS is a bacterial product that mimics infection and is used to capture the hallmarks of both local and systemic inflammation typical of a cytokine storm in humans, but in a safe, controlled and quantifiable manner – it’s one step removed from the infected critical care patient. Treatment with POLB 001 resulted in a highly significant reduction in p38 MAP kinase driven cytokines and exhibited a marked reduction in multiple markers of systemic and local inflammation compared with placebo. Read more here.

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