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Anglesey Mining #AYM – Alan Green talks to CEO Rob Marsden at Parys Mountain

Alan Green talks to recently appointed Anglesey Mining #AYM CEO Rob Marsden direct from the Company’s flagship Parys Mountain mine. Rob discusses his career, in particular the years he spent working at Rio Tinto and also the 3 years he spent heading up the Rio investment committee, charged with seeking new investment opportunities for the mining giant. Rob then covers his work as a consultant, working around the world and then the time he spent with former CEO Jo Battershill at Parys Mountain a few years ago, which led up to his joining the board. Rob provides his overview of the latest assay results from hole NCZ003, and explains how he believes the previous drilling in the 1960’s and 1970’s can give the team ‘incredible confidence’ going forward. We then look at how the team plan to approach the pre feasibility study, via both divergent and convergent phases leading to a robust PFS ahead of the move to feasibility study. Rob then maps out what investors can expect in the coming weeks and months, and how this week he has assembled a team of colleagues including a longstanding veteran Rio Tinto geologist who will bring ‘fresh eyes’ to the project.

Alpha Prospects – MSAART Plasmoid Technology investment opportunity


Alan Green talks to Alpha Prospects CEO Christopher Foster and Strike Energy President Gavin Houghton.

Alpha Prospects Ltd is an energy investment holding company with a flagship 15% shareholding in Strike Energy along with a 10% shareholding in Strike Foundation. Both are US companies which hold the license for the revolutionary Molten Sea Ark Atomic Reconstruction Technology (MSAART) invented by Malcolm Bendall. Christopher provides a brief overview of Alpha Prospects and MSAART technology principals and applications and how it harnesses the power of Plasmoids, a coherent structure of plasma and magnetic fields, found naturally in thunder storms and ball lightening. We then look at a brief video clip of Malcolm and his team successfully testing the technology, after which Gavin summarises the nebulous range of potential applications for MSAART plasmoid technology. An independent investment note was recently prepared and release by Equity Research Associates, and this is summarised by Christopher.

ECR Minerals #ECR Queensland Progress – Andrew Scott talks to Andrew Haythorpe and Adam Jones

ECR Minerals #ECR Queensland Progress – Andrew Scott talks to Andrew Haythorpe and Adam Jones. Having finished an intensive week at the Hurricane project, Adam is back at the Lolworth project seeking drill targets. Gold remains the key focus and with stream sediment data scheduled for release, the team are aiming to establish 4 main prospects for drill targets. Reflecting on the work at Hurricane, with 249 samples collected, the first two batches are processing right now. The focus is antimony, and once the samples return the team will evaluate vein size, best drill sites and the best access points. Andrew also touches on the Blue Mountain project, which is similar to Lolworth with visible gold shedding in the drainage systems, but no work has been done there yet. Andrew then puts his analyst hat on and discusses the massive disconnect between valuations and markets. Historically, equities trade at prices greater than spot gold, and despite high inflation and interest rates, with stocks as low as they are, Andrew believes we are seeing a repetition cycle similar to the lows for resource stocks in the late 1980s and 1990’s, there is an opportunity to get underpriced gold stocks into your portfolio with a 2-5 year view.

ECR Minerals #ECR – Adam Jones discusses the latest developments at Lolworth, Hurricane and Creswick

In the latest interview, Technical Director Adam Jones discusses the Lolworth niobium / tantalum announcement, the samples from the soil grid covering the main drainage channel and why the pXRF gun has proved so effective in identifying minerals like niobium. Adam explains how team originally went to Lolworth for gold, but they quickly realised the area’s potential for niobium, tantalum and rare earths and that the geology is very suited to hosting critical minerals. With 140+ rock chips collected, ECR expects a 2-3 week turnaround, but that the sheer size and scale of the area will require further rock chip collections and further refining of the best anomalous target areas.

Adam then moves to the Hurricane project, and his plans to return in August to determine access points and undertake further field work to collect rock chips. Finally Adam talks through yesterday’s Creswick announcement, and the company’s commitments to keep the ground work ticking along and further define ore shoots.

The interview finishes with Adam highlighting the expected news flow for the coming months, and explaining why the Queensland projects are lower risk and represent a bigger bang for the buck.

ECR Minerals #ECR – Hurricane Force

Andrew Scott talks to ECR Minerals Technical Director Adam Jones about the recently completed LIDAR survey at the Hurricane Project. Adam explains the LIDAR technology and its accuracy, and describes the results and elevations identified alongside the existing outcrops on a NW strike trend. Adam discusses the primary prospects Tornado, Cyclone and Holmes – Tornado is at least 200m long, averaging 3m wide and up to 20m wide in parts, with the best historical rock chips registering 17 g/t Au. ECR are waiting for indigenous approval to send a bulldozer out to fix the access track. Adam adds to CEO Andrew Haythorpe’s previous appraisal that Hurricane is a later stage project, and he believes the simplified geology will enable the company to get in, drill out and establish a mineral resource estimate in fairly short order.

Adam also touches on the Lolworth soil samples results. WIth 200 stream seds and approx 130 rock chips taken, the labs have been instructed to test for gold results first, then niobium, tantalum and rare earths. A steady flow of news is expected over the next 3 months.

ECR Minerals #ECR – Andrew Haythorpe & Adam Jones talk to Alan Green – June 2023

ECR’s Andrew Haythorpe & Adam Jones talk to Alan Green – June 2023. Adam Jones is live from the bush in Queensland, and initially discusses early findings at the Hurricane project, along with the plan of action for sampling and drilling in the coming months. Andrew then discusses the background to Hurricane and his knowledge of the project prior to his time with ECR, before discussing the plan to undertake a LIDAR survey of the project area. Adam and Andrew then discuss the latest progress from Lolworth, and the focus areas for sampling following the gold, niobium and tantalum discoveries last year and how Lolworth is shaping up into a multi commodity project of significant scale. Andrew then discusses the funding position, the challenging markets, plans for further non-core asset disposals and plans for the second drill rig that recently arrived at Melbourne. Finally Andrew re affirms his view that ECR has the some of the best assets he’s seen in recent years

Any More Acquisitions #TMOR – Alan Green talks to Doc Holliday

Any More Acquisitions #TMOR – Doc Holliday discusses the latest developments with More Acquisitions #TMOR with Alan Green

More Acquisitions #TMOR & Megasteel – Alan Green talks to Doc Holliday

More Acquisitions #TMOR & Megasteel – Alan Green talks to Doc Holliday

First Class Metals #FCM – Alan Green talks to CEO Marc Sale at Deutsche Goldmesse in Frankfurt

Alan Green talks to First Class Metals #FCM CEO Marc Sale at Deutsche Goldmesse in Frankfurt. Marc looks at the latest developments and soil sampling results from the Company’s Esa prospect, which is situated near to the famous Hemlo Gold Mine. We then look at progress at the Company’s flagship South Hemlo project and progress with the Palladium One JV at West Pickle Lake nickel copper sulphide project, plus Marc updates on progress at Dead Otter Lake before we discuss the new ZIgZag Lithium project agreement with Nuinsco Resources. Marc then touches on some of the other projects before summarising the upcoming value inflection points that investors can look forward to in the coming months.

Markets and Stocks March 2023 – Doc Holliday talks to Alan Green

Markets and Stocks March 2023 – Doc Holliday talks to Alan Green. Doc and Alan discuss the Bloomberg article on former rogue trader Nick Leeson’s new role with the Red Mist Market Enforcement Unit to investigate financial misconduct. On the stocks front we discuss Versarien #VRS and how innovative companies need to raise money. We discuss ECR Minerals #ECR and Longboat Energy #LBE and briefly look at First Class Metals #FCM and Power Metal Resources #POW

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