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Technology Minerals #TM1 and the Recyclus team in attendance at this weeks London EV Show

Technology Minerals and the Recyclus team in attendance at this weeks London EV Show @londonevshow

The event offers an exclusive platform for companies in the EV industry to showcase the latest products, services and innovations.

Visit Technology Minerals #TM1 at Stand G5 at the London EV Show

Come and meet the Technology Minerals #TM1 team on Stand G5 at the London EV Show. The show runs from today (Dec 14) to Thurs Dec 16 at the Business Design Centre, 52 Upper St, Islington, London N1 0QH.


Meet Prairie Mining #PDZ Management at Mines & Money London from 28 – 30 November 2017

Prairie Mining Limited will be attending the Mines and Money conference in London, which takes place at the Business Design Centre Ltd, 52 Upper St, London N1 0QH, from 28 November – 30 November.

Management will be available for the duration of the conference at stand C9 to discuss the Company’s latest developments at its two projects.


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