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Poolbeg Pharma #POLB CEO Jeremy Skillington talks to BRR Media

Poolbeg Pharma #POLB CEO Jeremy Skillington talks to BRR Media and outlines the progress made in the 5 months post IPO, along with group plans for 2022.

BRR Media – Open Orphan #ORPH secure MHRA approval to start Codagenix COVID-19 phase 1 vaccine trial

Open Orphan Chairman Cathal Friel speaks to BRR Media re the new contract, other developments and the CEO’s departure

Open Orphan PLC’s (LON:ORPH) Cathal Friel speaks to Rosie Riall at BRR Media after signing a new deal with a US biotech for the provision of a respiratory syncytial virus human challenge study. Cathal also covers the channel pipeline, the hVIVO quarantine centre, flu and malaria vaccines and the planned departure of CEO Trevor Phillips.

BRR Media – Cathal Friel & hVIVO Chief Scientist Andrew Catchpole discuss the Coronavirus Challenge Study and the FLU-V Vaccine

Cathal Friel & hVIVO Chief Scientist Andrew Catchpole discuss recent developments and the Coronavirus Challenge Study and the FLU-V Vaccine with the BRR Media team.

BRR Media – Open Orphan #ORPH business update

Cathal Friel, Executive Chairman of Open Orphan, provides an update on developments at the company following the successful fundraising, and also introduces Professor John Oxford – a leading expert in the field of virology and an original founder of hVIVO – who will be working with the company as a consultant.

BRR Media interviews Cathal Friel, CEO of Open Orphan #ORPH


BRR Media interviews Cathal Friel, CEO of Open Orphan #ORPH. Click on the logo to listen.

Cadence Minerals #KDNC – CEO Kiran Morzaria discusses the acquisition of the Amapá iron ore mine with BRR Media

Cadence Minerals (KDNC) BRR Media interview and Australia Lithium assets presentation

BRR Media interview

Kiran Morzaria, CEO of Cadence Minerals discusses the company’s latest Australia lithium asset accessions on BRR Media. Listen to the interview here.

Acquisition of Lithium Assets in Australia presentation slides

Link to view the full Lithium Assets Australia pdf presentation – Acquistion KDNC – March2019


Cadence Minerals #KDNC – Shareholder presentation & Q&A with CEO Kiran Morzaria

Kiran Morzaria, CEO of Cadence Minerals, held a live investor Q&A where he did a short presentation around the company’s asset and the markets they are within. Kiran then had investor questions put to him live from Scott Bannerman, Managing Director of BRR Media. 

Link here to Cadence Minerals Shareholder Q&A

Cadence CEO Kiran Morzaria discusses the Premier African Minerals #PREM Zulu lithium project potential, #KDNC other asset news & valuations & San Luis Argentine project progress with BRR Media

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