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Quoted Micro 30 October 2023


Natural language processing company Cykel AI (CYK) joined the Aquis Stock Exchange on Wednesday. It raised £1m at 3p/share and the shares ended the week at 10.25p. There was initially significant buying of the shares, but trading levels dwindled over the week so there was only one sale of 100,000 shares at 10p each on Friday.

Healthcare provider One Health Group (OHGR) generated 12% higher revenues of more than £11m in the first half. There was £3.6m in the bank at the end of September 2023. There is additional surgical capacity, and two new contracts were awarded in the first half. A new surgical hub could open in 2025. The second half is normally stronger.

Valereum (VLRM) says that US funding it secured in August is no longer available. The talks with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission concerning the purchase of the Gibraltar Stock Exchange are dragging on. Richard Poulden, Jack Sun, Patrick Young and Alan Gravett have resigned from the board. James Formolli, who has links with Gibraltar, has been appointed chairman. Patrick Lyle Young has rejoined the board as chief executive. These changes may make it easier to gain regulatory clearance for the acquisition.

Gunsynd (GUN) investee company Omega Oil and Gas estimates maiden gross 2C contingent resources of 1.73 trillion cubic feet of gas in its area in Queensland’s Taroom Trough. The next phase of exploration includes a horizontal well. The $21m raised in August will finance this next stage of exploration.

Vulcan Industries (VULC) has sold 49.9% of Lithium battery storage project developer Forepower Lincoln (250) Ltd for £1.5m, which is payable on the sale of the project or on the fifth anniversary of the agreement. The buyer will loan £500,000 and this will be offset against the consideration when it is due. This will be drawn down as the project progresses.

Ananda Developments (ANA) made an interim loss of £990,000. There was cash of nearly £12,000 at the end of July 2023. Since the end of the period, operations at the cannabis cultivation facility were paused to reduce cash burn.

Cadence Minerals (KDNC) reported a reduction in loss from £5.05m to £1.95m. Net cash was £580,000 at the end of June 2023, while NAV was £19.5m.

Cooks Coffee (COOK) has appointed RSM as administrator to its Triple Two coffee shop franchise business. There are currently eleven stores, which are trading poorly. The Esquires chain is trading well and will not be affected.

SulNOx Group (SNOX) says that fuel savings of more than 5% have been verified for seagoing vessels with a two-stroke engine when fuel conditioner SulNOxEco. This will help to increase interest from shipping companies.

Arbuthnot Banking Group (ARBB) non-exec Jayne Almond has acquired 3,000 shares at 895p each and her husband bought 5,617 shares at 890p each.


After the market closed on Friday evening, SafeStyle (SFE) said that it intends to appoint administrators to three subsidiaries. Potential buyers of the replacement windows operations have withdrawn their interest and management already revealed it would not be able to raise additional finance. This means there is unlikely to be anything left for shareholders.

Fire Angel Safety Technology (FA.) has agreed a 7.4p/share bid from fire safety products manufacturer Siterwell Electronics, which already owns 17.5%. The share price has not been at that level for six months. The offer values FireAngel Safety Technology at £27.7m.

Mining investment company Starvest (SVE) plans to cancel the AIM quotation and commence a voluntary liquidation. This would involve the distribution of stakes in Greatland Gold (GGP) and Ariana Resources (AAU) to shareholders, while the other stakes will be sold. The share price improved by 77.8% to 8p, valuing Starvest at £4.7m. This is still a discount to the March 2023 NAV of £6.75m, although for one the Ariana Resources share price has fallen since then. Shareholder approval will be sought on 21 November and the AIM cancelation could happen on 29 November.

Northern Bear (NTBR) intends to launch a tender offer to buy up to five million shares (26.7% of share capital) at 62p each. The building services provider will ask for authorisation at a general meeting on 15 November and the tender will be funded by the company’s cash and an additional £1m of debt. This will be earnings enhancing. Some shareholders say they will not tender shares, which means that other shareholders can tender at least 35.6% of their holding. Shares have to be tendered by 22 November. Jeff Baryshnik will retire as chairman after the general meeting. Trading is ahead of the previous year and a trading update will be published in the next few days.

Angling Direct (ANG) improved UK sales and European online sales recovered. The fishing tackle retailer has plans to open its first store in Europe. Interim revenues rose 11% to £43.3m, while pre-tax profit recovered from £1.1m to £1.7m. Like-for-like store sales were 4.9% ahead. Net cash reached £17.6m at the end of July 2023, helped by a reduction in working capital. August and September sales were 14% higher than the same time last year, although the comparative was a weak period. Market share is still growing.

Argentex (AGFX) has appointed Jim Ormonde as interim chief executive. He replaces previous chief executive Harry Adams, who is the second largest shareholder with 12.3%. A strategic review has identified areas of the payments sector to focus on. Jim Ormonde was boss of Cardsave, which was bought by WorldPay, and he has been a consultant to Argentex. Current trading is in line with expectations even though activity levels have been lower.

Security products supplier Thruvision (THRU) has raised £3.2m at 23.5p/share. The money has been invested by Pentland Capital, which has taken a 10% stake, and existing shareholders. The cash will be invested in sales and marketing. Earlier this month, Thruvision revealed that it had not received the expected order from US Customs and Border Protection due to budgetary problems. Forecast revenues for 2023-24 were slashed by two-fifths to £8.1m – £3.5m has been generated in the first half. A full year loss of £3.2m is expected.

Bradda Head Lithium (BHL) interims show a $6.24m cash outflow leaving $1.5m in the bank at the end of August 2023. Since the year end, an updated mineral resource showing contained metal of more than one million tonnes triggered a Lithium Royalty Company payment of $2.5m to Bradda Head Lithium, which was received in October.

Fourth quarter trading at The Mission Group (TMG) has got tougher with clients spending less. This follows a relatively upbeat trading statement at the time of the interims. The cost base was raised in anticipation of additional demand and cost cutting will not be done until next year. Canaccord Genuity slashed its pre-tax profit forecast from £7.9m to £3.1m and net debt is set to rise to £24m, which contravenes debt limits. The interim dividend is cancelled. Interest will be covered just over two times.

Sustainable fuels technology developer Velocys (VLS) has launched its new technology facility in Ohio. Velocys contributed $2m of the $10m capital investment with the rest invested by a subsidiary of The Pagura Company. The equipment will be fully up and running by mid-2024. There should be enough capacity for projected orders stretching out to 2028.

Piling contractor Van Elle (VANL) has Rock and Alluvium for an initial £1.8m and agreed a new five-year trading deal with Galliford Try, which could add more than £10m/year to revenues. This increases the group’s presence in the residential market in Greater London.


BATM Advanced Communications (BVC) investee company ADOR Diagnostics has secured funding of $7.5m and BATM is providing $3.5m of this cash. This is payable in two tranches, one immediately and the other after the achievement of milestones over the next six months.

First Tin (1SN) has published a definitive feasibility study (DFS) update for the Taronga project in Australia. The DFS should be completed in the first quarter of next year. It is already clear that the resource is significantly larger than previously estimated due to additional mineralisation and lower cut-off grade and that means processing capacity will need to be larger. The additional capital investment should improve recovery rates.

Cash shell Mining, Minerals and Metals (MMM) has entered into heads of terms with Georgina Energy, which is exploring for helium, hydrogen and hydrocarbon the Amadeus and Officer Basins in Australia. The transaction to acquire Narnia Mauritius Gas will not go ahead until the renewal of the company’s licences.

Intuitive Investments Group (IIG), which recently moved from AIM to the Specialist Fund Segment, is issuing 1.91 billion shares to acquire Hui10, a Chinese company that owns 33% of Beijing Huishi Dehua IT, which has a digital payment platform for the Chinese lottery and 60% of Lucky World, which has developed a platform that enables China’s lottery shops to access a wider range of consumer goods. The businesses are losing money. Hui10 will not be consolidated in the company’s figures. Investments Group currently has 86.9 million shares currently in issue and, at 11p/share, it is valued at £9.6m. A ten-for-one share consolidation is planned. There is already permission to issue more shares. Chief executive Rob Naylor bought 100,000 shares at 9.5p each.

BSF Enterprise (BSFA) has formed a separate subsidiary called Kerato to develop lab-grown corneas. This company can focus on advancing clinical trials.

Andrew Hore

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